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Secret Alliance - Jonny_Bacardi & SkyCaptain [Blocked]

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Secret Alliance - Jonny_Bacardi & SkyCaptain [Blocked]

Postby snifner on Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:23 pm

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Game number:

Comments: When the game started they both went in complete different directions, both attacking me. On the second turn the attack continued only against me. On the 4 turn it was red 106, green 76, blue 35 and green continued to only go after me while the two of the chatted about having 1000 men each.


<----end copy---->
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Postby SkyCaptain on Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:32 pm

Well actually, me and Jonny both went for different continents. I went for SA, and he got Europe. Then we publiclly, not secretly, declared our intent to kill you and goof off by building up as high as possible, which we're currently doing. So maybe teaming on you wasn't the nicest thing to do, but it wasn't secret, and you were losing already, so we just cleaned up so we could have our fun.
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not just a weird game.. pre planned secret alliance.

Postby snifner on Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:41 pm

If you review the game. You both attacked only me 95% of the time. I've just review both of your acconts and you are friends.

You two have played a few doubles games as partners pre september 2006.
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Postby SkyCaptain on Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:50 pm

Yeah, and the point of a doubles is to play as a team. So teaming in a doubles game isn't cheating. And teaming in general isn't cheating anyway, as long as it's not secret.
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Postby snifner on Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:52 pm

SkyCaptain wrote:Then we publicly, not secretly, declared our intent to kill you and goof off by building up as high as possible, which we're currently doing. So maybe teaming on you wasn't the nicest thing to do, but it wasn't secret, and you were losing already, so we just cleaned up so we could have our fun.

You didn't publicly declare your alliance until after it was blatantly obvious and I was already bitching in the chat.

2007-03-11 00:54:28 - snifner: red 106, green 76, blue 35 - turn 4.
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Postby SkyCaptain on Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:58 pm

Umm, actually, in the first turn, i attacked south america. I attacked everyone in south america. Jonny attacked Europe. Yes, that was what you had started to go for, but it wasn't well defended. Second turn, same thing. Then i had all of SA. Next turn, I went and attacked all over Africa while Jonny finished up Europe. Then the fourth turn, where we declared our alliance, and you commented at the very end of the round. I said, "Hey Jonny, wanna kill blue and just build up as high as we can?" 2 minutes before you complained about anything. So in summary, we built up on opposite sides of the map, decided to team, and then didn't attack each other after that. Not before. We definitely declared our alliance first.
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Postby snifner on Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:06 pm

In round four.

red 106, green 76, blue 35

If you had 106 guys, and jonny had 76 guys... WHY would you two have to form an alliance towards my 35 men?
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Postby snifner on Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:07 pm

I searched skycapain's forum history and he has already been busted once for multiple accounts.
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Postby snifner on Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:11 pm

How CUTE. You both have 1700+ men now.

I better not lose any points for this.
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Postby SkyCaptain on Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:11 pm

Lol, dude, that was a long, long time ago. I was only using multi's to play more than four games, not to rig games. And i got a paid since then, so it's not an issue.
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Postby Beastly on Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:43 am


nasty behavior....

thanks for the headsup, another 2 CC jerks on ignore
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Postby ZawBanjito on Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:19 am

I have to agree... this is pretty freaking rotten, Capt.
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Postby MExe on Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:49 am

SkyCaptain wrote:Yeah, and the point of a doubles is to play as a team. So teaming in a doubles game isn't cheating. And teaming in general isn't cheating anyway, as long as it's not secret.

He is really whining about teaming in a TEAM GAME?

OMFG I thought that I could do that, I am playing with one my friend in the same team and all the time organizing our attacks and defences all the time :!:

Doh :?:
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Postby wcaclimbing on Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:31 pm

why would they have a secret alliance?
what would they accomplish with that?
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Postby Beastly on Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:13 pm

MExe wrote:
SkyCaptain wrote:Yeah, and the point of a doubles is to play as a team. So teaming in a doubles game isn't cheating. And teaming in general isn't cheating anyway, as long as it's not secret.

He is really whining about teaming in a TEAM GAME?

OMFG I thought that I could do that, I am playing with one my friend in the same team and all the time organizing our attacks and defences all the time :!:

Doh :?:

wow how Noob are you? look at the game.......... its not a TEAM GAME!!!!

and what about this?

