eddie2 wrote:if you call a gay person the f word . then why should you be aloud to call someone a fucking retard. this saying is abusive towards mentally handicapped people so does fall into the bigotry guidelines that is against the rules.
Sorry I know this is a closed forum and totally off topic but I had to respond to this post as it made me laugh so much, I love the P.C. "Politically Correct" debate so if there is a thread in some other forum on this please let us know.
"if u call a gay person the f word?????"
how do u know that they are gay to begin with? should everyone identify their sexual orientation? maybe just below hobbies and interests.....
Maybe everyone should identify their colour, sexual orient, race, religious beliefs and mental capacity so we all know what we can or cant say when leaving comments. then we can all avoid these pitfalls but if the mods here where to introduce all this extra info about people would it be then all right for two black users to use the N word? or two gay guys use the f word?
I mean what is P.C ?
I often leave comments about my disapproval of the dice or CC, usually along the lines of "these dice suck Balls" or "dice just bent me over and shafted me"......is this offensive to gay people? is
gay offensive to (trying to think of P.C word for gays) people? about 50 years ago it was and 50 years b4 that it just meant been happy
, now anything can be gay..."these dice are gay"
A word only has as much power as people give it
Some people on this site like myself like to identify there nationality by including it in there username which can lead to comments such as a game I played against
welshbean here
Game 8590759 2011-03-14 08:46:31 - IR1SH ACE: this map sucks about as much balls as the country of wales
2011-03-14 09:01:51 - welshbean: stop sulking you whining potatoe muncher
Would u identify this as some sort of "ism" (racism/culturism/nationalism) towards each other or just a bit of banter?????
it seems to me eddie that you are just one of those people that likes to complain about trivial stuff such as watchin a T.V show that has one of those warnings at the start: "this program may contain strong language, Scenes of a sexual nature &/ violence...viewer discretion is advised" then proceed in watchin said show and then been offended by the material shown in the show and ringing up some wacthdog and complaining about the show and feel as if you have done something to help better humanity for everyone's benefit when in fact you should have just changed the channel to something more to ur preference and let other people watch what they want.....
in ur comment u make a comparison between callin a gay person the f word and calling
someone a fucking retard been the same thing and it been offensive to mental "handicapped" people, So I am assuming that u have had this phrase throwing at u b4 and that u are not claiming to be mental "handicapped" and there fore offended by this comment on behalf of all mental "handicapped" of the world or are u just lookin for reasons to open up C&A reports when u should just build a feckin bridge..
I have played against some idiots in my time on CC as I am sure everyone has and may or may not have referred to some as retards but I have never come to the conclusion that there is actually mental "handicapped" (in some countries this is frowned upon as a term) people playing on this site.....I might be wrong maybe there is some HSE/NHS (Health Service Ex/National Health Service) or whatever government run program for some sort of rehab that involves playing on-line strategy games.........that would explain some games I have been in
In conclusion their is a big difference between a bit of banter/ribbing and someone been downright abusive and threatening/vile for no reason and the latter of these two should be reported via C&A, where if u are offended by the former then just foe and move on and stop trying to be the moral force for what u believe is P.C