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IraLeonis112 and Sherlock Holmes -- MULTIS[cleared]es

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IraLeonis112 and Sherlock Holmes -- MULTIS[cleared]es

Postby CivProBlows on Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:45 pm


Sherlock Holmes

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):



I'm in the first game* listed, along with IraLeonis112. I believe the following text (specifically, the underlined portions) indicates that these two accounts are multis:

2011-03-01 16:34:37 - IraLeonis112: Blue wins by default. Good game.
2011-03-02 04:14:53 - CivProBlows: Green, why didn't you go for a different continent? You could have broken his bonus and taken Afirca, or something. You still have a chance to give it a shot . . .
2011-03-02 16:49:15 - IraLeonis112: Lol. What u really meant to say was: why didn't I just let u have Australia?
2011-03-02 16:49:47 - IraLeonis112: I guess I could ask u the same thing.
2011-03-03 06:00:46 - CivProBlows: No, I could not let you have it because you are blocking the entrance/exit.
2011-03-03 06:01:32 - CivProBlows: What's the point of not even trying?
2011-03-03 15:13:04 - IraLeonis112: What a stupid move. U just handed the game to blue.
2011-03-03 15:13:39 - IraLeonis112: And u want to blame me because I didn't let u have Australia? What a joke!
2011-03-03 15:14:53 - IraLeonis112: GG blue. You win. Thank red for his brilliant strategy of killing us both off for u.
2011-03-03 15:18:41 - CivProBlows: You are completely clueless green. I asked you to move and at least try to attack blue, but you refused. You continued to block me from taking OR leaving AUS on your second turn.
2011-03-03 15:22:47 - CivProBlows: Since I had only one direction in which to move, my best shot was to try to go through you to stop blue from getting a huge bonus.
2011-03-03 15:26:12 - CivProBlows: You handed this game to blue when you refused to go for another area and continued to block me from doing so. How the hell did you ever expect to win without a bouns, while blue was racking up troops?
2011-03-04 19:22:14 - Sherlock Holmes: Umm, like I said, I COULD ASK YOU THE SAME THING! LOL
2011-03-04 19:23:02 - Sherlock Holmes: Ira, stop pissing people off and take your turn! I want to get this game started!
2011-03-04 19:29:34 - IraLeonis112: First of all, ur taking this way too seriously.
2011-03-04 19:30:28 - IraLeonis112: Second of all, u had choices. Ur just mad that I didn't hand Australia to u. I really don't want to hear the whining anymore.
2011-03-04 19:31:18 - IraLeonis112: And finally, Sherlock, f&$@ off! I'll get to it when I get to it.
2011-03-05 08:02:10 - CivProBlows: Ira, did you accidently type while logged on your multi account? lol
2011-03-05 16:30:26 - IraLeonis112: Huh?
2011-03-05 16:32:45 - IraLeonis112: Ur talking about Sherlock? Actually, he does that in a lot of my games.
2011-03-05 16:43:13 - IraLeonis112: A real pain in the a$$, just like you!
2011-03-05 17:23:27 - CivProBlows: I'm talking about the first line you wrote as Sherlock; it matches up with what you wrote earlier in this game, word for word. It's kind of obvious man.

It looks like Ira forgot that he was logged on his other account (Sherlock Holmes) and tried to respond to my comments. He then tried to cover his tracks, after he realized what he had done. If you look at the timestamp, he logs off as Sherlock, then logs back on as Ira about 3 minutes later and continues to try to cover his tracks. In addition, Sherlock has played or is playing the majority of his games (the remaining 8 games listed above) with Ira. The responses they gave to the negative feedback they each received are suspiciously similar, as well. I'll let the multi-hunters take it from here.

"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula." - General George Patton
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Re: IraLeonis112 and Sherlock Holmes -- MULTIS

Postby Elochai477 on Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:57 pm

CivProBlows wrote:Accused:

Sherlock Holmes

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

*Game 8598784
Game 8447690
Game 8481325
Game 8506493
Game 8541614
Game 8566948
Game 8582006
Game 8616475
Game 8634354


I'm in the first game* listed, along with IraLeonis112. I believe the following text (specifically, the underlined portions) indicates that these two accounts are multis:

2011-03-01 16:34:37 - IraLeonis112: Blue wins by default. Good game.
2011-03-02 04:14:53 - CivProBlows: Green, why didn't you go for a different continent? You could have broken his bonus and taken Afirca, or something. You still have a chance to give it a shot . . .
2011-03-02 16:49:15 - IraLeonis112: Lol. What u really meant to say was: why didn't I just let u have Australia?
2011-03-02 16:49:47 - IraLeonis112: I guess I could ask u the same thing.
2011-03-03 06:00:46 - CivProBlows: No, I could not let you have it because you are blocking the entrance/exit.
2011-03-03 06:01:32 - CivProBlows: What's the point of not even trying?
2011-03-03 15:13:04 - IraLeonis112: What a stupid move. U just handed the game to blue.
2011-03-03 15:13:39 - IraLeonis112: And u want to blame me because I didn't let u have Australia? What a joke!
2011-03-03 15:14:53 - IraLeonis112: GG blue. You win. Thank red for his brilliant strategy of killing us both off for u.
2011-03-03 15:18:41 - CivProBlows: You are completely clueless green. I asked you to move and at least try to attack blue, but you refused. You continued to block me from taking OR leaving AUS on your second turn.
2011-03-03 15:22:47 - CivProBlows: Since I had only one direction in which to move, my best shot was to try to go through you to stop blue from getting a huge bonus.
2011-03-03 15:26:12 - CivProBlows: You handed this game to blue when you refused to go for another area and continued to block me from doing so. How the hell did you ever expect to win without a bouns, while blue was racking up troops?
2011-03-04 19:22:14 - Sherlock Holmes: Umm, like I said, I COULD ASK YOU THE SAME THING! LOL
2011-03-04 19:23:02 - Sherlock Holmes: Ira, stop pissing people off and take your turn! I want to get this game started!
2011-03-04 19:29:34 - IraLeonis112: First of all, ur taking this way too seriously.
2011-03-04 19:30:28 - IraLeonis112: Second of all, u had choices. Ur just mad that I didn't hand Australia to u. I really don't want to hear the whining anymore.
2011-03-04 19:31:18 - IraLeonis112: And finally, Sherlock, f&$@ off! I'll get to it when I get to it.
2011-03-05 08:02:10 - CivProBlows: Ira, did you accidently type while logged on your multi account? lol
2011-03-05 16:30:26 - IraLeonis112: Huh?
2011-03-05 16:32:45 - IraLeonis112: Ur talking about Sherlock? Actually, he does that in a lot of my games.
2011-03-05 16:43:13 - IraLeonis112: A real pain in the a$$, just like you!
2011-03-05 17:23:27 - CivProBlows: I'm talking about the first line you wrote as Sherlock; it matches up with what you wrote earlier in this game, word for word. It's kind of obvious man.

It looks like Ira forgot that he was logged on his other account (Sherlock Holmes) and tried to respond to my comments. He then tried to cover his tracks, after he realized what he had done. If you look at the timestamp, he logs off as Sherlock, then logs back on as Ira about 3 minutes later and continues to try to cover his tracks. In addition, Sherlock has played or is playing the majority of his games (the remaining 8 games listed above) with Ira. The responses they gave to the negative feedback they each received are suspiciously similar, as well. I'll let the multi-hunters take it from here.


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Re: IraLeonis112 and Sherlock Holmes -- MULTIS[cleared]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:22 pm

Iraleonis and Shelock Holmes are CLEARED.
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