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hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment [closed]

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hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment [closed]

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:54 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Trolling forums, Baiting CC members and harassing/threatening me with violence.

viewtopic.php?f=5&t=136053 - In this topic, hmsps has continually trolled (including 4x posts in a row at one point). He has attempted to bait me at every attempt. Some quotes:
hmsps wrote:go mod defend them, it may not be farming in "the rules" burt its not men playing is it?

hmsps wrote:dont take this the wrongway but f*ck right off

hmsps wrote:you are the type of player that makes this site so shit

hmsps wrote:seriously go do one

hmsps wrote:like i say i am embarressed for you ??????????????????????????????????? loaeds of them must turn you on

And some quotes on my wall:
hmsps wrote:sadly you are an interney BOY in real life you wouldnt stand a fucking chance and you know it

Pander88uk wrote:A chance in what?

hmsps wrote:oh i think you know

hmsps wrote:give me a private email addrss and we can talk i am in newcastle?

Also, his signature is too large. This is against the rules and something I myself have received a WARNING for previously from a mod.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby Woodruff on Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:23 pm

I don't have a dog in this fight, but hmsps really was trolling, baiting and harassing in that thread.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby jefjef on Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:05 am


It appears his 1st post was directed at rdsrds & TFO. How the hell is that trolling/baiting you?

Now your off topic post in response, in re of his signature being a rules violation, was kind of a troll/bait of him in which drew the f*ck off post. Kinda looks like you started it.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:19 am

jefjef wrote:Huh.

It appears his 1st post was directed at rdsrds & TFO. How the hell is that trolling/baiting you?

Now your off topic post in response, in re of his signature being a rules violation, was kind of a troll/bait of him in which drew the f*ck off post. Kinda looks like you started it.

I was watching the thread as it happened. Most of his posts were directed at Pander (He didn't list all of them), and only once I posted again did he start baiting me as well.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby Royal Panda on Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:10 am

jefjef wrote:It appears his 1st post was directed at rdsrds & TFO. How the hell is that trolling/baiting you?

Read the first post...

Pander88uk wrote:The accused are suspected of:

Other: Trolling forums, Baiting CC members and harassing/threatening me with violence.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby hmsps on Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:07 am

I agree with the baiting and possibly harrassment but feel it was 6 of 1 half a dozen of the other. As far as trolling, I highlighted a few extra games in which the accused was joining ? games so actually i was adding to the thread and was on topic. The accused took it off topic as far as my signature is concerned, what difference does it really make? I got the signature off my clan and have not altered it. If anyone can tell me how to alter it I will happily do so, but I do rather think its pathetic.
Last edited by hmsps on Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby hmsps on Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:15 am

and just as an addition to The Forgiven One, you did to me exactly what i did to you, it does not make it right but dont call it baiting. Seriously some people need to get into the real world away from their computers for a while.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby alster on Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:36 am

Pander88uk wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Trolling forums, Baiting CC members and harassing/threatening me with violence.

viewtopic.php?f=5&t=136053 -

That thread was IMO ridiculous. Pretty much the kind of thread that hmsps has started in the past. The sole purpose of these kinds of threads are to flame, they are not serious C&A reports. Notice a call out thread by hmsps a while ago, again with the underlying intent to flame etc. But it's just the way these fellas blow out steam now with the flame forum gone. I find it annoying, and the thread/wall posts are annoying as well. All in all though, dunno, just ignore him and he'll go away. See little reason for any mods to sanction hmsps. We can't all get along singing Kumbaya.

Perhaps just? -
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby hmsps on Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:49 am

alstergren wrote:
Pander88uk wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Trolling forums, Baiting CC members and harassing/threatening me with violence.

viewtopic.php?f=5&t=136053 -

That thread was IMO ridiculous. Pretty much the kind of thread that hmsps has started in the past. The sole purpose of these kinds of threads are to flame, they are not serious C&A reports. Notice a call out thread by hmsps a while ago, again with the underlying intent to flame etc. But it's just the way these fellas blow out steam now with the flame forum gone. I find it annoying, and the thread/wall posts are annoying as well. All in all though, dunno, just ignore him and he'll go away. See little reason for any mods to sanction hmsps. We can't all get along singing Kumbaya.

Perhaps just? -
This post was made by hmsps who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

I am not going to bite there alstergen, however I would say thats what callouts are for or am I wrong?
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby Royal Panda on Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:52 am

alstergren wrote:Perhaps just? -
This post was made by hmsps who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

Assuredly, he will be going on my foe list. The reason I felt I had to leave him off it was because the things he was saying were direct accusations against me. I wanted to see what was said so that I could defend myself (though I probably should have realised that there's no need to defend myself when I've done nothing wrong...)
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby alster on Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:54 am

Pander88uk wrote:
alstergren wrote:Perhaps just? -
This post was made by hmsps who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

Assuredly, he will be going on my foe list. The reason I felt I had to leave him off it was because the things he was saying were direct accusations against me. I wanted to see what was said so that I could defend myself (though I probably should have realised that there's no need to defend myself when I've done nothing wrong...)

