Here are some details, Early in the game Pink was telling red about Green and Yellow (me)'s move "
2011-05-15 00:29:44 - timogl: look out. the green is coming.
2011-05-15 00:32:19 - timogl: loo,k out. the yellow is coming.
then not much later
2011-05-15 00:59:55 - timogl: ah, i just go through killing his stacks and breaking his bonus. you're welcome.
2011-05-15 01:00:51 - timogl: not europe though. i couldn't reach that, he had central america stacked up.
*** This is a fog game... and he s telling hs buddy abou twhere my troops were.
then a lot of that
2011-05-15 01:13:50 - timogl: ah the name calling. i
t always comes down to that for you. nothing, ever your fault. everyone else an idiot. f*ck off, ok? in any way you find most comfortable.
2011-05-15 01:15:50 - monkeymagic: with your mums quite comfortable
Seems t me they know one another well enough to say things like that ......
then 2011-05-15 01:25:24 - timogl: monkey can you reach SA?
2011-05-15 01:25:56 - monkeymagic: erm maybe next time

2011-05-15 01:26:48 - timogl: ok
2011-05-15 01:28:03 - monkeymagic: not really now i can follow him back through europe
2011-05-15 01:28:08 - monkeymagic: in n.a
then again it s a fog game ...
2011-05-15 02:20:26 - monkeymagic: sorry pink yellow is rather strong in those areas comparively
2011-05-15 02:21:19 - timogl: oh, no problem.
2011-05-15 02:42:16 - monkeymagic: pink at this rat ei am going to be doing your dad too :0
2011-05-15 02:43:44 - timogl: giggle. sorry monkey.but i got zero expectation if you keep that stuff, you attack anybody with it but me. you would do the same thing.
2011-05-15 02:44:52 - monkeymagic: ok i did not understand that but am off for a joint so will see if it makes sense when i get back
2011-05-15 02:45:22 - timogl: (the yellow just truly has got too fucking much. i try to cut into his deployment, but its just impossible)
2011-05-15 03:00:44 - timogl: go ahead. there is nothing in iberia. next turn, you turn the game around. the yellow will attack me, you don't need to worry This is not even a Secret they re teing eachother about my troops on the chat ...
2011-05-15 03:26:07 - timogl: no you are going to win. just press it. i got your back.
So I am not going to past the whole log but it seems pretty clear t me that they both worked against me and telling things that aren t supposed to be discuss in a fog game .
I dont care about loosing a fair game but in this case I really don't feel that it was a fair game.
Maybe I m wrong but I don't think so
thank s for looking into it