SkyCaptain wrote:Then we publicly, not secretly, declared our intent to kill you and goof off by building up as high as possible, which we're currently doing. So maybe teaming on you wasn't the nicest thing to do, but it wasn't secret, and you were losing already, so we just cleaned up so we could have our fun.
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Postby snifner on Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:59 pm

wcaclimbing wrote:why would they have a secret alliance?
what would they accomplish with that?

Why would they do this? Got me......

But - that is what happened.

You're not going to believe this. These guys are acquaintances and sometimes doubles partners. The last time these two played a game with each other was four months ago.

Check out game 88131.
This is when Jonny Bacardi got the great idea.

2006-11-07 20:23:46 - Jonny Bacardi: lets see how long we can make this game last guys, if we just build up, lets just see, that'd be hilarious
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Postby snifner on Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:13 pm

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Postby Enigma on Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:50 pm

snifner wrote:bump

bump?? what are you accusing them of? sky already said it wasnt the nicest thing to do, but it was obviously public. cummon, you were already loosing- and they had created the game to build troops neway. you just joined too fast :P

move on with your life friend.
Do you need an excuse to have a war? I mean, who for? Can't you just say "You got lots of cash and land, but I've got a big sword, so divy up right now, chop chop."
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Postby snifner on Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:13 pm

Enigma wrote:
snifner wrote:bump

bump?? what are you accusing them of? sky already said it wasnt the nicest thing to do, but it was obviously public. cummon, you were already loosing- and they had created the game to build troops neway. you just joined too fast :P

Who ever said I joined to fast until now. It was supposed to be a fair public match. If they have purchased CC accounts, why didn't the make a private room for this 7th grader crap.

2007-03-15 09:51:20 - Enigma: totally doesnt count jonny- lt green isnt a subcontinet :P u know whatshisface is still trying to get yall in trouble? lol.

Enigma, were you supposed to be the 3rd player in this circle jerk?
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Postby SkyCaptain on Fri Mar 16, 2007 2:16 pm

Lol, no enigma is just my friend, who i play with as a partner in doubles a lot. And what the heck are you doing calling enigma a jerk? If you have a problem with me and Jonny, so be it. I'm sorry we hurt your feelings by killing you in one game. But there is absolutely no reason to go bashing someone else just because you're in a bad mood. Please stop this poor display. Again, I would like to apologize to you for all this trouble, and I hope we haven't hurt your feelings too bad, that wasn't my intention at all. I can't say anything for Jonny, he seems to enjoy hurting people's feelings. :P
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Postby snifner on Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:42 pm

SkyCaptain wrote:And what the heck are you doing calling enigma a jerk?

I didn't call him a jerk. I asked if he was the third person in your childish "circle jerk". A circle jerk is a gay hand relief party. Thats the only way I know how to describe your pointless game.
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Postby SkyCaptain on Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:17 am

Oh, sorry. You didn't call enigma a jerk, but rather implied that we as a group were gay. Such striking logical arguments you present.
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Postby snifner on Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:08 am

Take the comment personal if you want. If the shoe fits.. I wasn't calling the three of you"gay". I was implying the game you are playing is as pointless as a circle jerk.

You're obviously to young to understand half the things I've said to you. Which make this conversation pointless. Just please finish the game so I can leave you both bad feedback.
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Postby SkyCaptain on Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:05 am

Wow, you're pretty pathetic. After you lose a game that took you a grand total of an hour, you drag this whole fuss out for another two weeks. You talk about me being too young to understand what you are saying, when you are obviously just a bitter person who can't get over a brief disappointment but must instead blow it out of proportion. I apologized, and I mean it sincerely. I wish you could just grow up and move on. I don't know if that's possible for you, but I would like to think you're intelligent enough to get past things like this. Anyway, I've given it my best shot, and I won't be posting here any more. I really do hope we haven't caused you any permanent grief.
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Postby snifner on Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:57 am

Don't give me this pathetic crap. You have posted in this thread continuously trying get the last word in. If you didn't make the previous post, this thread would have drifted away.

As far as the "sincere" apology you have offered up on several occasions. Its crap when you follow it up with "grow up or move on" or insinuate that my feelings are in someway hurt.

Shortly after this first happened, a moderator told me you both deserve bad feedback. This has nothing to do with hurt feeling or permanent grief. I just wanted the rest of the CC community to know about your shenanigans.
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