risktaker22 has lied to the world...
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:10 am
This is the true story of risk game #271155... it has been condensed to write it in the shortest space possible... I'm writing this hoping that risktaker22 (BLUE) will realize what really happened in this game and remove the negative feedback he left for me... timthetuneman (me) is RED in this game...
Once upon a time........
03-04 22:31:08 - RED deployed 4 armies on E. Australia + conquered OCEANIA
03-04 22:33:50 - RED fortified N. Africa with 6 armies ((( 9 total armies on N. Africa )))
03-04 23:07:41 - GREEN deployed 4 armies on Argentina + conquered all of SOUTH AMERICA
03-04 23:52:30 - BLUE deployed 4 armies on Afghanistan + took Ukraine + fortified Ontario with 4 armies
03-04 23:55:04 - RED held OCEANIA + deployed 6 armies on China
03-04 23:55:43 - RED took Brazil from GREEN ((( just 1 army left in N.Africa + Brazil ))) --- ((( RED lost 8 armies attacking GREEN ...!!! )))
03-05 09:31:49 - GREEN lost S. AMERICA + deployed 4 armies on Congo + conquered all of AFRICA + Brazil
03-05 12:12:50 - BLUE deployed 3 armies on S. Europe + conquered all of EUROPE
03-05 16:59:42 - RED held OCEANIA + deployed 6 armies on India
03-05 17:00:45 - RED deployed 6 armies on India + took Mid. East + E. Africa --- ((( RED lost 5 more armies attacking GREEN again ...!!! )))
Summarizing what happened so far... RED owns OCEANIA... BLUE owns EUROPE... GREEN has only 1 continent after just retaking brazil...
RED lost 13 total armies attacking GREEN's continent TWICE... preventing GREEN from getting 5 extra armies...
Shouldn't this make BLUE feel happy...? RED and GREEN are both much weaker due to those costly attacks by RED...
Instead... here's what was said in the chat room....
<<< chat >>> 03-05 20:03:24 - BLUE said: GREEN, fort up your troops in ASIA so it will make it harder for RED to get it
Wow... what a crappy way to treat RED after he wasted 13 of his armies breaking into GREEN'S continents..... TWICE...!!
<<< chat >>> 03-05 22:49:44 - RED said: what the heck can i do about anything...??? lol
<<< chat >>> 03-05 23:08:52 - RED said: why dint BLUE attack GREEN when he had the chance...???
03-05 21:31:13 - GREEN lost AFRICA + held S. AMERICA + deployed 6 armies on Madagascar + took E. Africa + Ural + Ontario
03-05 21:32:17 - GREEN fortified Ural with 4 extra armies ----- right into ASIA ----- ((( just like BLUE told him to do )))
03-05 22:39:53 - BLUE held EUROPE + deployed 8 armies on Iceland
03-05 22:40:44 - BLUE conquered all of N. AMERICA + Kamchatka + Yakutsk ((( while neglecting europe )))
When RED saw what BLUE had done in N. AMERICA... he couldn't believe his eyes... he was also worried about what GREEN might do next...
When RED saw that BLUE didn't attack GREEN... he felt betrayed... so this is what he said in the chat room next...
<<< chat >>> 03-05 23:44:07 - RED said: and AGAIN... blue dint attack green...??? dont you want to WIN...???
<<< chat >>> 03-05 23:44:30 - RED said: f*ck this... i'm attacking blue from now on...!!!
GREEN now had TWO continents... and a big pile of armies in Ural that BLUE told him to put there... Here's what happened next...
03-05 22:48:35 - RED held OCEANIA + deployed 5 armies on Mongolia + took Irkutsk to get a card
03-05 23:06:06 - GREEN held S. AMERICA + AFRICA + turned in cards worth 4 armies + deployed 13 armies on Ural
03-05 23:07:01 - GREEN conquered all of EUROPE from BLUE + Greenland + fortified 3 armies into Ukraine (((next to RED)))
03-05 23:22:21 - BLUE lost EUROPE + deployed 3 armies on NW Territory + took Alaska from RED ((( how nice of him )))
So what did RED do on his next turn... attack BLUE as he promised... nope... he attacked GREEN again + lost even more armies...
03-05 23:42:54 - RED held OCEANIA + deployed 5 armies on Mid. East ((( 8 total ))) + attacked E.Africa + lost 6 armies + didn't get a card
So what do you think BLUE said after the THIRD time RED attacked BLUE'S continents...??? Praise... Thanks...??? Nope...
<<< chat >>> 03-06 02:08:24 - BLUE says: you have a border with him too... why dont you do something ???
