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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:21 pm
by ratdig04


The accused are suspected of:

Secret Deplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 9049060

Most of their games.

Comments: I joined this game without looking at the players. I then noticed that these two had similar big deal. I went and looked at other games and found out they are brothers. Now, I have no problem with friends playing together but in our game they were sharing the two largest bonus boarders. It was a doodle game so any bonus is huge obviously. They both continued to break my bonus...which again is not a problem with me. They have not attacked each other a doodle game. Seems odd to me.

Now, I have eliminated two of the players because I figured the only way I was going to gain any points/advantage is to basically go on a suicide mission. I would also understand if I was a clear cut favorite in the game but I wasnt.

Im sure they will be found innocent because they are both premiums...but I do not think its right that someone is allowed to play against their brother. I am going to assume that their is an unwritten deplomacy between the two...I mean who wouldnt.

Re: jepsen1000

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 4:07 pm
by Evil Semp
jepsen1000 and jjepsen10 are CLEARED of being multi's. Being brother I would caution you about playing in 3 player games together.

Re: jepsen1000[cleared]es

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 6:22 pm
by ratdig04
Pretty sure I knew they werent multi's, mentioned it in my post.

Infact I put secret deplomacy.

Naturally they will not hit each other as often....which would be secret deplomacy. In the game I am in they attaacked each other 0 times yet borded each other with the largest bonus'. I had 4 and 5 army territories that were taken out quick and easy. Yet they left their border with 3 men.

Re: jepsen1000[cleared]es

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 6:28 pm
by Evil Semp
You sure did. I screwed up.

Re: jepsen1000[pending]es

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 4:34 pm
by jepsen1000
we have played in multiple games against others and each other and have not had any issues with anyone accusing us of secret diplomacy. In the game in question, I was attempting to secure asia and jjepsen10 did not own any terits that were advantageous for me to atk. There was not secret diplomacy here and in fact I have stressed to my brother(jjepsen10) the rules surrounding that in an earlier game.

I believe the rules on reporting secret diplomacy state that you must be "certain" of such accusations, which in this case, I don't know how ratdig could be. This game is about gaining a strategic advantage on the map, and as it played out, there was not advantage to be gained from attacking jjepsen10 and in fact, I don't even remember seeing his terits on any of my borders in the game.

I would ask this this post be removed as ratdig's accusation is unfounded and there is not way he could be "certain" of such an accusation.

Re: jepsen1000[pending]es

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:56 pm
by jepsen1000
this ragdig04 is continuing to accuse me and jjepsen10 of cheating even though that is not the case and his accusations are unfounded. Is there anything that can be done about this, I am sick of dealing with this person and his/her inability to let this go. not to mention accusing someone of cheating so flippantly should not be taken so lightly.

Re: jepsen1000[pending]es

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:00 pm
by ratdig04
Im not sure why you think theres no way I wouldnt think two brothers wouldnt have an unwritten deplomacy.

The fact is, when given the opportunity to attack someone else or my brother, im going with someone else. That is a secret deplomacy pal. Its garbage that you two are allowed to play together...but whatever. Guess me and my 'brother' will be getting premium and start playing together.

Re: jepsen1000[pending]es

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:54 pm
by Evil Semp
At first I did a multi check on these guys thinking it was a multi complaint. I am sorry for my mistake, and we know I already said that they aren't multis.

ratdig04 wrote:Im sure they will be found innocent because they are both premiums...

If we favored premiums in our decisions we wouldn't have some of the multi bust that we do. Personally it doesn't matter to me if they are a paying customer or not.

ratdig04 wrote:but I do not think its right that someone is allowed to play against their brother. I am going to assume that their is an unwritten deplomacy between the two...I mean who wouldnt.

We don't tell many people who they can't play against. Those that are told they can't play against each other we have lots of proof that they were cheating. Assuming can make an a......... I play against my wife a few times in multi player games. She wants to kill me more than anyone else. So to answer your question I wouldn't.

That being said it looks like these guys were playing for continents. They have only had 1 or 2 games on this map. I don't see the secret diplomacy. This is CLEARED.