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devil-may-cry and annihilation [improper form]

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:45 pm
by retardsosad
I do believe this is a multi account. Beginning turns made no sense and the two of them are not playing at the same time...only one after another. Please look into this.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:56 pm
by retardsosad 296836

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:00 pm
by retardsosad
I also find it funny that they've played many three player game together, all of these games have resulted in devil-may-cry winning. This seems to me like he is trying to boost his rating.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:02 pm
by rolyshark
I've played them (and lost to devil may cry). I suspected they might be the same purely because they ganged up on me from the start and attacked me almost exclusively without consolidating their own territories.

There could be any no of reasons for that though,but I did get a sense they were out to eliminate me asap-could just be friends doing that to thrash it out themselves.