Game chat on wall SD [Warned/noted] KRK
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 4:07 am
I stumbled upon mumcoach's wall and cavill gave advice to him/her too a game outside of that games game chat! I've heard that this is not allowed so I'm just going to let you guys know about it! Don't know if it is a coincidence that of the 3 8 player games they've played together cavill has won 2 of them!? The game in question is Game 8762095. And the text on momcoach's wall is "hi be care full dont put to many troops on the plane in your poland game you will not be able to move them back and if anybody takes PAF they will take you out " Maybe I'm just blowing something very common out of proportion but I thought I'd let you know just incase!!
KRK Added:
Game 8762095
Bolded text
KRK Added:
Game 8762095
Bolded text