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multis us & plus44x2 & others [BUSTED]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:30 am
by Genghis Khant
I haven't played either of them, but browsing the scoreboard I decided to have a look at us' profile and noticed that he has played 7 out of his 10 games with plus44x2, that they have both left each other multiple positive feedbacks, they both joined CC on the same day and that they're both from the same country. They claim to know each other in real life, but I still say it's suspicious behaviour.

Multis or secret allies, or innocent, you decide.

us ... le&u=58026

plus44x2 ... le&u=58032

games; 229959, 229976, 230313, 231988, 232292, 234163 & 234199

p.s. plus44x2 has played 7 games, all of them with us

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:36 am
by Master Bush
us & plus44x2, along with DonkGoth, lovesux, RosieFan19 and BJpackerFan have all been BUSTED

oh and the Packer's suck.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:43 pm
by Rick_Benz
Ya, I played in a game with them a while ago. They are certainly related in some way, based on in-game behavior. They aren't idiots in in-game chat, they don't admit (at least to me) to cheating, but actions speak louder than words. Example:
1 game, US started with a whole continent, and I had border colony. I of course broke his hold on the continent. Then both of them started raping all my territories anywhere near that continent. Then, of course, us retook continent, and won the game. It's interesting to note that (last I checked anyways), every game with both US and plus44x2 was won by US. Either he is a spectacular player, or there is something going on there.