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Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Flaming [Global issue][Done]

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Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Flaming [Global issue][Done]

Postby pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 10:33 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Severe Forum Posting Abuse, Extreme Flaming


We all know that it's become acceptable to call people things like "jackass" and "idiot" in the Off-Topics forum. One mod uses the words prolifically and as far as I know, no one has any complaints. I certainly don't and wouldn't like to see that change. However, Woodruff apparently has a long history of using heavy duty expletives against other members of the Conquer Club community (in addition to regularly calling people idiots and jackasses). I was recently berated by Woodruff with severe language for the umpteenth time, so I decided it was finally time to do some searching through his post history. I guess I don't receive special insult attention from him after all. Most of us who have been banned for flaming have been given the boot for far less severe language than he's fond of using. Please keep in mind, too, that this is only the tip of the iceberg. If you go searching yourself, you'll find an awful lot of nastiness.


Woodruff wrote:You're such a pathetic f*ck

Woodruff wrote:They'd call you a fucking idiot too.

Woodruff wrote:This is simply pimpdave at his most pathetic.

Woodruff wrote:You're a pathetic individual.


Woodruff wrote:Stop being such a cowardly pussy.


Woodruff wrote:So the f*ck what - you illiterate buffoon.

Woodruff wrote:Find a fucking dictionary, you illiterate buffoon.


Woodruff wrote:f*ck you

Woodruff wrote:f*ck off.

Woodruff wrote:if you disagree, you should just shut the hell up.


Woodruff wrote:You sure are a sanctimonious bitch.


Woodruff wrote:f*ck you. Seriously. f*ck you. You disgust me.


Woodruff wrote:you ignorant f*ck.


Woodruff wrote:Look fuckhead. How pathetic is your life? You must be some sort of a doormat in real life.


Woodruff wrote:f*ck you much?


Woodruff wrote:Calm down, my ass. Like the cowardly bastard that you are, you made the insinuation that I didn't discuss the Che flag because I was somehow trying to fucking avoid it. "Speaking of lack of oversight", indeed, you dishonest f*ck.


Woodruff wrote:How the f*ck do you know I have no opinion on it? When the f*ck has it been discussed, you blowhard?


Woodruff wrote:Does it end with a question mark, retard?


Woodruff wrote:I didn't twist a damn thing, you dishonest f*ck. Keep up with your cowardly ways though...because that's clearly all you've got in your sad, little world.


Woodruff wrote:In summary...f*ck off, dickhead.


Woodruff wrote:Should you not be able to do so or should you in your eminently cowardly way refuse to respond, then kindly f*ck off.


Woodruff claim I'm making shit up and asking irrelevant questions when in reality all I'm doing is shooting the f*ck out of your argument, you little weasel.


Woodruff wrote:f*ck you.

Woodruff wrote:As if I go around editing content out of my posts. f*ck you too, pimpdave, you fucking asswipe.


Woodruff wrote:f*ck off, coward.


Woodruff wrote:You're making shit up and then claiming I'm in favor of it, dishonest f*ck that you are.


Woodruff wrote:
jefjef wrote:Well it's ok woody. I accept your apology. Thank you for that my friend.

f*ck you. I am not, nor ever shall be, your friend.


Woodruff wrote:
b.k. barunt wrote:So we have a few tards who would choose large corporate interests over Greenpeace - wadda surprise.

I'm well aware of Greenpeace's activities. f*ck Greenpeace. And anyone that supports them.


Woodruff wrote:And yet, you titled the thread "Liberal Math", you dishonest f*ck.


Woodruff wrote:you're the stupidest fucker on this site.



Woodruff wrote:You really need to learn how to STOP MAKING SHIT UP. I'd think you'd fucking have figured this out by now, but you're nothing but a fucking liar and you need to stop doing it.


Woodruff wrote:Woody didn't say any damn thing about that, you retard.


Woodruff wrote:So all you fuckers coming down on him are "like-minded" then, you fucking retard?


