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Mr Doom Volrazz Foppa - Multi/Secret Diplomacy[warned]KRK

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:43 pm
by Wes24601
Mr Doom

I was playing Game 8374519 with Mr Doom, and Volrazz. It seemed like they were working together and helping each other out. Another player, mudrat, noted the same thing.

They denied it at first, but when I mentioned looking at how many games they have played together, they went silent.

They are in 65 games together. Eliminating Doubles+, and ongoing games, they have played and finished 32 singles games together. Mr Doom has won 13 (40%), Volrazz has won 10 (30%), about 70% together. I could believe that it if they were both highly ranked, but that's a very high win percentage for a sergeant and a captain.

The player foppa is also from Canada, plays alot of games with the same two players, and has won two of those 32 listed games.

I suspect they are a multi...or secret diplomacy.

Re: Mr Doom Volrazz Foppa - Multi/Secret Diplomacy[pending

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:28 pm
by Funkyterrance
I would definitely say they are in kahootz if they have played that many singles games together. Lame.

Re: Mr Doom Volrazz Foppa - Multi/Secret Diplomacy[pending

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:26 am
by drunkmunky
Not necessarily! The only reason I got onto this site was when I was visiting friends in Norway. One of them just happened to play Conquer Club, and we started talking about how awesome the game of Risk was (over a game of course). He then told me about this website and I've been hooked ever since.

When I first started, I played a TON of games with him, both in his team and against him. We were never secretly making alliances, if they were made for a map it was in the game chat...we talked about conquer club as a whole but never singled out games that we were going to help each other out in.

Just because people play a lot together, although it can be frowned upon, doesn't mean they're always secretly allied. There's a certain amount of fun to play in games with a friend, not necessarily in a team, and try and either manipulate the other players in the game to give you a victory or plain strategically out play your friend. It's bragging rights.

Granted this situation may be slightly different if they're all from the same country/I.P./whatever...but I just wanted to point out that not everyone who plays in lots of games with the same people are cheats!

Re: Mr Doom Volrazz Foppa - Multi/Secret Diplomacy[pending

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:48 am
by Wes24601
Hi Drunkmunky,
I am not reporting them for playing lots of games together. I completely understand that.

I am reporting them because they are clearing helping each other in the game I am playing, and they have a very high win % in games they have played together with others. To have a combined win rate of nearly 70%, some cheating/secret diplomacy has to be going on.

Re: Mr Doom Volrazz Foppa - Multi/Secret Diplomacy[pending

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:40 pm
by mafdq
Acused :

I highky suspect the first two players to be played by the same opponent,
as deceangli is playing a very bad way wich goes in the interest of BigPoppaT,
except for gaining a card. Above all, I suggest you all to check the game :
8850038 game , wich is the I've been playing against them, deceangli
Niga and cordero are especially passive and acting strangely.

Thank you

Re: Mr Doom Volrazz Foppa - Multi/Secret Diplomacy[pending

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:30 pm
by Funkyterrance

I guess I wasn't specific enough in my response. One thing to consider however is that while you may not be cheating in any way by playing singles games with your rl friend you have to consider that this will be viewed as highly suspicious. After all, is it not very possible that given the chance to target a stranger vs. your friend in a game you will choose the former? I don't have a problem with anyone playing with their friends on a team but I feel the temptation may be too great for a lot of people to play singles with friends in the game. While you can argue that you aren't cheating most people will be doubtful and it will most likely cause dissent in those games.

Re: Mr Doom Volrazz Foppa - Multi/Secret Diplomacy[pending

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:08 am
by king sam
mafdq BUSTED as a multi


Re: Mr Doom Volrazz Foppa - Multi/Secret Diplomacy[pending

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:40 pm
by Caymanmew
Funkyterrance wrote:Monkey,

I guess I wasn't specific enough in my response. One thing to consider however is that while you may not be cheating in any way by playing singles games with your rl friend you have to consider that this will be viewed as highly suspicious. After all, is it not very possible that given the chance to target a stranger vs. your friend in a game you will choose the former? I don't have a problem with anyone playing with their friends on a team but I feel the temptation may be too great for a lot of people to play singles with friends in the game. While you can argue that you aren't cheating most people will be doubtful and it will most likely cause dissent in those games.

if i am playing with a friend i always try and kill them over other because it is funner to beat your friends them some unknown person

Re: Mr Doom Volrazz Foppa - Multi/Secret Diplomacy[pending

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:28 pm
by Wes24601
I agree, friends usually target friends in this type of game...unless there is some sort of agreement/secret diplomacy to work together.

And not exactly sure why this thread now involves another report cheaters. :)

Re: Mr Doom Volrazz Foppa - Multi/Secret Diplomacy[warned]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:57 pm
by Karl_R_Kroenen
Apologizes for delay...

Mr DooM - warned
volrazz - warned
foppa - CLEARED - wasn't even in the game