Suspect users: Mingle and Pablicosta
Game number:
Comments: I have a chat log from an IRC chat in another game plus you can see the chat in game after I PMed the guy about the others cheating he confronted them they did not deny only tried to cover it up, weakly if I may say so myself. Anyway here is the IRC chat:
[03:09] <mingle>
[03:09] <chefjoe> yeah?
[03:09] <mingle> risk
[03:09] <mingle> number 270117
[03:09] <chefjoe> ok
[03:13] <chefjoe> mingle how to join game?
[03:14] <KING> someone already joined...
[03:16] <KING> mingle, hurry up.
[03:19] <KING> stupid dice
[03:22] <KING> the dice really dicked me over that turn
[03:22] <mingle> you're in a tricky situation!
[03:23] <mingle> shall we work to take the othe rguy out
[03:23] <KING> yeeeeeah okay
[03:23] <KING> so i can count on you not attacking from the south west?
[03:24] <Kokunai> dishonorable as hell......
[03:24] <mingle> yeah, as long as you don't attack cornwall or n egnlad
[03:24] <Kokunai> not to mention against the rules
[03:24] <KING> Honour is for proud people
[03:24] <KING> I'm not a proud man.
[03:24] <KING> also, it's mingle's fault-he should have passworded the game
[03:25] <Kokunai> so that is no reason to cheat
[03:27] <mingle> i can't pasword the game
[03:27] <KING> He's called Dungeon Kipper.
[03:27] <KING> He deserves everything that comes to him
[03:29] <KING> did he just get 15 sarmies
[03:29] <KING> and put them all on a borderless area?
[03:30] <mingle> how much is it?
[03:30] <mingle> not worth it
[03:30] <mingle> hmm well that risk set killed me!
[03:32] <KING> mingle
[03:32] <KING> I need to start mine before he does
[03:34] <mingle> he's not going to get any bonus this next go!
[03:34] <mingle>
[03:34] <mingle> mwahahhahahahaha
[03:36] <KING> he's got north england
[03:36] <KING> oh no
[03:36] <KING> isle of man
[03:36] <KING> yay!
[03:36] <mingle>
[03:37] <mingle> hurry up i need to go shower
[03:37] <KING> go go go
Kokunai, on behalf of Dungn Keypr. He is aware as you can see from the game chat.