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Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warned]es

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:44 am
by ChrisBeerens


The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Explanation>

Severe Abuse in a game, and the player is a member of the conquer club staff, a chatter volunteer...i have no idea where this abuse came from, but why should a conquer club personnel abuse someone like this?

Game number(s):

Game 9108606


2011-05-22 01:16:10 - soldierboy: guess the dice think the pussy bitch needs a win
2011-05-22 01:16:23 - ChrisBeerens: lmao
2011-05-22 01:16:30 - ChrisBeerens: enjoy the 1 rating and foe
2011-05-22 01:16:31 - ChrisBeerens: ty bye
2011-05-22 01:16:51 - soldierboy: be my fucking guess bitch
2011-05-22 01:17:48 - soldierboy: little faget bitch
2011-05-22 01:20:18 - ChrisBeerens: lol nice spelling
2011-05-22 01:20:24 - ChrisBeerens: you must be american
2011-05-22 01:20:54 - ChrisBeerens: and you are apart of the conquer club community, well i shall make sure admin knows of this match ty :)
2011-05-22 01:20:56 - soldierboy: thought you were leaving
2011-05-22 01:21:04 - soldierboy: faggot
2011-05-22 01:21:22 - soldierboy: is that beeter for you stupid bitch
2011-05-22 01:21:32 - ChrisBeerens: :) keep going
2011-05-22 01:23:38 - soldierboy: shut the f*ck up
2011-05-22 01:25:11 - soldierboy: Canadian faggots all need to shot and thrown in the ocean with Bil laden
2011-05-22 01:27:23 - ChrisBeerens: keep it up
2011-05-22 01:29:21 - ChrisBeerens: im going to love reporting you
2011-05-22 01:35:39 - ChrisBeerens: ty for the points

Be The judge for yourself

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:11 am
by Hsur
2011-05-22 03:25:11 - soldierboy: Canadian faggots all need to shot and thrown in the ocean with Bil laden .

Guilty as charged.

Also, Who's Bil laden? :?

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:25 am
by MoB Deadly
I have had a weird experience with soldierboy as well.

Game 8709924
2011-03-16 18:27:12 - MoB Deadly: gl
2011-03-16 18:27:17 - soldierboy: NICE FUCKING DICE
2011-03-16 18:28:15 - soldierboy: AND YOU ARE GOING TO SAY GL AFTER THAT GO f*ck YOURSELF

But then I was in a doubles game against him in the wac a mod tourny and he was polite

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:33 am
by sdh
Just look at any games he loses, he gets pretty aggresive. Maybe not against the CC rules, but strange choice to have him as a mod when he acts like this.

Game 9108695
2011-05-22 08:30:29 - dazza2008: gl
2011-05-22 08:35:18 - soldierboy: your a fucking joke
2011-05-22 08:35:38 - soldierboy: thank the fucking dice gods for giving you the game
2011-05-22 08:35:48 - soldierboy: lucky ass bitch
2011-05-22 08:36:37 - dazza2008: all right buddy fucking hell
2011-05-22 08:38:54 - dazza2008: I did get good dice but why react like that to me? I do not decide who gets good or bad dice
2011-05-22 08:39:00 - soldierboy: GO TO HELL YOU FUCKING CUNT'

Game 9108107

Game 9108047
2011-05-22 05:00:46 - soldierboy: fucking lucky ass bitch
2011-05-22 05:01:30 - soldierboy: nice to now the fucking piece od shit gets the fucking dice
2011-05-22 05:01:44 - soldierboy: thank the fucking dice god you fucking idiot
2011-05-22 05:01:55 - soldierboy: for giving you them fucking game
2011-05-22 05:11:51 - soldierboy: FUCKING PUSSY ASS BITCH
2011-05-22 05:11:58 - soldierboy: TO FUCKING SCARED
2011-05-22 05:12:22 - soldierboy: SHOVE YOUR FUCKING COMPUTER UP YOUR FUCKING ASS bitch

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:35 am
by SirSebstar
Typical case of dice related issue's. Outside of the game he seems okay..

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:53 am
by 40kguy
2011-05-22 01:20:24 - ChrisBeerens: you must be american

yeah you shouldnt be in trouble for saying that?

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 10:10 am
by Serbia
SirSebstar wrote:Typical case of dice related issue's. Outside of the game he seems okay..

This is a ridiculous statement. Doesn't matter how he "seems" outside of the game; the complaint is his behavior WITHIN the game.
Also, in my opinion, once someone becomes a mod it should be that players' responsibility to behave well in ALL dealings with the public. If you can not control yourself in game chat, you should not be a mod. Period. I don't care that Live Chat has little to do with actual gameplay. You've got a colored name. You should conduct yourself better than others based on your position. It is also my opinion that mods should be dealt with more harshly than average players, for the same reasons that I stated above.