Woodruff wrote:You mean that stating lies and then not supporting them with facts when you get called on it isn't the oldest trick in the book?... Prove which it is, or anyone wiht any sense (apparently, not your retards) must conclude that they did not.


Woodruff wrote:Fucking retard.


Woodruff wrote:There's nothing to deny, you fucking retard.


Woodruff wrote:You are a fucking retard who has lost all sense of originality. How sad.


Woodruff wrote:
tzor wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
NightWolf wrote:Or better, tell me what it really means!

You're a retard.

So Woodruff; your saying that Racist means "You're a retard."

You also would appear to be a retard.

Stuff on par with "jackass" or "idiot" -- but considering that Serbia was banned for saying moron...


Woodruff wrote:You're an unrealistic buffoon.

More namecalling:


Woodruff wrote:You are a troll, pimpdave.
Last edited by pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 3:24 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Tue May 17, 2011 10:44 am

pimpdave wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Severe Forum Posting Abuse, Extreme Flaming


We all know that it's become acceptable to call people things like "jackass" and "idiot" in the Off-Topics forum. One mod uses the words prolifically and as far as I know, no one has any complaints. I certainly don't and wouldn't like to see that change. However, Woodruff apparently has a long history of using heavy duty expletives against other members of the Conquer Club community (in addition to regularly calling people idiots and jackasses). I was recently berated by Woodruff with severe language, so I did some searching through his post history. Most of us who have been banned for flaming have been given the boot for far less severe language than he's fond of using. Please keep in mind, too, that this is only the tip of the iceberg. If you go searching yourself, you'll find an awful lot of nastiness.

I'm really surprised he's gotten away with it for so long and continues to do so. One ban for this amount of vitriol really isn't sufficient. I think it's more fitting to give out several bans and have them run consecutively, until he finally learns to not flame with severe language, the way the rest of us have been forced to. That means he should be gone for 7 months, 1 week and 4 days.

Why is Woodruff allowed to say all of these nasty things, penalty free?

That you believe you have any understanding at all of the penalties and bans I have received is laughable. Good luck with this and your personal crusade against me. Speaking of which, how does chasing someone around the fora with trolling posts rate...because that seems to be the rut you've put yourself into lately.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 10:52 am

I don't chase anyone around the forum. I've given my opinion on things, the same as you're entitled to do. You give your opinion all the time. You tell people what you think of them all the time (although I can't remember the last time it was a compliment. You're quite prolific at putting people down though). It's not trolling when you do it, so why do you think it's trolling if others do?

I'm not the one with the personal crusade Woodruff. You're the one who publicly proclaims that you're trying to get people banned.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby MNDuke on Tue May 17, 2011 11:13 am

This stuff never gets old.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Bones2484 on Tue May 17, 2011 11:18 am

pimpdave wrote:
Stuff on par with "jackass" or "idiot" -- but considering that Serbia was banned for saying moron...

If this report is not found valid, than someone needs to finally wake the hell up and realize a mistake was made on banning Serbia for one use of the word "moron".

Actually, that needs to happen even if this report IS found valid.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Tue May 17, 2011 11:20 am

pimpdave wrote:I don't chase anyone around the forum. I've given my opinion on things, the same as you're entitled to do. You give your opinion all the time. You tell people what you think of them all the time (although I can't remember the last time it was a compliment. You're quite prolific at putting people down though). It's not trolling when you do it, so why do you think it's trolling if others do?
I'm not the one with the personal crusade Woodruff. You're the one who publicly proclaims that you're trying to get people banned.

Indeed? Perhaps you can justify these, particularly the lies about PMs coming from me...surely it would be a simple matter to prove these to the C&A folks and not your trolling efforts, right?
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Tue May 17, 2011 11:21 am

Bones2484 wrote:
pimpdave wrote:
Stuff on par with "jackass" or "idiot" -- but considering that Serbia was banned for saying moron...

