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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]


Postby PonyGal on Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:09 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

God knows but somethings up with this game :evil:

Game number(s):

Game 8305701


Three team supermax game. Teams 1 and 3 are both equally strong and round after round they break the small bonuses of our team, whilst ignoring each others bonuses. Cash ins of spoils are used on our team by each, although we receive less than half the troops they do each round. In the 6 rounds of the game team 1 has attacked team 3 a total of 5 times total. Attacked us a total of 12 times. Team 3 has attacked team 1 also exactly 5 times, and our weaker team 15 times. In total we have been attacked a combined 27 times whilst they are on 5 each respectively. Bonuses that could be broken of each others are ignored round after round, and it is our small attempts to gain and keep a modest bonus that are targetted on each occasion. Each of the four have co-ordinated a cell block to take each, and players from either team who inhabit each others cell block through the intial drop make no attempt to fight, nor are they forted up with troops as youd expect when a strong enemy inhabits so closely to your bonuses ... yet block B where I have some yellow troops has been forted to a max by pink with 15 men on Hong (from memory), despite my 'troops due' being a measely 3 per round to everyone elses 7-15 or so, which are not forted against by either team - nor attacked?!? Maybe multis, maybe secret diplomacy, maybe they are just that clueless to the concept of fair play but 27 hits on one team to 5 for each other team is very suspicious even when the games quite evenly matched ... when the team being targetted every round is so weak anyway its either a cheat tactic - or a cheap tactic.
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Postby TheForgivenOne on Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:50 pm

PonyGal wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

God knows but somethings up with this game :evil:

Game number(s):

Game 8305701


Three team supermax game. Teams 1 and 3 are both equally strong and round after round they break the small bonuses of our team, whilst ignoring each others bonuses. Cash ins of spoils are used on our team by each, although we receive less than half the troops they do each round. In the 6 rounds of the game team 1 has attacked team 3 a total of 5 times total. Attacked us a total of 12 times. Team 3 has attacked team 1 also exactly 5 times, and our weaker team 15 times. In total we have been attacked a combined 27 times whilst they are on 5 each respectively. Bonuses that could be broken of each others are ignored round after round, and it is our small attempts to gain and keep a modest bonus that are targetted on each occasion. Each of the four have co-ordinated a cell block to take each, and players from either team who inhabit each others cell block through the intial drop make no attempt to fight, nor are they forted up with troops as youd expect when a strong enemy inhabits so closely to your bonuses ... yet block B where I have some yellow troops has been forted to a max by pink with 15 men on Hong (from memory), despite my 'troops due' being a measely 3 per round to everyone elses 7-15 or so, which are not forted against by either team - nor attacked?!? Maybe multis, maybe secret diplomacy, maybe they are just that clueless to the concept of fair play but 27 hits on one team to 5 for each other team is very suspicious even when the games quite evenly matched ... when the team being targetted every round is so weak anyway its either a cheat tactic - or a cheap tactic.

Added player links
Game 1675072
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Postby king achilles on Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:24 am

Let this game play out. All troops of all players are still sprayed out and right now, team 1's troops are mostly not in arms way with team 3's troops. Three teams and it's only round 7. Players are still establishing their positions. This is cleared.
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