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me605 and buddhabelly- Secret Diplomacy [Cleared] KS

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:21 am
by jodinic627


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 8747802


In this game that has been going on forever, at first, they were both playing fairly. Now, for the past two rounds, green (me605), has had his borders at andrew and kermit completely wide open next to blue and blue has not attacked green, but has attacked me. Two rounds ago, blue placed ALL his deploy troops on Austin, while I had a HUGE stack at dead zone (my stack even outweighed his). Why would he fight against me so hard when the troop leader (green) had wide open borders and blue could have EASILY placed his troops on abeliene and taken out most of greens troop bonuses? So now, green got his major bonus, broke into me for the FIRST time in the game, and again did not reinforce his borders at andrew/kermit. And blue now has his country back instead of attacking green as well. Seems like they have a secret truce to take me out suddenly and blue/green won't attack each other until then.

Re: me605 and buddhabelly- Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 11:18 am
by eddie2
really do you think this is true.

2011-04-27 05:52:15 - jodinic627: You had a clear entry way into ALL his bonuses...
2011-04-29 14:56:05 - buddhabelly: really...low man...and you keep taking my bonus...why do you think i am holding back?

lol you keep on hitting buddas bonuses and expect him to hit mac of course he needs to protect himself from you and while doing it this gives mac the opertunity to attack you since you are in the middle.

there is no sd here it is how the game is played. maybe take your own advice in a previous game you had with my son. learn how to play the game before you comment.

Re: me605 and buddhabelly- Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:29 pm
by jodinic627
We are the same rank, please stop acting like you know everything and SERIOUSLY stop trolling on everything I do.

And I DO expect him to hit ME605, (not mac), as he is troop leader THAT is how the game is played. And Budda had AMPLE troops to deploy (almost 30 in total in the last two rounds) and it would take about 5 each round to take out ALL of the troop leaders bonus troops. Maybe YOU need to learn how to play before you troll into other people's cases. I find it AMAZINGLY ironic that you're even commenting against me as YOU suspected ME of SD and it was completely cleared as it was not true, because I actually DO play where I will attack those that do not reinforce their borders to take out the highest troop bonus I can. I don't really need your opinion.

Re: me605 and buddhabelly- Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:10 am
by king sam
This is their first game together, usually for SD to be proven we need to see a trend of one player acting in someone else's best interest. In games you will see everyone has a different strategy, and everyone's strategy is not always the best. In this game it appears that at the time of the non hostilities between their unguarded borders could have been because they could see the greater good was to keep each other in tact so they could battle you. Even though its an alignment of force without verbal (written) cueing it was an understanding seen by both of them that would prolong their chances of winning. This happens quite a lot actually, especially in a 3 man game when one player has the upper hand. Had one of them broke those non defended borders you probably would have seen a retaliation and had them fighting each other which would have been favorable to you.

At the time of your post on blue having a clear way into all of greens bonuses you had just previously broken all 3 of greens bonuses which he held for 2 rounds.

This isn't SD, but if you don’t agree with the way the players have conducted themselves or played the game feel free to Foe & Rate Accordingly.

In the future you might want to be Warned though that game chat can be an enemy, it hasn’t appeared to be that much in this game, but sometimes shooting from the hip with accusations can cause undue attention on you and can cost you a much invested game.



P.S. This is an open forum, by making a thread in here you will get suggestions from other users, for and against at times.