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SUSPECTED MULTI's - Tito82 and Nika2 ( In Limbo? )

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:43 am
by AlbroShlo
These are suspected Multi's

Suspect users: tito82 and nika2

Game number: 215930

Comments: In the game i played with them they did not attack each other an entire game on the World2.0 map. The other player in the game asked them what was up and they denied being allianced. A few turns later i asked and they were still not honest about it. We tried to make a doubles game of it but lost. Pretty easy to tell just take a look...


PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:12 pm
by b.k. barunt
Oh cmon baby albro stop with the whining! You can't lose a freakin game without yelling cheater! cheater! You pathetic prissy little beyatch. You're giving the rest of the gays on the site a bad name.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:31 pm
by AAFitz
if that wasnt two friends cheating, there have never been any World 2.0 and never atttacked each other once till every other player was gone....and of course they were set up on the same day and play all games together....

bk, you should set up a few games with them if you think they look like fair players, even though you dont care if you ever win any points...some players do, and dont like having their points stolen by cheaters...

you really should have looked before you stuck up for these two....obviously it still has to be checked out...but even if they arent multis...every other person in that game will leave them negative feedback for it...i doubt all three of them are wrong....

but then, you dont really care if people are just like impressing all the 16 year olds by acting just as they do...carry on...your son and nephew must be feel for those guys...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:35 pm
by Samus
Sounds more like multis to me. Albro, you should change the subject title to read "Tit82 and nika2 suspected multis," and they will be checked out.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:45 pm
by b.k. barunt
Fitz, i don't know if they were cheating or not - my point is that baby albro is going to cry "cheat" if he loses. Ever hear the one about the boy who cried wolf? A lot goes over your head, doesn't it? You seem very smug in your perception of your own maturity, but you don't really have much to say on your own.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:57 pm
by Jesse, Bad Boy
b.k. barunt wrote:Oh cmon baby albro stop with the whining! You can't lose a freakin game without yelling cheater! cheater! You pathetic prissy little beyatch. You're giving the rest of the gays on the site a bad name.

Do you find it necessary to troll everywhere?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:15 pm
by AAFitz
b.k. barunt wrote:Fitz, i don't know if they were cheating or not - my point is that baby albro is going to cry "cheat" if he loses. Ever hear the one about the boy who cried wolf? A lot goes over your head, doesn't it? You seem very smug in your perception of your own maturity, but you don't really have much to say on your own.

i obviously know exactly what youre doing....its not lost on have a personal vendetta with albro and vice versa, and will continue it forever....

thats fine. thats between you two...but hes not complaining that hes losing...hes complaining that two players are cheating....and it looks to me like they are...and id be very surprised if these two arent busted as a multi....but you are too wrapped up in your desire to make him look foolish, and are now defending cheaters without even checking to see if there's any reason to suspect them.......

had i thought he was off base id have said so too, as i often do ...but, all you do is bring negativity to this place...and i wish i had the maturity to just ignore it and laugh like most do...but sometimes i am compelled to post....i fully admit its petty, but i do it in the off chance you might actually realize you look like an idiot flaming people like the 16 year olds in here post after post after post, and that someday you might actually stop...

now i actually know you have far too much fun doing it, so Im not naive to think that will happen....but I do like pointing it out every once in a while just the same :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:29 pm
by b.k. barunt
Well there's one of the 16 year olds you refer to above you there, and he's obviously not impressed, although he did need some encouragement from you before he could work up the nerve to post. I render my opinions the same as you Fitz, but without the ridiculous self righteous posturing. You live in this forum(**loser**) and so i guess you feel that i'm enroaching on your space - guess that's just something you'll have to learn to live with. Hell you probably need a dose of negativity in your incredibly boring Beaver Cleaver life.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:37 pm
by AAFitz
:lol: I suppose you could be right....I have my own company, so it affords me some extra time to chat in here this time of i spend too much time on it without a doubt....but in a month ill be long gone, and youll still be posting your little comments acting like an i guess thats just how it is...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:27 pm
by b.k. barunt
For someone with so much time to chat you have very little to say. You should thank me for giving you something to offer your "mature" judgements on.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:35 pm
by AAFitz
b.k. barunt wrote:Please observe game 132166. MTH (green) has had a chance (8-1) to break into ballpinforeman's (red) continent for 3 turns now. ballpinforman has had 10 plus armies sitting in a country unused and has not fortified against him. Is this a secret alliance or just a couple wankers stroking each other? Please respond to this one - this is my first cheating and abuse report, but my third forum question, and i've yet to get a response from you guys. Why bother with that bottom box?

b.k. barunt wrote:Oh cmon baby stop with the whining! You can't lose a freakin game without yelling cheater! cheater! You pathetic prissy little beyatch. You're giving the rest of the gays on the site a bad name.