<<< chat >>> 03-06 02:23:27 - RED says: what should i use for armies...???
<<< chat >>> 03-06 02:23:42 - RED says: and i HAVE attacked him... i LOST tons of armies too...!!!!
<<< chat >>> 03-06 02:27:51 - RED says: didn't you see my last move...???
<<< chat >>> 03-06 02:28:25 - RED says: i just put 5 armies on Mid. East and lost 6 attacking E. Africa... and didn't even get a card...!!!
Wow.... BLUE doesn't seem to notice how weak RED is after warring 3 times against BLUE'S continents... Nor does he care...
03-06 02:22:45 - GREEN held S. AMERICA + EUROPE + AFRICA + deployed 16 armies on Venezuela
03-06 02:24:11 - GREEN conquers all of N. AMERICA + Mid. East + Afghanistan + Kamchatka + Japan
03-06 02:35:32 - BLUE turns in a set of cards + deployed 9 armies on Yakutsk + attacked 5 countries in ASIA leaving just 1 army on each...
03-06 02:49:06 -RED held OCEANIA + deployed 5 armies on Siam + conquered all of BLUE'S territory eliminating him from the game
BLUE'S final comment summed up his lack of understanding of what RED had tried to accomplish 3 times earlier against GREEN...
<<< chat >>> 03-06 22:43:43 - BLUE says: you could have done something you douchebag...you did absolutely nothing so... STFU...
Now... is that any way to treat RED who fought GREEN hard + never really attacked BLUE the whole game until the end...???
I didn't think so... no decent human being would treat RED that way... but BLUE had even more abuse in store for RED... Negative feedback...!!!
Here's an exact copy of that feedback...
i dont care if i get neg. feedback in return but i cannot allow ppl to play with this person. he yelled for not attacking the best player when i was outnumbered from the
begining and if u look at the game then u will see that he did nothing to help deafeat this big player. he just wanted the 2 BETTER ppl 2 knock eachother out so he
How can somebody treat a person who spent nearly the entire game and losing 19 armies attacking the other guy... it's just not fair...!!!
I think that it's only right that this negative feedback be removed... don't you...??? An apology would also be nice... Don't you think...???
I'm sending this message to the game admistrator for review... I really hope you will reconsider your negative feedback...
I know i have deserved negative feedback in the past... I totally believe that i don't deserve it in this case...
So... please accept my apology for anything i said in anger... And... please remove the negative feedback you left for me...
Here's thanks in advance for doing the right thing... THANK YOU...!!!
Once upon a time........
03-04 22:31:08 - RED deployed 4 armies on E. Australia + conquered OCEANIA
03-04 22:33:50 - RED fortified N. Africa with 6 armies ((( 9 total armies on N. Africa )))
03-04 23:07:41 - GREEN deployed 4 armies on Argentina + conquered all of SOUTH AMERICA
03-04 23:52:30 - BLUE deployed 4 armies on Afghanistan + took Ukraine + fortified Ontario with 4 armies
03-04 23:55:04 - RED held OCEANIA + deployed 6 armies on China
03-04 23:55:43 - RED took Brazil from GREEN ((( just 1 army left in N.Africa + Brazil ))) --- ((( RED lost 8 armies attacking GREEN ...!!! )))
03-05 09:31:49 - GREEN lost S. AMERICA + deployed 4 armies on Congo + conquered all of AFRICA + Brazil
03-05 12:12:50 - BLUE deployed 3 armies on S. Europe + conquered all of EUROPE
03-05 16:59:42 - RED held OCEANIA + deployed 6 armies on India
03-05 17:00:45 - RED deployed 6 armies on India + took Mid. East + E. Africa --- ((( RED lost 5 more armies attacking GREEN again ...!!! )))
Summarizing what happened so far... RED owns OCEANIA... BLUE owns EUROPE... GREEN has only 1 continent after just retaking brazil...
RED lost 13 total armies attacking GREEN's continent TWICE... preventing GREEN from getting 5 extra armies...
Shouldn't this make BLUE feel happy...? RED and GREEN are both much weaker due to those costly attacks by RED...
Instead... here's what was said in the chat room....
<<< chat >>> 03-05 20:03:24 - BLUE said: GREEN, fort up your troops in ASIA so it will make it harder for RED to get it
Wow... what a crappy way to treat RED after he wasted 13 of his armies breaking into GREEN'S continents..... TWICE...!!
<<< chat >>> 03-05 22:49:44 - RED said: what the heck can i do about anything...??? lol
<<< chat >>> 03-05 23:08:52 - RED said: why dint BLUE attack GREEN when he had the chance...???
