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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:46 pm
by Gunn217

Re: chaos32679

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:06 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Gunn217 wrote:Accused:

WMD Hockey

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 8895003
Game 8895001
Game 8891369
Game 8891268
Game 8891266
Game 8891265
Game 8891259
Game 8889170
Game 8889158
Game 8889151
Game 8889148
Game 8889145
Game 8889142
Game 8889140


Looks like the guy is just creating players to join his games. It's possible that a couple of these are legit, but they were all created on the 4-11 and joined the same games so I doubt it. I didn't list them all, just got tired of cutting an pasting.

More than half these players aren't even from the same country.

If anything this might be a case of Farming.

Re: chaos32679

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:19 pm
by Gunn217

Re: chaos32679

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:50 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Gunn217 wrote:I don't know how he did it but they were all created today. Several of them within a few minutes of each other. And they just happen to join the same games. Come on, man. Pretty Obvious.

There are 9 games open with the settings this guy likes to use. None of them have new ? players in them. So it is it just a HUGE coincidence that he got a bunch of guys that joined today to join his games?

Yes, it happens. I hate dragging the case up (I really do), but Aalmeida17 was warned for farming New Recruits, because he had about 500+ NR's joining his games because they ATTRACTED them.

Riddle me this, if these are all of his multi's, how are some of the IP addresses from Russia? Ireland? Peru? UK? And they aren't via proxies, because CC blocks Proxy sites from logging on this website. And i'm 99.999999999999999999999% sure he didn't take flights to these different places just to create a few multi's for a Risk-based website.

lackattack wrote:After studying web proxy use for several months we've discovered that much less than 1% of our membership visits Conquer Club through web proxies and a large portion of this proxy use is by members with multiple accounts. We decided to block access to Conquer Club through web proxies to help our multi hunters enforce the rules and keep out the bad guys.

Re: xxxxxxx

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:20 pm
by Evil Semp
I don't see any multi's in this group. This group is CLEARED.

Gunn217 wrote:I don't know how he did it but they were all created today. Several of them within a few minutes of each other. And they just happen to join the same games. Come on, man. Pretty Obvious.

There are 9 games open with the settings this guy likes to use. None of them have new ? players in them. So it is it just a HUGE coincidence that he got a bunch of guys that joined today to join his games?

When new players join, especially around the same time they probably get the same games on their join a game page.

Gunn217 next time please don't delete everything in your post. When I first looked at this thread and saw all x's I almost sent you a warning.

Re: xxxxxxx[cleared]es

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:09 pm
by Gunn217
A Warning? Ha, Wouldn't have surprised me in the least. Consider me warned. :roll: