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captain arte47 is a fraud, a cheat [Cleared]

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:56 pm
by jpliberty
Subject line: <Captains cheat especially; arte47 suspected multi/secret alliance>

These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance (delete the one they are not)

Suspect users: <arte47>

Game number:

Comments: <Arte47’s games’ represent what I think might be a long overlooked view of this game, and the kind of people who twist it into something decent people hate.

I suspect you have done nothing to look at the “rank” twits, the kind of idiots who like their ranks, and “how they get those ranks”>

I submit that arte47 is so far beyond casual cheating, that only a lax policy, policies, could allow same.

That said, I know you have A LOT of users. Still, you don’t have so many “captains”. Nor, do you extol the virtues of people so much as you hype scores. Arte47 is proof that your scoring system is beyond suck time.

Hell, how many more of these flakes do you have, how many captains, majors, etc?

I’ve looked at Arte47’s games. Why haven’t you?


What is ANY score worth without something other than a machine interpretation?

Arte47 has many games now in one stage or another where the ? players, the noobs, are dominate.

Now, look at arte47 games as a whole. Look at the number of times this twit has signed up for a game behind or ahead of one or more noobs.

Usually, only one noob in an Arte47 game. ALSO, that noob, almost always, signs up the same day or the day before the game commences, or before the noob takes turn 1.

Tip-off. Major tip-off.

Now, you can play him, .like I now do, in game #280595, and in this game, I’ve confronted the cheat for what he is.

But you wouldn’t necessarily catch all the cheats this way would you?

That is your conundrum, and ours.

Look at arte47 games, and I DEFY you to explain tome why someone like this exists on this board. He cheats, he does so obviously, and he exists in a sacrosanct manner herein.

Because the system lets him cheat. I am not missing the fact that his first many games did NOT list Noobs joining the game at the optimum time. He lost most of those games, hell, almost all of them by my quick count. Since that time, he’s discovered noobs.

Now, you also have other “high” ranked people who actually brag in your fora about “taking players under their wings”. Yeah, right. Cheats.

You have that right now in the forum about Blitzaholic. Many references to same. Hell, yeah, I like that. Taking someone under my wing, as opposed to cheating.

Correct this. It is BLATANT. Either you can, or your game system sucks. Intend no harm with this statement, just mean to say that while your system is very good, your scoring system is for the lame and the cheats. It is NOT for honest players.

Explain Arte47’s involvement. Explain to me why he/she plays so frequently, and right now in game cited, with noobs. Explain the differential with my list of games and anyone elses’…do that, explain it.

It IS NOT statistically possible. He gets these people on the same day as the game begins. No one else does.

Now, I’ve peaked at the twits current games. Do you do that?

Do so.

Tell me what you see.

I’m not privy to the ISP stuff you can uncover. But, that’s not the whole point, is it? However, just take a look you’ll see that all is not well in high ranked land.

Besides, I’m fairly high, indeed, higher win percentage than this piece of shit. And don’t think much of it. I see the game is rigged. I haven’t rigged any. But, frankly, CC riggs games. Because, you let people like arme47 rigg them right here, using your facilities, and you do nothing.

I’m sure I don’t fully appreciate the problems you folks have in keeping this forum clean. And, I apologize if I have been too harsh. However, Arne47doesn’t deserveto live in my realm. Why is arne47 in this realm?

Arne47 only has completed some 40 something games. Nip this. Nip it now.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:48 pm
by mrhuhn
you have to be kidding me just because he has some new recruits play in his games hes a cheat? i did a very quick look and it wasnt even the same noob account so i doubt hes cheating. and btw i think he got that rank by beating some really high ranked players when he was a lower rank

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:50 pm
by jpliberty
you say "you think". And what's the nonsense about "beating higher rank". It doesn't add up, not when you look at it. I simply say, look at his history, and he LOST those games you claim must have contributed to higher rank. And, you ignore the obvious.

I'm playing against this person in the game I cited in my original post. In other games I've had some instances of people I suspected of being multis. This is obvious. And, its' obvious neither arte47 nor the person who "might" be in on this with him have even a clue what to do.

Nothing about arte47's games spell accomplishment.

I wish to add, anyone who thinks rank means brains in this game, has serious problems. Don't for a minute think a higher rank means you have some superior brain power. I have a pretty high rank for a little over 30 completed games, but I lost my first 8. And, while I've been doing exceptionally well lately, lots of that is dice PLUS initial placement.

The game is fun unless cheats are allowed in. And, foremost among cheats, are smug assumed titans who like to tout their rank. Ranking, scoring, needs to be done differently.

This game was brilliantly engineered. My hat IS off to the people who did that. I just think the scoring system has no place here. It's a game. It's not about some people feelilng large. By the way, I'll take on anyone you think is some brainiac. So, too, will most others, methinks.

I may lose, but I won't feel worse.

Besides, I took a gamble on my post. I didn't believe that any noob would be so stupid as to attack only me and one of the other of the four people in the game, all to the great benefit of green. Green now might win this game still, but look again.