If this report is not found valid, than someone needs to finally wake the hell up and realize a mistake was made on banning Serbia for one use of the word "moron".

Actually, that needs to happen even if this report IS found valid.

Yeah...irrelevant to this situation, that was an egregious decision.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 11:28 am

Wait, so let me get this straight. Anyone who responds to your posts at all is trolling? And that's why you're justified in flipping out and throwing out severe flames every week? I was astonished by how much flaming I found out you've been doing recently.

All I did was respond and give you my opinion. You've told me that things I've done are terrible before. I didn't start swearing up and down at you. I didn't report you.
Last edited by pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 11:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Qwert on Tue May 17, 2011 11:29 am

just foe hem like i foe you and move on.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 11:30 am

qwert wrote:just foe hem like i foe you and move on.

Not sufficient when we get banned for these things but he doesn't.
jay_a2j wrote:hey if any1 would like me to make them a signature or like an avator just let me no, my sig below i did, and i also did "panther 88" so i can do something like that for u if ud like...
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Tue May 17, 2011 11:48 am

pimpdave wrote:Wait, so let me get this straight. Anyone who responds to your posts at all is trolling?

I've never suggested any such thing. Of course you know that, but you can't even help but troll within your own thread.

pimpdave wrote:I was astonished by how much flaming I found out you've been doing recently.

You shouldn't have been, given that it was largely in response to your trolling.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Tue May 17, 2011 11:49 am

pimpdave wrote:
qwert wrote:just foe hem like i foe you and move on.

Not sufficient when we get banned for these things but he doesn't.

To make such a claim, you clearly have no understanding at all of my penalty/ban record.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 11:52 am

Woodruff wrote:
pimpdave wrote:Wait, so let me get this straight. Anyone who responds to your posts at all is trolling?

I've never suggested any such thing. Of course you know that, but you can't even help but troll within your own thread.


Oh... okay yeah, I rest my case.
jay_a2j wrote:hey if any1 would like me to make them a signature or like an avator just let me no, my sig below i did, and i also did "panther 88" so i can do something like that for u if ud like...
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Chewie1 on Tue May 17, 2011 12:30 pm

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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 12:31 pm

Chewie1 wrote:YAWN YAWN YAWN

Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Chewie1 on Tue May 17, 2011 12:35 pm

pimpdave wrote:
Chewie1 wrote:YAWN YAWN YAWN

Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread.

Just trying my own brand of flaming....

But seriously if any player constantly uses offensive words in posts they should have action taken against them as it is violating rules, and some are easily offended.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby jackal31 on Tue May 17, 2011 1:52 pm this true?

And you call yourself a school teacher....shame on you!
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Tue May 17, 2011 1:56 pm

jackal31 this true?

Is what true? That I have recently called pimpdave an idiot, among other things? Absolutely. Most of his links in this thread have already been dealt with through punishment however...he seems to believe in double jeopardy.

jackal31 wrote:And you call yourself a school teacher....shame on you!

Why? I'm not in class here and none of my students are on this website.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Tue May 17, 2011 1:57 pm

Chewie1 wrote:But seriously if any player constantly uses offensive words in posts they should have action taken against them as it is violating rules, and some are easily offended.

That's just it...other than the recent responses to pimpdave's trolling, most of these have already been dealt with.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 2:04 pm

Woodruff wrote:Most of his links in this thread have already been dealt with through punishment however...he seems to believe in double jeopardy.

Well, how am I supposed to know that? The mods don't share that information. Why don't you highlight those posts that you have been punished for and what the punishments were. I'll remove them from the OP.
jay_a2j wrote:hey if any1 would like me to make them a signature or like an avator just let me no, my sig below i did, and i also did "panther 88" so i can do something like that for u if ud like...
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby 40kguy on Tue May 17, 2011 2:37 pm

I have also been insulted by wood here.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby kennys777 on Tue May 17, 2011 2:46 pm

This is better than a soap opera!

