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*Snowman* - Systematic farming of NR's[cleared/noted]

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:29 pm
by Dibbun


The accused are suspected of:

Systematic Farming of New Recruits

Game number(s):

Game 9431939 - 3/4 NR
Game 9431565 - 3/4 NR
Game 9422426 - 3/4 NR
Game 9422338 - 4/4 NR
Game 9422337 - 4/4 NR
Game 9422331 - 4/4 NR
Game 9422325 - 4/4 NR
Game 9422319 - 4/4 NR
Game 9421504 - 2/3 NR
Game 9421503 - 3/3 NR
Game 9416093 - 2/3 NR
Game 9416092 - 2/3 NR
Game 9416084 - 3/3 NR
Game 9416081 - 3/3 NR
Game 9416078 - 3/3 NR
Game 9416069 - 3/3 NR
Game 9416065 - 3/3 NR
Game 9416063 - 3/3 NR
Game 9416061 - 2/3 NR
Game 9416059 - 2/3 NR
Game 9416038 - Invitation given to NR
Game 9416032 - Invitation given to NR
Game 9416019 - 2/3 NR
Game 9416018 - 2/3 NR, invitation given to NR for last spot
Game 9416006 - 3/3 NR
Game 9416004 - 3/3 NR
Game 9416003 - 3/3 NR
Game 9416002 - 2/3 NR
Game 9416001 - 2/3 NR
Game 9415987 - 3/3 NR

Comments: There are plenty more.. and this is just on the first page. Almost all these game are active, manual, freestyle, and on complex maps. Why are there invitations given to NR's? Blatant point farming and medal farming on a massive scale. In my opinion a point reset is in order for such a severe case of farming.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:32 pm
by #1_stunna
OH, HELL NAH!!! :o

nice catch.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:39 pm
by *Snowman*
Hello there I have just had my attention drawn to this by a member. What a nice fellow and cc member Dibbun is. Dibbun is on my foe list so I can only assume he tried to enter one of my games and could not. So the result is this complaint. Right to explain my position. I won my first Tourney Saturday. I am trying to join a Clan but need experience and a good medal count. I was on the Classic map 5 player and trying for my Manual deployment and Freestyle medals. My computer is not set up on Firefox so I need to do it on 24 hour games. In nearly a year I have only played on five maps. I read about another member being accused of farming by Dibbun last week so I thought it was a good idea to start my conquest for my Cross Map medal. When I play more than one speed game at a time I make silly mistakes and have to wait a while between goes so lately I have started playing 24 hour games. I opened 50 games with 15 different maps 4/5 player thinking I need to win two games out of five to comply with the 5 player per map qualification rule. 15 plus 5 would then qualify me for a Bronze. I started at A and left all the Maps with bombardment as I have yet to play that type of game so Dibbuns comment about complicated maps was nonsense. ! am at Celtic Nations. Now as New Recruits normally do not play speed games they are grouping into these kind of settings. Try it on any of the Maps I have opened yourself and see. I am after a Manual medal, and freestyle as I said so I will continue till a medal is achieved. Now to be honest I am making mistakes as I learning my way around these new maps and New recruits are un predictable and often take one go and deadbeat. I have so far won 1 game and lost 2. My points are actually dropping. I made a suggestion on that Forum that New Recruits give no score to Rankers or can not join (This can be checked) but cc makes the rules not I. My intention is to continue with a 5 player setting as this seems to be less determined by luck. As far as the points go, I dont care a flying fig what score or rank I am asI am trying to learn these new maps. As far as top cc members I am only any good on five maps (which is pretty rubbish). Now Dibbun is an unpleasant fellow and seems to gain delight in causing mischief. Why cant he just play the games and enjoy. As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games. This was because I want to get on and existing members only seem interested in their own game settings and maps. I hope this explains myself. Regards *Snowman*

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:43 pm
by *Snowman*
Also in these games some high rankers do join and they are much more fun.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:44 pm
by safariguy5
Established clans tend to look for team medals, so the best way to go about doing that is by grabbing some good teammates and starting some public team games. Freestyle is never used in clan challenges, manual only very rarely, and cross map is nice, but not as important as dubs, trips, and quads medals.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:44 pm
by jefjef
. I am trying to join a Clan but need experience and a good medal count.

I call shenanigans!

Clans are NOT interested in your farming medals...... TEAM medals are by far the most important with some cross map and fog.

Freestyle - std - manual - are all pretty meaningless in the clan world.

As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:00 pm
by Assassin07
i dont get it here we go agian with wasting the mods time i suggest they just get rid of 5 player games if this is all that they bring is problems i dont see the big deal as alot of players have time to join i seen his games awaiting players i could of joined so why not just make it where NR can only play on classic or something common 5 games then they get a rank they can play 5 games on classic it will stop all these problems

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:18 pm
by *Snowman*
Thank you assassin07 my feeling exactly

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:40 pm
by gradybridges
assassin07 wrote:i dont get it here we go agian with wasting the mods time i suggest they just get rid of 5 player games if this is all that they bring is problems i dont see the big deal as alot of players have time to join i seen his games awaiting players i could of joined so why not just make it where NR can only play on classic or something common 5 games then they get a rank they can play 5 games on classic it will stop all these problems

ditto. Some smaller maps are no fun with more than 4 or 5 players. Either limit the maps or have a feature that bans "?" players.