And, I specifically excluded the "noob", the yellow in that game, because yellow might just be a true noob. However, you discard entirely my point that I did my look at others games, and NO GAME history I reviewed, inclulding my own, included that percentage of new just signed up today players. NONE. Not even close.

And why do you ignore this? Wanta play me?

Why is this a problem for you? I've stated, and will here again, that I don't at all like calling anyone a cheat. I play for fun and to pass my time with a game I truly love. I don't get a big jock itch from any ranking system which I think is beyond laughable.

Give me your poor, your old, your tired masses, PLUS those jerks who think they really are special, and I''ll, in time, whip their asses too, on this game. It's dice and placement dude, that's the game. Not superiour intelligence.

I don't like crying wolf. But, when someone wastes my time, on something which, laboriously, is created for our mutual enjoyment, I think the community here must hear about it.

I don't like to lose, and my record here lately is over 50% win. For now.

But green and yellow are so clueless (and look at green's previous games, really clueless) that I didn't want to miss the chance to rant on the whole ranking system.

Hey, when you go into Safeway, do you want some clerk telling you that you aren't dressed right to buy those tomatoes?

That's what this place does. It tells noobs just that.

The person (people?) responsible for this site are friggin genius far beyond my poor power to add anything. And I don't detract from that. However, scoring, ranking, is succor for morons.

I don't care about what I did yesterday. I want to win the game I'm in today. Don't you?

If you don't, this game fails, this site fails. It ALL should be won loss, NO ranks, except if some of you feel good about your various clans. Cool. Do that. Leave the game alone.

People are encouraged to cheat in the current scoring system. I'd like to see cheaters go away.

mr h is wrong, and also quite obtuse

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:50 pm
by jpliberty
and for the mod, the reason I didn't choose multi vs. secret alliance is it's not always that clear.

Something's going on here, also in other games by arte47. And, look at the history of the noobs signed. And you can't know every attack value, country attempted, etc.

You may or may not find same ISP addresses. However, always, I insist, ALWAYS, you will find the same game strategy. Let the noob take the hit, and hit the opponents. Look at my game, cited in the first post, and look at the current games waged by arte47.

I reported arte47 because, quite simply, NO games are like that, not game to game. Arte47 is cheating, and THAT I'm going to state quite openly. However, I can't prove it. ISN"T THAT WHAT YOU DO?

And, do I have to prove myself to Mr. H or whoever. Hell, I DO NOT like this. I do it because of the reasons stated.

Also, look at arte47 AND yellow both clamming up since I posted.

I insist that yellow might be clear of wrongdoing, but I doubt it. And, arte47 also could be honest. However, the latter scenario tries the soul and begs to differ with basic mathematics, no matter what a nincompoop like Mr. Huhn might conjure.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:50 pm
by pancakemix
First off, why do people feel like they have to write novels?

Other than that basically he's just a guy who picks on noobs. Nothing else.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:04 pm
by jpliberty
What an intelligent comment. However, NO ONE could decipher it's meaning. So, actually, quite a stupid effort.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:09 pm
by jpliberty
The cult of rank will die a hard death here. Hell, it's established eslewhere, like over at

It has no more merit here than there.

Pure shit in both places.

Gamers, phoneys, play the sytem towards their own benefit, hell, you can throw games to keep a few more points for you, and totally screw someone who just beat you good in that game, but who will lose BECAUSE you don't even take your turn.

And, ONLY a moron supports this scoring system. ONLY a moron feels important because of some ranking, which IS NOT merit based, but WHOLLY supposed, WHOLLY do you like that twist of phrasing.

I don't ONLY mean SHOVE IT, but I do mean half of it.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:01 pm
by eye84free
u have alot of time on ur hands....thats all i can say about this....u have a lot of writing explaning alot of nothing....ur point is noted...stop posting things that make no sense...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:10 pm
by jpliberty
In short, you, you moron, have no explanation. Right? OR, do I miss your intelligence?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:17 pm
by jpliberty
exactly what is "explaining of nothing?". So you know English, can youi speak? Can you deduce" What exactly do you know?

Aside from your turdish, and immature comments, my questions about the people with whom I currenlty in a game stand. Neither has seen fit to respond to the questions I've raised. Anyone looking at the game will understand that blue knows what I've said.

Blue, indeed, probably wins this game, but not if I can help it.

Certainly not yellow or green; personally, I won't allow it.

Same as I would lay waste to the same turd who feels it's okay to slight me for calling attention to a cheat.

I beg to differ. Repeatedly, I've stated that I DID NOT KNOW. You, idiot, believe you know. YOU KNOW NOTHING. And, ou protect a game which is rigged. You protect liars.

Again, I state. Arne47 lies. His numbers prove it.

