patepalogeneralppThe accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Game number(s):
Game 9385251Comments:
1. The two players joined within 2 days of each other and are both from the Dominican Republic.
2. The two players play almost all of their games together.
3. One players' name is patepalo (in '94 I spent some time running guns to the D.R. and there was a French/Italian restaurant in Santo Domingo named Pat'e Palo I used to dine at with my g/f at the time, Gloria - LOL, gang, DO NOT get me started about Gloria - Latina hottie!

) ... the other's name is General PP (
as in General Pat'e Palo 
). Is it possible the multi is Raul, who owned Pat'e Palo? I still have an outstanding $700 bar tab there so I'm not ruling it out but
that does not excuse multiplying games on ol' Saxi.
4. During the game, the only time the two players attacked each other was to conduct territory transfers for bonuses, never attacking each other to eliminate bonuses even when there were no border defenses - there was just a constant, pressing attack against OL' SAXI!

5. After Saxi was eliminated, green (patepalo) just rolled over and let blue take the map unimpeded.
6. Possible Woodruff was involved in this somehow, Valued Mods. Not sure how but I'm trying to get to the bottom of it.
I lost 300 points on this game so am just asking I get those points back. THX, Valued Mods.