Though I also agree you need team games to join a clan. That and your 90% turn rate would be a huge concern. Missing 10% of turns is huge.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:45 pm
by Assassin07
gradybridges wrote:
assassin07 wrote:i dont get it here we go agian with wasting the mods time i suggest they just get rid of 5 player games if this is all that they bring is problems i dont see the big deal as alot of players have time to join i seen his games awaiting players i could of joined so why not just make it where NR can only play on classic or something common 5 games then they get a rank they can play 5 games on classic it will stop all these problems

ditto. Some smaller maps are no fun with more than 4 or 5 players. Either limit the maps or have a feature that bans "?" players.

Though I also agree you need team games to join a clan. That and your 90% turn rate would be a huge concern. Missing 10% of turns is huge.

"Either limit the maps or have a feature that bans "?" players." that sounds good 2

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:55 pm
by Dibbun
*Snowman* wrote:Now Dibbun is an unpleasant fellow and seems to gain delight in causing mischief. Why cant he just play the games and enjoy.

At the moment I am in 9 games.

3 of them are doubles games
3 of them are tournament games
2 are 8-man games
1 is a public SoC game

In those games, there is only 1 NR - in the SoC game - and there is also a LT and a S1C in that game.

Tell me if I'm playing for the points or the medals? With such a diverse list of games I'm in? See if you look at my list of games that I've played, you'll see almost everyone I play is between the rank of Corporal and Major. This lends credibility to my rank and medals because I only play people who have a rank, so that way there's an actual game to be played and not just points to be dispersed.

I question why you play, when you only play with NR's and even invite NR's to your games. I mean is it really any kind of challenge for you at all? You are playing complex maps, maps which are not straightforward. You are playing with manual troop deployment and on freestyle - these are advanced settings which would not bode well for many NR's.

I play different types of games so I can have different experiences and not just so I can farm. You admit that you are in the hunt for certain medals, and undoubtedly it is much easier for you to obtain those medals by not having a challenge.

I read about another member being accused of farming by Dibbun last week so I thought it was a good idea to start my conquest for my Cross Map medal.

You're full of shit. You get the cross map medal by beating 5 unique opponents on however many maps, not 4, so you have no reason to make 5-person games instead of 6-person games unless you're specifically targeting NR's, which you admitted to by inviting some of them to your games. It would logically flow that winning 1 game with 5 opponents is easier than winning 2 games with 4 opponents:

1/5 x 1/5 = 1/25 -> 1/6 > 1/25

So if every player had an equal chance of victory you have a 1 in 25 chance of winning twice against 4 opponents and a 1 in 6 chance of winning against 5 opponents. But you stack the odds in your favor by ensuring that by making 5-player games you are playing against NR's.

This is a single-purpose account, to farm for medals and points. A medal reset may be appropriate in this case as well.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:55 pm
by *Snowman*
My percentage was caused by me loosing games to start at 1 point. I deadbeated 350 games when I first joined. Foolish yes, bad mannered yes, this however was unintentional as I never realized members did not want free points. I received (Quite rightly) a ban. After 5 months I made an appeal and was allowed to rejoin (paying again of course). I was made to keep my awful stats. I paid my dues and was punished fairly. My stats were on 10th May, Score 800 (this was because of a reset) Completed 620 games, won 81, % win 13% Attendance 67% and my rating was 3.9. Now I embrace cc as a gaming site and agree with its rules. I have worked hard to apologize for my past. My rates are now far better but attendance now at 90% will require me to complete 17,000 games before it hits the 98/99 % mark. My rate is now 4.7. I would like to point out two things, firstly my past proves I don't care about points and secondly I never (since I rejoined) leave a game until it has finished.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:56 pm
by ad10r3tr0
Another C&A thread created by this idiotic muppet; what is this, like 5 in the past week?

What they need to do, is make NR not lose any points for their first like 2-3-4-5 games. If you just limit them to the Classic map or maps, you will find people who will set up massive amounts of games on these maps only to have NR join them all.

If they truely want to solve the problem, the not losing any points for their first 2-3-4-5 games is the best way. Most NR when they join, join like 2-3 games. And i'd say quite a bit of them but not all don't come back. So those games they join they wouldn't be farmed because no points would be awarded. When they finish the 2-3-4 games, then you know they are ATLEAST coming back to the site to check on it.

This would STOP farming and would STOP people from joining games with all NR also. Because why would they join if they won't win any points?

