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Secret alliance DIBS and talyessin

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm
by Teya
Subject line: DIBS and talyessin

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Suspect users: DIBS and talyessin

Game number:

Comments: In my game they have not attacked each other at all, and in the other game the 2 of them are in together they have rarely attacked each other. Their flags say they are from different countires so I havent suspected them as multis, but is there a way to get around the flag issue?


PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:08 pm
by perchorin
I've played several games against both of these guys, they're both good people and quality players, so I don't believe they would be involved in anything like this. I see a quick "CLEARED" coming...

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:28 pm
by Teya
did you actually look at the game?

yeah they might be honest players but they sure arent in these 2 games.
And I know all that will be said is leave appropriate feedback and add them to your ignore list. Which will happen. I just reported it so other people know what to expect when they play together. Which I notice you havent played a game with both players in it.


PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:00 am
I don't believe this.
Here is a summary of the game

Turn 1
Teya takes Lands End(becoming instant front runner)
telyessin misses turn
Dibs takes a territory in Ireland(my best chance for a continent)(from Teya)

Turn 2
Teya takes 4 territories in South England(3 from me) & 2 from me in (my)Ireland
telyessin takes 4 territories in South England(4 from Teya).....I wasn't there any more.
Dibs fails to recapture a territory in Ireland(or anywhere)

Turn 3
Teya & tely go for it in South England while Dibs gets a territory in Ireland(back from Teya)

Turn 4
Teya & tely go for it again in South England(Teya coming out ahead)....Dibs gets big push in Ireland getting 3 territories(from Teya) & control of Ireland

Turn 5
Teya takes 3 territories in Wales(2 from tely, 1 from Dibs) & now holds the continent of Wales & Lands End....also takes a territory off Dibs in Ireland
tely misses another turn
Dibs gets 1 territory back in Ireland(getting continent yet again) & takes 1 territory from Teya in Wales(to stop his continent bonus)

Teya rediculously then calls Dibs(& tely) cheats! :roll:

5 turns...tely missed 2 of them & tried to get South England.
....Dibs continually tried to get Ireland & fails due to Teyas attacks.....what else can I do?
....Teya leads all the way & feels hard done by(even though he is winning) because Dibs & tely keeps trying to get their land back.
Should I have just let him take Ireland???????

In regards to the other game......if anyone wants me to summarize that I will.....the accusations are simply rediculous.

If I get a negative feedback from this I'll be extremely annoyed at the system.


I just realized.....

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:57 am
Surely the moderators can quickly check to see that I have not PMed....nor been PMed by talyessin. Please Mods.....look & clear this up so I can relax.

There should be some sort of penalty for wasting everyones time by falsely accusing people without spending time oneself trying to figure the veracity of the suspicion.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:26 pm
by Teya
mods clearing you isnt going to change the feedback I leave.

Re: Secret alliance DIBS and talyessin

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:08 pm
by Wisse
Teya wrote:Subject line: DIBS and talyessin

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Suspect users: DIBS and talyessin

Game number:

Comments: In my game they have not attacked each other at all, and in the other game the 2 of them are in together they have rarely attacked each other. Their flags say they are from different countires so I havent suspected them as multis, but is there a way to get around the flag issue?



Dibs and Tely are not cheats

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:52 pm
by leweemagoo
I know DIBS personally and he is someone of the highest integrity in all areas of his life, not just this computer game. There is no way he would cheat and make a secret alliance with anyone. He would use the game chat. It is a shame it looks like these two people are going to end up with bad feedback without doing anything wrong.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:34 pm
Teya wrote:mods clearing you isnt going to change the feedback I leave.

I've left more thoughts & reasons for you in the game chat. If you read through them....& follow through each turn you'll clearly see my actions were sound & solo motivated.(I have no idea what Green was up to....)

Also....if the mods can show that I have not had communication with the guy, you still want to say I'm in secret alliance? You are suggesting that I already knew him & pre-arranged things. Had we gone to that much trouble you'd think he wouldn't be missing 2 turns out of 5 & we'd have done a better job co-ordinating against you. Surely you can't believe that?

Please don't just leave me neg. feed because that is what you said you'd do.

You have made a mistake on this one.....please don't make me pay for that mistake.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:28 pm
by sully800
Sorry Dibs, but we don't have the ability to check your PM's. I believe lack (and every other site admin) has the ability to do it in some sort of round about way, but its not done because of the privacy issues involved.

The best you can hope for is Teya deciding you are innocent. And if not, simply reply to the feedback saying that its a mistake and you weren't cheating. I've seen plenty of high ranking and honest players that have some old accuastions of secret alliances, but it doesn't prevent them from getting games or playing on the site, so the same should be true for you.