by Evil Semp on Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:19 pm
You are the strongest in the game at this time. You will be getting 12 on your next turn if nothing changes. It looks to me like you in the best position to protect your bonus. You have three borders to protect, and you are getting 2 bonuses. Almost Sully is getting two bonuses and has five borders that would need protecting. GenKafka has one bonus with three borders to protect.
Sometimes in games the obvious move is to not make a move. Would it be in GenKafka's best interest to attack Almost Sully's bonus? No I don't think so. Would it be in Almost Sully's best interest to break GenKafka's bonus? Again I don't think so. The only one who would gain by those actions would be you.
Just because someone doesn't do an attack that you think is best you should try to put yourself in their place and see if it would be a good move for you.
I do not see the secret diplomacy here. This is CLEARED. Feel free rate accordingly.