:lol: :lol: sorry....lost all control... delete it all if you want...but dont let it detract from the original point of the thread....sorry...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:54 pm
by b.k. barunt
Fitz you have got to be one of the most hypocritical, mealy mouthed wankers on this site. If you have something to say, say it flat out and dispense with the mealy mouthed bullshit. You managed to dig up (this must be dreadfully important to you?) the one and only complaint that i logged insofar as suspected cheaters. For you to compare this to baby albro's continued carping is merely indicative of your bias. What is all this to you? Did i hurt your feelings when i called you a peeping tom? Evidently, but the little catty digs that mark your style show your heart. With all your posturing about your "maturity" you are but a snippy little punk bitch.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:14 pm
by LetGodSortThem
Forum Guidelines wrote:

"Posting basics:
The Guidelines wrote:

The “l337” poster knows to ask himself/herself 3 basic questions before pressing the all powerful “submit” button:

One: Is my post really necessary or is it just mental diarrhea?
Two: Am I trolling or feeding a troll?
Three: Really?

This last question should be asked at least twice but is often ignored because everyone likes to think that they are saying something ground breaking when in fact “GFYS muthafugging azzhole” and “you suck dick” are in fact not new and the only thing they will break is your reputation.

"Actual no-no's:
The Guidelines wrote:

Yes, even we have to have some of these because, in the heat of delayed asynchronous-communication, people sometimes lose their heads a bit. If you are caught losing your head (because you would never actually mean to do any of these things) we will first request that you cease and desist as the say in “the biz.” If you cannot find your head, or continue to mis-place it, we will be happy to put you on a forum time-out to give you time to go looking for it and if REALLY need be we will remove that which seems to disagree with you – i.e. The forum. Not that we like doing any of these things, of course.
And now the list don't do's:

Trolling (including multiple postings, spam, abusive content, and specific attempts to cause chaos, disruption or headaches to the community members or staff)

That's pretty much it for the no-no's – small list, easy to remember...and don't test the team, we really do enforce this stuff

You need to re-read that section...Unless you've been made king of CC, Albro or anybody else can post their suspicions freely here in this forum...It's not you who decides who don't have any reason to reply here, your just trolling...

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:00 am
by b.k. barunt
And what are you doing praytell? Just trollin along through the forum as the self appointed hall monitor? Just lookin for anyone to point the accusing finger at? You really love it don't you? You pathetic, gossipy little twit.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:30 am
by reverend_kyle
b.k. barunt wrote:And what are you doing praytell? Just trollin along through the forum as the self appointed hall monitor? Just lookin for anyone to point the accusing finger at? You really love it don't you? You pathetic, gossipy little twit.

And what are you doing? Just trolling the forum stalking albro.

Now go away.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:33 am
by Wisse
reverend_kyle wrote:
b.k. barunt wrote:And what are you doing praytell? Just trollin along through the forum as the self appointed hall monitor? Just lookin for anyone to point the accusing finger at? You really love it don't you? You pathetic, gossipy little twit.

And what are you doing? Just trolling the forum stalking albro.

Now go away.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:32 am
by SirSebstar
b.k. barunt wrote:Fitz you have got to be one of the most hypocritical, mealy mouthed wankers on this site. ........................
With all your posturing about your "maturity" you are but a snippy little punk bitch.

Good show of (in)maturity BK.

I had to google to see what mealy mouthed bullshit meant. Talk about bullshit. You dont have a clear point, except maybe to annoy everybody else with your postings. You are the most foul-mouthed hypocritical and annoying poster on this forum. And thats saying a lot...

