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Abusive language - bigbluegator[closed]es

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:29 am
by Sprocc


The accused are suspected of:

General Abuse and language

Game number(s):

Game 8962077


First comment in the below game was abusive and swearing. People do this all the time but they usually build up to it not start out with it. this swearing then repeated. Looked through a number of this persons past games and he only ever says abusive and swearing comments. Didnt find a single nice comment in any game I looked at.

This game should be fun. We don't need such people playing.

Re: Abusive language - bigbluegator

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:45 am
by SirSebstar
Just a suggestion, but you can block such players from joining your games by foeing them. When you have them foe'd you will also not be confronted with their gamechats in the games that you are in together.

Re: Abusive language - bigbluegator

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:44 am
by Evil Semp
We don't moderate game chat except in extreme cases. Like SS suggested foe and you won't be able to see his game chat. CLOSED.