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illegal truce in 3 player Steve_Brech, abd-ALLAH[CLEARED]ES

PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:20 am
by ChrisBeerens
<Steve_Brech, abd-ALLAH >



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number

[game]8375586 [/game]


I had a 25 troop lead over both players...and green and red had killed each other a bit during the game as well as killed a stack i left in the middle for safety reasons...I owned and red in 3 turns consecutively...suicided on my stack of 56...and green with a stack on reds border of a 1...chose to to NOT attack chat no diplomacy was announced...and since both players in 3 turns continuous turns attack my 56...8, 7, and 9...i lost the game...they are trying to redeem themselves in chat by saying oh thats not suicide...its ridiculously is...make that 4 turns in a row of suiciding on my the game is still going on...

Re: illegal truce in 3 player game Steve_Brech, abd-ALLAH

PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:21 am
by ChrisBeerens
i dont mind losing a game...but when players just continuously suicide...with no diplomacy announced ....suspicious as all hell 5 turns later green has a 25 troop lead over red and I...and red continues to suicide on me and green just took out a 8 in europe...when there are 1's all around

Re: illegal truce in 3 player game Steve_Brech, abd-ALLAH

PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:35 am
by anonymus
dont play 3-playergames..
/ :?:

Re: illegal truce in 3 player game Steve_Brech, abd-ALLAH

PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:12 pm
by PinkBeret
You complain about dishonour/stupid moves/bad strategies/cheaters in pretty much 80% of the games you lose. Just another sore loser if you ask me.

Re: illegal truce in 3 player game Steve_Brech, abd-ALLAH

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:53 am
by sweetgin
not really a suicide if you're out and they continue with the game.

Sounds like you you making a pile without doing much for the 1st part of the game. I can't stand it when players do that. Of course they tried to beat you out....

Re: illegal truce in 3 player game Steve_Brech, abd-ALLAH

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:17 pm
by Evil Semp
You were the strongest and you can't understand why the other two attacked you. Trying to bring your stack down a few troops isn't suiciding. If they didn't attack to weaken your stack couldn't that be considered suiciding? It is a lose lose situation. If they don't attack you they will lose, if they do attack you they are suiciding.

Any team work that I saw was talked about in the game chat. Steve_Brech and abd-ALLAH are CLEARED.