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 10:13 am
by lord voldemort
yep...obvious major infraction....he will lose his colours for this and a warning/ban

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 12:08 pm
by owenshooter
lord voldemort wrote:yep...obvious major infraction....he will lose his colours for this and a warning/ban

nah, i received a threatening pm from a moderator letting me know that i could soon find out that some of them are not to be fucked with, and i have yet to get a response from my complaint.... this will go unchecked, and the bad mods will continue to be bad and bring down the reputation of all the good mods (hi, evil!!)... in the end, just remember this:
good luck with your complaint!!!-the black tyler

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 12:51 pm
by IcePack
SirSebstar wrote:Typical case of dice related issue's. Outside of the game he seems okay..

Typical??? Not really. I admit I swear and cuss a blue streak AT THE DICE sometimes, but I don't think I've ever taken out frustration on another player based on dice.

This is way over the top treatment to a player, regardless of rank. If he feels that way anytime a low ranked player wins he should play private ones so he can always play guys who apparently are his "equals."

I'd play a low ranker with "good dice" and good attitude x10 before I play a higher ranked player with that kinda attitude.


Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 1:18 pm
by SirSebstar
Seen much irony lately? I think sarcasm is key here..

owenshooter wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:yep...obvious major infraction....he will lose his colours for this and a warning/ban

nah, i received a threatening pm from a moderator letting me know that i could soon find out that some of them are not to be fucked with, and i have yet to get a response from my complaint.... this will go unchecked, and the bad mods will continue to be bad and bring down the reputation of all the good mods (hi, evil!!)... in the end, just remember this:
good luck with your complaint!!!-the black tyler

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 2:14 pm
by Victor Sullivan
Well, this is unfortunate. I always thought soldierboy was nice. :(


Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:02 pm
by Evil Semp
soldeirboy has received a WARNING for his comments.

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:10 pm
by 40kguy
Evil Semp wrote:soldeirboy has received a WARNING for his comments.

dose the OP get a warning for making fun of Americans?

Re: Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warne

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:23 pm
by Great-Ollie
Although i take offense to soldierboy's Canadian comment, i have had nothing but fun games against him and he has been very gracious in defeat with me. We all get mad on this site from time to time.

Re: Abuse By A Conquer Club Volunteer Member soldierboy

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:34 pm
by Leehar
MoB Deadly wrote:I have had a weird experience with soldierboy as well.

But then I was in a doubles game against him in the whac a mod tourny and he was polite

That was probs my influence ;)

But yeah, I'm really concerned about these actions because they really aren't consistent with what I've known from him in the long time we've played together. He can get a bit heated if the dice don't go his way (tho don't we all sometimes?) but I really haven't seen anything to the extent of the swearing and bigotry we see here. I know he's had some medical troubles lately and that I've needed to sit for him a couple of times and just to keep an eye out over the past month so I hope this isn't somehow a result of that. Maybe it doesn't excuse these incidents completely, but it is worrisome.

I'd be interested to know if these game chats are just recent occurrences or if they have a longer history, because as I said, it really doesn't hold true with the little I know of him.

Re: Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warne

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:44 pm
by TheSaxlad
Great-Ollie wrote:Although i take offense to soldierboy's Canadian comment, i have had nothing but fun games against him and he has been very gracious in defeat with me. We all get mad on this site from time to time.

Doesnt excuse it though...

Re: Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warne

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:52 pm
by IcePack
I took a look through his games (lost, usually by lower rank) and the entire first page was filled with this. I didn't look past that.
We do all get mad from time to time, it doesn't excuse it and shouldn't be directed at the players.

I agree, we should see how far down the rabbit hole the comments go in game history...


Re: Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warne

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:55 pm
by ChrisBeerens
Sent: Sun May 22, 2011 1:49 pm
From: soldierboy
To: ChrisBeerens
I am here to say I am sorry for the harsh words I said about you in the game chat. You did not deserve that kind of abuse! What you think of me probably won't change and I don't blame you but to make myself feel better I owe you the sorry. Gl in the rest of your games.

Re: Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warne

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:57 pm
by Qwert
""SirSebstar wrote:
Typical case of dice related issue's. Outside of the game he seems okay""
No, mine case whas dice related issue, and i whas cleared, because im insulting dices, and not insult players.
These guy constanlty insulting people.

Re: Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warne

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 11:50 pm
by soldierboy
I am sorry to all the people I have talked to like this and to the people that got offended by what I said and everything you guys have said is true I should have never done it. I take the punishment in full stride. I am also sorry to the admin and all the mods for my stupid behavior

Re: Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warne

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 1:29 am
by ChrisBeerens
i posted apology because i feel everyone should know he did approach closed ty all

Re: Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warne

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:13 pm
by ws1
oh this is soooooo sweet the way it ended.Cmon on gang lets put on a show.

Re: Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warne

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:38 pm
by thechuck51
i'm sure a warning will suffice here, its not like he's done this sort of thing before :roll:

Re: Abuse By A ConquerClub Volunteer Member soldierboy[warne

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:18 pm
by Serbia
I don't understand why this was bumped... is there something new to add here? That link is to a subsequent report, that was also dealt with.