Just to show I am not trolling, I am using this post to help me learn what not to do. Thanks for the learning experience.

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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby stahrgazer on Tue May 17, 2011 2:46 pm

pimpdave wrote:
Woodruff wrote:Most of his links in this thread have already been dealt with through punishment however...he seems to believe in double jeopardy.

Well, how am I supposed to know that? The mods don't share that information. Why don't you highlight those posts that you have been punished for and what the punishments were. I'll remove them from the OP.

Rather than that, have him indicate which posts when, how many separate violations they gave disciplinary action for, and request that the disciplinary action be upgraded based on repeats that occurred after the first disciplinary action and continued repeats after the last disciplinary date. After all, repeated violations - even violating something different that is not technically a repeat - are supposed to incur higher and higher disciplinary actions.

For whoever said Woodruff was a schoolteacher... wow, that is illuminating. It sheds light on what's wrong with our educational system. "It's okay because I'm not in class," is hardly an upstanding example. Unless your class is, "How to be vitriolic and abusive in public."

On the other hand, I once posted a report on someone for using, "fucking retard," and the report was rejected.

Finally, there are those who mention that some are "easily offended." I can be, but am not always easily offended. My problem with saying things like that is, it puts the onus on the listener rather than the onus on the speaker. While the US and other (not every, but some other) countries grant citizens the "right to free speech," that right still has some limitations.

Some are ethical, some are based on political correctness (or lack thereof) - for example, if anyone on CC has even a trace of Down's Syndrome, then the use of "fucking retard," takes on a new dimension, punishable by various acts that have been passed to protect the mentally disabled; making it not just a nuisance nastiness, but a criminal act to use that wording.

As another example, yelling, "Fire!" - while in itself, not offensive at all, is deemed unacceptable practice especially in crowded places. Again, the onus is on the speaker rather than the listener to exhibit some self-discipline.

Disciplinary actions sometimes have to take place when a person displays a lack of self discipline.

Clearly, the number of sample posts reflect a lack of self discipline.

So... just imagine what his students are learning from him!
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 2:58 pm

Oh I'm not looking to get Woody removed from the site or anything, I just want him to knock it off with the constant reporting, the constant trying to get people banned, the constant slinging of insults then parading around claiming he was trolled. Really what I'm looking for is for him to either take it the same way he dishes it out (I mean, honestly, why is he reporting people constantly? And then bragging about it?). Or to just stop dishing it out if he's so upset about then reaping what he sows.

This really isn't that complex of a concept. He's flamed me plenty of times, this is the first time I've ever bothered to bring it up to the mods.

As far as the easily offended thing. That's the weirdest part. Because Woodruff is incredibly easily offended. All you have to do is disagree with him or him to take it as a personal affront, but then he comes back with these big huge expletive filled posts. I wouldn't mind all of the expletive filled posts if he wasn't constantly trying to get me in trouble.
jay_a2j wrote:hey if any1 would like me to make them a signature or like an avator just let me no, my sig below i did, and i also did "panther 88" so i can do something like that for u if ud like...
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Tue May 17, 2011 3:12 pm

stahrgazer wrote:For whoever said Woodruff was a schoolteacher... wow, that is illuminating. It sheds light on what's wrong with our educational system. "It's okay because I'm not in class," is hardly an upstanding example. Unless your class is, "How to be vitriolic and abusive in public."

Oh good Lord, give me a break. This is not my class and my students are not on this website. This gives absolutely no indication of my teaching styles, my teaching abilities or how I conduct my classroom.

stahrgazer wrote:Clearly, the number of sample posts reflect a lack of self discipline.

I do have a problem with responding to pimpdave's trolling, that is true.

stahrgazer wrote:So... just imagine what his students are learning from him!

Yes, just imagine! Clearly, how someone posts on a game forum is an obvious indication of how they teach! Or, you could follow pimpdave's trolling into one of my threads to find out, that's certainly true.
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