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Joey3GA and Adair410 Secret Diplomacy [cleared] Mas

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:01 pm
by HaireWolf1
<Accused: Joey3GA+Adair410

The accused are suspected of: Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 9127536
Game 9127541
Game 9099721

Comments: The game I am involved with these two is #9127536 and I noticed Joey had the S America bonus and Adair had a shot at taking it away from him but instead left his bonus alone and fortified his border to the North so noone else would have a shot at taking the bonus. Also a red flag is that they do not attack each other.

I researched the other two games they played together and found the same to be true. This was on Joey's wall, "Let me know when you get in another game. I will join too." I have no problem with buddies playing games but those should be doubles games if you are going to team up. I have some overall stats of their games so far together to this point:
Joey3Ga has attacked Adair410 6 times. He has attacked other opponents 11 times.
Adair410 has never attacked Joey3GA. He has attacked other opponents 17 times.

These stats alone are pretty stunning especially except for the one on one game the two played Adair has never attacked Joey. Multi or Diplomacy, hmmm?

Re: Joey3GA and Adair410 Secret Diplomacy [pending] Mas

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:53 am
by HaireWolf1
Their numbers have equalized a little since I drew attention to the matter but i'm still very suspicious of their play in non-team games. Either secret diplomacy or multis.

Re: Joey3GA and Adair410 Secret Diplomacy [pending] Mas

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 am
by ADAIR410
This is absolutely a false accusation. We have not ever worked together and will never work together unless we are playing doubles. I had a strategy and it did not work. I think it is ridiculous that somebody would report us for simply playing a fun game. We both have tragedies and we both go for them no matter what. Thats all there is to it.

Re: Joey3GA and Adair410 Secret Diplomacy [pending] Mas

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 am
by ADAIR410
Like I said. We have only play 4 games together. We both lost one and are still playing the others. I think you may have jumped the gun a bit, to accuse us of something so out there. This game is designed to have one winner, not two. That is what we are all going after. I am going to do my best to win(without cheating). That is all there is to it. As for us adjusting our game play because of something you said is crazy. I did not even see these accusation until a few minutes ago. So, no we did not change our strategies because of you.

Re: Joey3GA and Adair410 Secret Diplomacy [cleared] Mas

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:49 am
by Masli
I don't really see any evidence for them having an SD in this case.

Joey3GA+Adair410 have been cleared of beeing multis and for having a SD.

Re: Joey3GA and Adair410 Secret Diplomacy [cleared] Mas

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:32 pm
by Watchful Prism
They are definitley teaming up whether it's spoken in secret or just understood. Clearing them means they have simply done their cheating very well. I'm disappointed that this was not caught and dealt with appropriately...