This report concerns an abusive/offensive player.
Suspect users: ltktrex
Game number:
Comments: In the in game chat you'll notice that Itktrex accuses me and another player of cheating. After some discussion Itktrex appears to realise he is wrong. We accept his apology and apparently all is well.
I then left some neutral feedback for Itktrex acknowledging what happened in the game.
So far this is of course ok. Everyone makes misjudgments in the heat of battle.
However please see Itktrex's abusive/offensive feedback. You'll see my response asking him to withdraw which Itktrex then responded to, in the same offensive vein, via PM. As moderators I presume you have access to my inbox. If not I can post it here.
I have just joined CC. I was seriously confused by Freestyle/RT at first having only played the real life board game before, but then isn't everyone?

However this experience with Itkrex made me think about leaving the site, I came for a relaxing game and found unprovoked rudeness and agression. I hope you can take appropriate action.