03-05 21:31:13 - GREEN lost AFRICA + held S. AMERICA + deployed 6 armies on Madagascar + took E. Africa + Ural + Ontario
03-05 21:32:17 - GREEN fortified Ural with 4 extra armies ----- right into ASIA ----- ((( just like BLUE told him to do )))
03-05 22:39:53 - BLUE held EUROPE + deployed 8 armies on Iceland
03-05 22:40:44 - BLUE conquered all of N. AMERICA + Kamchatka + Yakutsk ((( while neglecting europe )))
When RED saw what BLUE had done in N. AMERICA... he couldn't believe his eyes... he was also worried about what GREEN might do next...
When RED saw that BLUE didn't attack GREEN... he felt betrayed... so this is what he said in the chat room next...
<<< chat >>> 03-05 23:44:07 - RED said: and AGAIN... blue dint attack green...??? dont you want to WIN...???
<<< chat >>> 03-05 23:44:30 - RED said: f*ck this... i'm attacking blue from now on...!!!
GREEN now had TWO continents... and a big pile of armies in Ural that BLUE told him to put there... Here's what happened next...
03-05 22:48:35 - RED held OCEANIA + deployed 5 armies on Mongolia + took Irkutsk to get a card
03-05 23:06:06 - GREEN held S. AMERICA + AFRICA + turned in cards worth 4 armies + deployed 13 armies on Ural
03-05 23:07:01 - GREEN conquered all of EUROPE from BLUE + Greenland + fortified 3 armies into Ukraine (((next to RED)))
03-05 23:22:21 - BLUE lost EUROPE + deployed 3 armies on NW Territory + took Alaska from RED ((( how nice of him )))
So what did RED do on his next turn... attack BLUE as he promised... nope... he attacked GREEN again + lost even more armies...
03-05 23:42:54 - RED held OCEANIA + deployed 5 armies on Mid. East ((( 8 total ))) + attacked E.Africa + lost 6 armies + didn't get a card
So what do you think BLUE said after the THIRD time RED attacked BLUE'S continents...??? Praise... Thanks...??? Nope...
<<< chat >>> 03-06 02:08:24 - BLUE says: you have a border with him too... why dont you do something ???
<<< chat >>> 03-06 02:23:27 - RED says: what should i use for armies...???
<<< chat >>> 03-06 02:23:42 - RED says: and i HAVE attacked him... i LOST tons of armies too...!!!!
<<< chat >>> 03-06 02:27:51 - RED says: didn't you see my last move...???
<<< chat >>> 03-06 02:28:25 - RED says: i just put 5 armies on Mid. East and lost 6 attacking E. Africa... and didn't even get a card...!!!
Wow.... BLUE doesn't seem to notice how weak RED is after warring 3 times against BLUE'S continents... Nor does he care...
03-06 02:22:45 - GREEN held S. AMERICA + EUROPE + AFRICA + deployed 16 armies on Venezuela
03-06 02:24:11 - GREEN conquers all of N. AMERICA + Mid. East + Afghanistan + Kamchatka + Japan
03-06 02:35:32 - BLUE turns in a set of cards + deployed 9 armies on Yakutsk + attacked 5 countries in ASIA leaving just 1 army on each...
03-06 02:49:06 -RED held OCEANIA + deployed 5 armies on Siam + conquered all of BLUE'S territory eliminating him from the game
BLUE'S final comment summed up his lack of understanding of what RED had tried to accomplish 3 times earlier against GREEN...
<<< chat >>> 03-06 22:43:43 - BLUE says: you could have done something you douchebag...you did absolutely nothing so... STFU...
Now... is that any way to treat RED who fought GREEN hard + never really attacked BLUE the whole game until the end...???
I didn't think so... no decent human being would treat RED that way... but BLUE had even more abuse in store for RED... Negative feedback...!!!
Here's an exact copy of that feedback...
i dont care if i get neg. feedback in return but i cannot allow ppl to play with this person. he yelled for not attacking the best player when i was outnumbered from the
begining and if u look at the game then u will see that he did nothing to help deafeat this big player. he just wanted the 2 BETTER ppl 2 knock eachother out so he
How can somebody treat a person who spent nearly the entire game and losing 19 armies attacking the other guy... it's just not fair...!!!
I think that it's only right that this negative feedback be removed... don't you...??? An apology would also be nice... Don't you think...???
I'm sending this message to the game admistrator for review... I really hope you will reconsider your negative feedback...
I know i have deserved negative feedback in the past... I totally believe that i don't deserve it in this case...
So... please accept my apology for anything i said in anger... And... please remove the negative feedback you left for me...
Here's thanks in advance for doing the right thing... THANK YOU...!!!