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PoloQueen and Stevas SD [CLEARED] KRK

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:49 am
by Acheloo
I would like you take a look in the Game 9039797, PoloQueen and Stevas
The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Stevas has a lot of troops but never have attacked to PoloQueen in America and PoloQueen do the same with stevas, I try to fight in the north but no way

Game number(s):

Re: PoloQueen and Stevas

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:04 am
by kennys777
Acheloo wrote:I would like you take a look in the Game 9039797, PoloQueen and Stevas
The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Stevas has a lot of troops but never have attacked to PoloQueen in America and PoloQueen do the same with stevas, I try to fight in the north but no way

Game number(s):
Game 9039797

Added links

Re: PoloQueen and Stevas

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:26 am
by kennys777
It is escalating, so the bonuses don't mean much at this point. The next set is worth 35. Stevas is about to cash, and he has a substantial amount of troops sitting in Africa, and another mini stack in Asia, even if blue breaks the bonus, pink's next turn is going to decide the game...

As a counterpoint, I do see how blue could have taken Colombia from pink just to break the SA bonus without hurting s/he position.

I went through the entire game log and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Just to be sure, I went to their walls...and nothing there either. Even though there is a wall post on Stevas, it is not for this game and it is almost a year old...

Image Stevas

Image poloqueen

This game will be over in 3 rounds either way!

Re: PoloQueen and Stevas

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 12:31 pm
by Acheloo
I think diferent because during all turns the status of no agression have been the same between PoloQueen and Stevas in Central America. Sorry for my english

Re: PoloQueen and Stevas SD [Pending] KRK

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 4:04 pm
by Qwert
hmm,i dont see secret diplomacy here. Also these is only game where stevas and poloqueens play togeter.

Also what the hell KRK means?

Re: PoloQueen and Stevas SD [Pending] KRK

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:07 pm
by Karl_R_Kroenen
Looking at the game logs, there was active attacking, which might be meaningless in an Escalating setting...

There isn't enough evidence to accuse of SD.

Stevas = Cleared
PoloQueen = Cleared

KRK is short for Karl_R_Kroenen
ES is short for EvilSemp
KA is short for King Achilles
KS is short for KingSam
Mas is short for Masli
e8 is short for eye84free