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MountainWoman [busted]/Ghengis_Kahn_1 [noted]

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MountainWoman [busted]/Ghengis_Kahn_1 [noted]

Postby Moonglum on Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:02 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 9307269

Comments: Once MountainWoman took Europe and helped Ghengis_Kahn_1 take Africa, they have completely ignored one another, even though they were both getting bonuses between 25-35 per turn, often keeping only 1-3 troops on shared borders. Now, MountainWoman is taking northern Asia while Ghengis takes southern Asia, again leaving each other alone except for the times the one has troops in the other's intended area. It's rather blatant.

In the only other game played between them Game 9307408 (and only 1 of 3 played by MountainWoman), MountainWoman tells the other "gg..... LOVE YOU!" in chat, leading one to believe they knew each other before playing since there are no other comments in chat.

This is not sour grapes. I've played 375 games and have never reported such a thing here before. I am only doing so because the situation has sucked all the fun out of the game.
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Re: MountainWoman/Ghengis_Kahn_1 Secret Diplomacy

Postby *Snowman* on Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:15 am

On Ghengis-Kahn's wall chat I see a message from 'miztennessee' also saying she loves him and can not wait to be his wife. Could miztennessee and mountain women be the same person? If not I would like the name of Ghengis-Kahns aftershave please lol
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Re: MountainWoman/Ghengis_Kahn_1 Secret Diplomacy

Postby macbone on Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:46 am

miztennessee? mountain woman? hmmmmmm.
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Re: MountainWoman/Ghengis_Kahn_1 Secret Diplomacy

Postby king achilles on Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:50 am

MountainWoman has been busted with miztennessee.
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Re: MountainWoman [busted]/Ghengis_Kahn_1 [noted]

Postby Moonglum on Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:42 pm

And Ghengis_Khan_1 has admitted in chat that they had a secret alliance. Among other comments (such as gloating over his inevitable win), he states "it just made sense that we have a short term alliance with africa and europe on the table; when you discovered that we knew each other and probably dated ; it kinda forced us into being on the same side, besides it was working."

So he admits to the secret alliance. My only problem with this statement was that the alliance only became known once it became obvious they weren't trying to break each other's bonuses on those continents and weren't even bothering to protect them.
Sergeant 1st Class Moonglum
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