poohcrumbs-spamming/offensive [vacationed]
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:48 am
The accused are suspected of:
Spamming Walls
Other: Severe abuse to players, flaming, spam in chatbox uses of language in an offensive manner
such as: "2011-02-23 02:29:44 - poohcrumbs: PIGGY i see that after your wife-kid..ur turn GOOOOOOOOOO RAPEHOUND"
and: "2011-02-23 02:23:21 - poohcrumbs: go for like the google th time..you 3 write like its so fucin important...GOOOOOOOO ass wipes or are u 3 makin gout"
"2011-02-23 02:23:45 - poohcrumbs: making out..real cute..use condomes"
"2011-02-23 02:23:58 - poohcrumbs: ..condoms..."
"2011-02-23 02:24:11 - poohcrumbs: dont kiss on the mouth or penis"
Game number(s):
Game 8571963
Comments: offensive posts on my wall were all uncalled for, has reported me and 2 other players for cheating wrongly, incredibly disgusting and rude.
Has also spammed and posted offensive comments on players walls:
We posted on his wall because he threatened not to take his turn when he could have after a small debate about the chatbox.
Thanks for anything that can be done about this, he will be added to our foe lists but frankly that language is unacceptable. I am sorry about the mess of this report but I have no idea how to report certain things, so I figure if you take a look at our walls and the game chat box you can make your own decisions. Thanks very much.
The accused are suspected of:
Spamming Walls
Other: Severe abuse to players, flaming, spam in chatbox uses of language in an offensive manner
such as: "2011-02-23 02:29:44 - poohcrumbs: PIGGY i see that after your wife-kid..ur turn GOOOOOOOOOO RAPEHOUND"
and: "2011-02-23 02:23:21 - poohcrumbs: go for like the google th time..you 3 write like its so fucin important...GOOOOOOOO ass wipes or are u 3 makin gout"
"2011-02-23 02:23:45 - poohcrumbs: making out..real cute..use condomes"
"2011-02-23 02:23:58 - poohcrumbs: ..condoms..."
"2011-02-23 02:24:11 - poohcrumbs: dont kiss on the mouth or penis"
Game number(s):
Game 8571963
Comments: offensive posts on my wall were all uncalled for, has reported me and 2 other players for cheating wrongly, incredibly disgusting and rude.
Has also spammed and posted offensive comments on players walls:
We posted on his wall because he threatened not to take his turn when he could have after a small debate about the chatbox.
Thanks for anything that can be done about this, he will be added to our foe lists but frankly that language is unacceptable. I am sorry about the mess of this report but I have no idea how to report certain things, so I figure if you take a look at our walls and the game chat box you can make your own decisions. Thanks very much.