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Carterio17 Filmsincolor Multies Secret Diplomacy.[CLEARED]ES

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Carterio17 Filmsincolor Multies Secret Diplomacy.[CLEARED]ES

Postby Von Blitzen on Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:58 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 8560471

Comments: These 2 players have avoided attacking each other from the start. When green gained an early bonus + 5 and then 2 bonus + 5 red faiiled to break them even when there were territories only defended by 1. Until the last turn Red and Green had attacked each other 3 times each. Only once to break a bonus.

For the past four turns Red has left Southern France defended by 1 and Green has not attacked from Bay of Bicay with 3 armies to break his bonus. Nor has Green tried to defend this territory.

This turn Red has also not bothered to defend Naples and Red has not bothered to attack from Med Sea to break his bonus, even though I have said that he is blocking my attack with his 3 armies.

Clearly Red knows he has nothing to fear from attacks by Green.
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Re: Carterio17 - Filmsincolor Multies - Secret Diplomacy.

Postby Riskismy on Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:13 pm

Well, sounds to me like you might have a point, but it's next to impossible to tell without some means of 'rewinding' the game and see what happened from turn to turn. Hopefully the admins can do that. I certainly wouldn't want to do it by the log alone.
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Re: Carterio17 - Filmsincolor Multies - Secret Diplomacy.

Postby Dauntless07 on Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:50 pm

I wouldn't go so far as to say secret diplomacy, but perhaps an unsaid understanding. Maybe Red was trying to keep a low profile, hoping to leap back into the game later since this was escalating, and Green putup with his existence, knowing he could destroy Red if he wanted to, and looked at him as a nuisance he could finish off later. Given we can not turn back time, it's hard to know exactly what happened, as no one but you really talked about it in the game chat. Unless there is a wall post or PM that CC can pull up, then I think this accusation is too difficult to prove.
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Re: Carterio17 - Filmsincolor Multies - Secret Diplomacy.

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:24 pm

I have looked at this countless times and I can't see them working together. I feel it is probably just poor game play on their part. Also what you said in chat has a very strong possibility.

2011-03-01 18:48:10 - Von Blitzen: Or if you are just sitting back because you know I will do all the dirty work.

When games are down to three players and you act as the cop when it comes to bonuses I don't blame them for letting you do the dirty work. Being to aggressive can have its disadvantages.

This is CLEARED.
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