Have a nice day

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:26 am
by AAFitz
b.k. barunt wrote:Fitz you have got to be one of the most hypocritical, mealy mouthed wankers on this site. If you have something to say, say it flat out and dispense with the mealy mouthed bullshit. You managed to dig up (this must be dreadfully important to you?) the one and only complaint that i logged insofar as suspected cheaters. For you to compare this to baby albro's continued carping is merely indicative of your bias. What is all this to you? Did i hurt your feelings when i called you a peeping tom? Evidently, but the little catty digs that mark your style show your heart. With all your posturing about your "maturity" you are but a snippy little punk bitch.

actually bk, its not personal at all....this was the third negative comment i saw by you in a row, so i posted that I thought it was ridiculous....and in this one, you dont even care what abro is saying youre just using it as a chance to bash him

and if abro was the only person you did this too, i would never have posted...but since it seems to me all you do is go around throwing out personal attacks whenever you get a chance...i decided to call you out on it....if its alright for you to type out that you think someones a whinny wanker in every other thread...i dont mind posting that I think its ridiculous and doing this I am of course bringing myself down to your level a bit....but Im willing to accept that in this case....

Mods, I am sorry....I should have known this would have happened....if you want to move the entire section of this to flame wars and only keep the accusation here...since its the only part of this entire post that relates to problem here...

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:44 am
by SirSebstar
AAFity, you can never aspire to reach BKs level.
He is beyond low and annoying. Just a comparison, but BK could do without the namecalling and insults every sentence to fill his apparant lack of manhood...sigh
bk, please sit in the corner quietly till your mommy comes and gets you

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:40 pm
by b.k. barunt
Miss sebstar you don't seem to create anything of your own here - just jump on bandwagons and take potshots at individuals that are under attacks by others. Pretty cowardly behavior - i think i'd rather opt for immaturity. What's with the hawk? Is that how you picture yourself? And the self aggrandizing "sir" - you really are ridiculous.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:01 pm
by AAFitz
b.k. barunt wrote:Miss sebstar you don't seem to create anything of your own here - just jump on bandwagons and take potshots at individuals that are under attacks by others. Pretty cowardly behavior - i think i'd rather opt for immaturity. What's with the hawk? Is that how you picture yourself? And the self aggrandizing "sir" - you really are ridiculous.

you're the one taking are the one doing the attacking on others....we are the ones defending the people you are the interest of improving the site....whats your purpose?? spread as much negativity as you can ...all you do is look for opportunities to jump in and take a potshot at someone...

your entire collection of posts shows are the ridiculous one in this thread. Whats funny is you actually seem surprised people get annoyed with your behavior....

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:35 pm
by LetGodSortThem
b.k. barunt wrote:And what are you doing praytell? Just trollin along through the forum as the self appointed hall monitor? Just lookin for anyone to point the accusing finger at? You really love it don't you? You pathetic, gossipy little twit.

What I always do...present the facts not trash...

If anybody else posted this thread would you be here? doubt It

When paulas accused kramsy06 and katie6 (or something) of "secret alliance" why was that ok?...

All you offer is senseless and useless...

I don't response to your "PM secret alliance post" was because I thought you had some integrity...I was wrong sounded like you were just looking for another way to make an alliance by using the rules...

You are the troll here...AND b.k. PLEASE DON'T PM ME AGAIN...I made you place In flame forum...go there...

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:29 pm
by b.k. barunt
PM you? Sorry, not me - must have a secret admirer. heh. Honestly, i have never PMed you, nor do i have any intentions of doing so. Wishful thinking on your part? i know you like the attention, but this is getting kinda weird. Also i never made any thread about a PM secret alliance. I had a question about the use of PM in a game, that's all. But you with your little pea brain centered on accusing anyone you can, saw it as an accusation (anyone interested can check out the thread), and jumped in screaming about eliminating someone. You are a real class act.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:35 am
by LetGodSortThem
b.k. barunt wrote: Also i never made any thread about a PM secret alliance.

? Are you mental...forget what you write?
b.k. barunt wrote:I was approached by someone by PM, proposing an alliance in a game. The person who offered said that he would announce the alliance in the open chat if i accepted. What are the rules on this, and how much strategizing can be done by PM?

Your a Liar....And You did PM me "And what are you doing praytell?" remember that. I have It in inbox, and admin may not be able to read PM's but they can see that that you HAVE PM'd me...

Stop spamming and trolling....just go away

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:58 am
by AlbroShlo
Wow i don't even have to bicker with b.k. Everyone else is doing it for me lol. This is only my second accusation regarding cheating, the first of which being you b.k. which is why i expect you are typing in your jibber jabber nonsense. Being a senior i really thought you would be above name calling, i guess retirement must be real boring eh old man.

Why don't you follow everyone's advice and stop trolling, troll.

That first post in this forum is really really stupid by the way b.k. did you even look at the game? If you can't make out the words maybe the powers that be can get you an enlarged version, you know like for people with disabilties or seniors......