But this will never happen as we are the heavenly RISK site where we offer tons of maps and setting and limited NR is not what CC is all about. It basically comes down to this, what is more important, stopping farming completely or limiting NR so they can't be farmed so easily.

To me it's a no brainer, stopping farming completely. But who am i?

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:07 pm
by *Snowman*
Dibbun thanks again for your incredible insight. If you read my post it explains that I have not played in any of these maps before. Therefore I am a newbie. If I play a general who loves a particular map it will be over before it has started and I will learn nothing. I do not really understand why you care. Just play your own games and enjoy. Also your facts are as usually completely flawed. game 9416032 is a ranker not a ? and can you please prove that I sent invites after another member has joined the game. We are taking about 6ish in 1,600 games. Also you are obsessed with rank/medals etc. Please understand playing these new recruits has its pitfalls. Playing a player who plays as you do is far easier (Once you know the rules). In a real world community there are rules stopping people like you causing concern and upset. I feel upset and quite frankly can not understand why you feel it is your place to make these judgements on people. You were foed not because of a game we played but because you are bad news.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:15 pm
by *Snowman*
Also Dibbun again I realize you have selected certain things and completely missed others. I opened 4 player games if took the time to notice. Then started 5 player games as people were dead beating. And you say hard settings. The board game (you know the one Risk) is manual is it not? So why is it a hard setting. Now fog is hard. So please stop editing the facts thank you

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:18 pm
by Dibbun
The board game Risk is played on one map, and its bonuses are well-known. On a complex map, which you know NR's have never seen before, you know precisely where to manually deploy to quickly procure bonuses and control chokepoints. It's also freestyle so you can quickly take your turn, collect your bonus, and effectively knock another player out before they get a chance to take their first real turn.

This kind of play damages the site and causes NR's to become discouraged and not return. This is a reason why systematic farming is disallowed.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:22 pm
by Assassin07
I say they make it where Nr can only play Nr until their 5 games is up if they finish 5 games and have a couple with Nr then thats fine but they will no longer be able to see Nr games and Nr would not be able to see ours or maybe just make it where Nr have a max of 5 games and can not join more then 5 till they are finished and they have a rank

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:23 pm
by Dibbun
assassin07 wrote:I say they make it where Nr can only play Nr until their 5 games is up if they finish 5 games and have a couple with Nr then thats fine but they will no longer be able to see Nr games and Nr would not be able to see ours or maybe just make it where Nr have a max of 5 games and can not join more then 5 till they are finished and they have a rank

I say quit farming, farmer.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:26 pm
by *Snowman*
Good job your not a mod then. Also nobody cares what you say sorry.

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:29 pm
by ad10r3tr0
Dibbun wrote:
Comments: There are plenty more.. and this is just on the first page. Almost all these game are active, manual, freestyle, and on complex maps. Why are there invitations given to NR's? Blatant point farming and medal farming on a massive scale. In my opinion a point reset is in order for such a severe case of farming.

Complex maps? Yeah, basic conquer maps are REALLY complex. The maps he plays on, are the same exact maps you play on including the ultimate n00b map, your favorite, Luxemborg. No thought required really, start deploy and attack. Atleast his games require some thought by manuel troop placement. Do you actually read your posts before you post? How is Celtic Nations complex, along with CCU, Canada or Cairns? Just some of the EASY maps he plays on...

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:33 pm
by ad10r3tr0
*Snowman* wrote:Good job your not a mod then. Also nobody cares what you say sorry.

Haha, you're right about that. Hence, why probably half of CC has foed his ass

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:34 pm
by Dibbun
They're complex enough for him to be a Major and still not know them - he said he made those games so he could "learn" the maps. More like learn how to get points and medals from deadbeating NR's.

*Snowman* said he's looking for a clan, ad10 you and him should form The Grange.

^In case anyone misses that reference, here: ... _Husbandry

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:35 pm
by *Snowman*
Sorry assassin my last post was directed at Dibbun not you. lol You got in before I posted

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:38 pm
by ad10r3tr0
And you should join SOC so you can actually get a good score, and learn to play on a map other that luxemborg. That map is really hard isnt it? You n00b. Can't play the complex maps? Haha, he's a major because he plays plenty of other games with competition. While you resort to games on classic and luxemborg? such noob maps with noob settings.. and you still cant win a majority of your games (40% games won) lolololol

Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:42 pm
by Dibbun
That's hilarious that you call me a noob and criticize my score when you only have your paper crown due to all the points you got from deadbeating NR's.

Game 8456531 - Won in Round 3
Game 8764913 - Won in Round 3
Game 9062448 - Won in Round 3
Game 9062453 - Won in Round 3
Game 9139094 - Won in Round 5
Game 9139102 - Won in Round 4
Game 9139110 - Won in Round 3
Game 9139118 - Won in Round 4
Game 9139122 - Won in Round 4

Looks like *Farmer* is having his games go in the same direction, where he's going to have massive point profit from deadbeating.