Prove me wrong or shut the f*ck up.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:39 pm
by mrhuhn
for a person that "hates the ranking system" you obviously think SOMETHING of rank or you wouldnt be posting to complain that someone is cheating to boost their rank. Really if you didnt care about rank you would just play on for fun. i agree that people that have to cheat to become a general and think they are super great for doing so are lame but......ITS JUST A GAME!

oh and by the way your comment about how placement and dice win a game....i disagree ALOT of skill is involved look

red STARTED with australia and green had all but one of africa i had nothing but yet i still won

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:00 am
by Iliad
Stop writing a novel and get to your point. This isn't a debating competion. Seriously when I read your posts I was just imagining some random guys saying this. I do not see how he is a cheat.So he plays lower ranked people. So? That doesn't make him a cheat. Just because he attacked only you does not mean he is a n00b. You easily could've been the main threat and he wanted to eleminate that threat.

You have given us no proof, you haven't even accused of anything. Accusing would be saying: player x and player y often play together in standard games, and they always seem to leave their borders unprotected. Now that would be accusing. And please why would the moderators check every captain's games. They do have a life beyond cc. If he has lost so many games against noobs, he wouldn't be captain. DO you realize how points he gains by winning against noobs, and how many points he loses by losing against noobs. All you're doing is acussing the perfectly fine ranking system.

get a life

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:22 am
by Georgerx7di
I understood pancakemix' comment. It really does look like you have nothing better to do. You will probably respond to my comment and I'll never check to see what it is, lol. You should really find better things to do. Btw, after the first two sentences, like everyone else, I stopped reading your comments.

Re: get a life

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:22 am
by eye84free
Georgerx7di wrote:I understood pancakemix' comment. It really does look like you have nothing better to do. You will probably respond to my comment and I'll never check to see what it is, lol. You should really find better things to do. Btw, after the first two sentences, like everyone else, I stopped reading your comments.

now that was funny.....nice way to word it.....

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:26 am
by MExe
JPLiberty don't get so angry, I was doing the same years ago just before the first cheats for CounterStrike were out and everybody was laughing at me... and after 2 or 3 months there the scandal came: cheats everywhere :roll:

Just wait, and maybe they will implement a checking system that will f*ck out all these losers with so much time to lose on their hands... so much time to "win" useless games and make lose time to others...

I know how you feel... I don't know if you are right or not, probably yes, but don't give a shit to who doesn't believe you here on forums, I have already seen this story.

Just keep up the thread and see what mods/programmers think of what you say.

Meanwhile I want to suggest you to play ONLY team games.
Find a mate to play with and play doubles all the time.
There is more difficult to find idiots with multiple accounts.
And even if... it's a team game so if he has a second account it's still 2 on 2 and you can f*ck him.
On triples of course you should find 2 friends.

But I repeat: don't play singles, you can find SO FUCKIN MANY multi accounts...

I also seen this on Travian (which I stopped play): 1/3 of the top players was using multiple accounts.
Ye, when they found them, after some weeks, they paid a fine (game fine) but anyway they remained in top rank and had very easy life and all the damn game was then spoiled.

Here luckily it's just a match by match.

Forget the single player!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:35 am
by Anarkistsdream
Dude... You are a whiny idiot... How fucking old are you? And you want to bitch about how peoples comments make no sense when they are much more grammatically and spelling accurate then you.

You are pathetic... Welcome to my ignore list, bitch.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:28 am
by MExe
Anarkistsdream wrote:Dude... You are a whiny idiot... How fucking old are you? And you want to bitch about how peoples comments make no sense when they are much more grammatically and spelling accurate then you.

You are pathetic... Welcome to my ignore list, bitch.

I don't care if I am in your ignore list moron, I am not english so I can't speak a great english.

I wish you a BAD illness, fuckin idiot flamer.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:44 am
by Anarkistsdream
MExe wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:Dude... You are a whiny idiot... How fucking old are you? And you want to bitch about how peoples comments make no sense when they are much more grammatically and spelling accurate then you.

You are pathetic... Welcome to my ignore list, bitch.

I don't care if I am in your ignore list moron, I am not english so I can't speak a great english.

I wish you a BAD illness, fuckin idiot flamer.

Did I quote you??? I wasn't even talking to you, moron...

Jesus... What a dumbass.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:02 am
by MExe
Anarkist of this dick.
Grow up child.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:11 am
by Anarkistsdream
MExe wrote:Anarkist of this dick.
Grow up child.

What the f*ck are you still talking about??? I wasn't TALKING TO YOU!!!

Do you understand that???

You are an idiot apparently, and incapable of grasping words and their meanings...

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:45 am
by MExe
I've got a "dumbass" word that I think it's for me.
Still you are quite a prick.
OK I just put you in ignore, bye :P

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:37 pm
by b.k. barunt
Great stuff, LMAO. Anarkist, you might want to stop by the clinic - no telling what that "bad illness" could be.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:38 pm
by Anarkistsdream
b.k. barunt wrote:Great stuff, LMAO.

Just doing what I can for ya, Burger King...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:01 am
by Master Bush
arte47 has done nothing wrong.