See your point, know what you mean. Me, started to take this view when seeing hmsps' posts.

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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby grifftron on Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:02 am

Can't you all just...

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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby atax on Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:30 am

I know HMSPS and I can tell you that all this is due to his frustration with the apparent inconsistency with the rules. On one hand it ok to join games with low rankers to gain points. Yet in another thread someone is getting warned for setting up games on settings he likes because low ranking players join even though he has no control over it. As far as the trolling bating etc. I have seen much worse go unmentioned and unpunished. They got into a disagreement and neither would back down it’s as simple as that. They need to follow Griftons advice and the Mods need to close this then go away and think about the rules and the haphazard way they apply them. Some of us play this game for fun and the one thing that can spoil it is injustice.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby IcePack on Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:57 am

Pander88uk wrote:Accused:


Also, his signature is too large. This is against the rules and something I myself have received a WARNING for previously from a mod.

Well, in order to help hmsps I saved the signature to resize it on photobucket. Guess what? It's 138x550, well within the 150x600 pixel CC limit.

Did you just eyeball it, or did you actually save it and take a look? The link you happily posted in the other forum clearly shows 150x600 as the limit, and takes 2 secs to figure out.


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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby Royal Panda on Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:02 pm

IcePack, if you actually READ THE RULES, you will see that text is included within the size limites of a signature. Therefore, hmsps' signature (as well as yours) are well oversized. The link I posted from the other forum clearly shows 150x600 as the limit, and takes 2 secs to read what that limit actually applied to.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby IcePack on Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:08 pm

Pander88uk wrote:IcePack, if you actually READ THE RULES, you will see that text is included within the size limites of a signature. Therefore, hmsps' signature (as well as yours) are well oversized. The link I posted from the other forum clearly shows 150x600 as the limit, and takes 2 secs to read what that limit actually applied to.

Fair enough, didn't catch the text part. Are you going to go around CC and make a list of players? I see those all over who have text and a sig.


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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby Royal Panda on Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:12 pm

IcePack wrote:Fair enough, didn't catch the text part. Are you going to go around CC and make a list of players? I see those all over who have text and a sig.


I also see them all over, and don't really care tbh. But it IS a breach of the rules, and when I'm wrongly accused of breaching the rules, I immediately replied to one of the accusers with the reasons why they WERE breaching the rules.

Like I said, I received a WARNING from a Team CC member once for this (which I thought was very harsh as I was merely ignorant of the rules). If Team CC wants to enforce those rules though, then it's up to them :)
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby IcePack on Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:18 pm

Pander88uk wrote:
IcePack wrote:Fair enough, didn't catch the text part. Are you going to go around CC and make a list of players? I see those all over who have text and a sig.


I also see them all over, and don't really care tbh. But it IS a breach of the rules, and when I'm wrongly accused of breaching the rules, I immediately replied to one of the accusers with the reasons why they WERE breaching the rules.

Like I said, I received a WARNING from a Team CC member once for this (which I thought was very harsh as I was merely ignorant of the rules). If Team CC wants to enforce those rules though, then it's up to them :)

Gotta be honest, I thought its just the sig banner. Essentially you can't have anything else if you have a banner then? Weird...


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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby denominator on Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:02 pm

IcePack wrote:
Pander88uk wrote:
IcePack wrote:Fair enough, didn't catch the text part. Are you going to go around CC and make a list of players? I see those all over who have text and a sig.


I also see them all over, and don't really care tbh. But it IS a breach of the rules, and when I'm wrongly accused of breaching the rules, I immediately replied to one of the accusers with the reasons why they WERE breaching the rules.

Like I said, I received a WARNING from a Team CC member once for this (which I thought was very harsh as I was merely ignorant of the rules). If Team CC wants to enforce those rules though, then it's up to them :)

Gotta be honest, I thought its just the sig banner. Essentially you can't have anything else if you have a banner then? Weird...


Or you can scale down your sig banner to leave room for the text underneath. It doesn't matter how you use the allocated space for the sig, so long as you stay within the space.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:18 pm

atax wrote:I know HMSPS and I can tell you that all this is due to his frustration with the apparent inconsistency with the rules. On one hand it ok to join games with low rankers to gain points. Yet in another thread someone is getting warned for setting up games on settings he likes because low ranking players join even though he has no control over it. As far as the trolling bating etc. I have seen much worse go unmentioned and unpunished. They got into a disagreement and neither would back down it’s as simple as that. They need to follow Griftons advice and the Mods need to close this then go away and think about the rules and the haphazard way they apply them. Some of us play this game for fun and the one thing that can spoil it is injustice.

That's not the case in the other thread with dukefleed. That thread was dealing with New Recruits, not low ranks. CC has made it clear that "farming" of new recruits is a no no. If you are creating a ton of the same games, and notice a ton of NR's are joining them, then it would probably be wise to change the settings/map.

Then again, I never did support the constant playing of low ranks, I just go by what the rules and past judgments.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby hmsps on Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:09 am

TheForgivenOne wrote:
atax wrote:I know HMSPS and I can tell you that all this is due to his frustration with the apparent inconsistency with the rules. On one hand it ok to join games with low rankers to gain points. Yet in another thread someone is getting warned for setting up games on settings he likes because low ranking players join even though he has no control over it. As far as the trolling bating etc. I have seen much worse go unmentioned and unpunished. They got into a disagreement and neither would back down it’s as simple as that. They need to follow Griftons advice and the Mods need to close this then go away and think about the rules and the haphazard way they apply them. Some of us play this game for fun and the one thing that can spoil it is injustice.

That's not the case in the other thread with dukefleed. That thread was dealing with New Recruits, not low ranks. CC has made it clear that "farming" of new recruits is a no no. If you are creating a ton of the same games, and notice a ton of NR's are joining them, then it would probably be wise to change the settings/map.

Then again, I never did support the constant playing of low ranks, I just go by what the rules and past judgments.

Sadly you really did miss the point Pander was joining games with new recruits. Thats why my comments were for ? and not cadets privates etc. I did post game numbers and one was definately a new recruit.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby Royal Panda on Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:22 am

Yep 3 whole games with ?s. Systematic farming that is! I've pointed out plenty of times that I almost exclusively play games against those of a similar rank, the odd couple of games have been picked up on and im accused of indecency! Just check my games!!

Either way thus isn't the point of this thread. There is another thread for the accusation against me. This thread is about you.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby TheForgivenOne on Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:25 am

hmsps wrote:
TheForgivenOne wrote:
atax wrote:I know HMSPS and I can tell you that all this is due to his frustration with the apparent inconsistency with the rules. On one hand it ok to join games with low rankers to gain points. Yet in another thread someone is getting warned for setting up games on settings he likes because low ranking players join even though he has no control over it. As far as the trolling bating etc. I have seen much worse go unmentioned and unpunished. They got into a disagreement and neither would back down it’s as simple as that. They need to follow Griftons advice and the Mods need to close this then go away and think about the rules and the haphazard way they apply them. Some of us play this game for fun and the one thing that can spoil it is injustice.

That's not the case in the other thread with dukefleed. That thread was dealing with New Recruits, not low ranks. CC has made it clear that "farming" of new recruits is a no no. If you are creating a ton of the same games, and notice a ton of NR's are joining them, then it would probably be wise to change the settings/map.

Then again, I never did support the constant playing of low ranks, I just go by what the rules and past judgments.

Sadly you really did miss the point Pander was joining games with new recruits. Thats why my comments were for ? and not cadets privates etc. I did post game numbers and one was definately a new recruit.

So are you saying high ranks should never ever ever ever ever play New Recruits? Say a Major joins 1 game with a new recruit, are you going to report him for farming New recruits?

The Multi hunters and King A have made it clear you need a HUGE amount of games before action will be done. That means more than 3 games.

I reported someone for farming, and i listed 25+ games and a link to his games where there were even more. That is the kind of evidence they need to warn someone about farming. Not 3 games.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby hmsps on Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:41 am

hold on hold on, a) Pander the other thread was locked and i was responding to a comment in this thread, i dont want to accuse you of trolling!!!!

& b) forgiven one i did not start the thread i.e. i didnt start the accusation i merely added to it.

Neither of you please respond as I feel you are trying to bait me now.

As atax put it, you set a game up and ? join then it is wrong (stupidly in my view), however, it is ok to join ? games when you are so highly ranked/skilled. To me thats worse. Enough said. Can someone lock this thread as i am being baited here.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby TheForgivenOne on Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:44 am

hmsps wrote:hold on hold on, a) Pander the other thread was locked and i was responding to a comment in this thread, i dont want to accuse you of trolling!!!!

& b) forgiven one i did not start the thread i.e. i didnt start the accusation i merely added to it.

Neither of you please respond as I feel you are trying to bait me now.

As atax put it, you set a game up and ? join then it is wrong (stupidly in my view), however, it is ok to join ? games when you are so highly ranked/skilled. To me thats worse. Enough said. Can someone lock this thread as i am being baited here.

How was that baiting you? I explained to you the difference between farming and what Pander was being accused of. Yes, he may have played 3 games with New Recruits, but that's not enough for a warning.

And if you want, you can go into Suggestions and suggest that high ranks are never able to play low ranks. If it gets support, I'll gladly submit it.
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