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misguiding ratings [Warned] KS

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:26 am
by Metal at war
I'd like to complain about some ratings Lauretta gave me. Take a look at: Game 7879427. she gave me 1/5 in fariplay, gameplay and attitude. She refuses to withdraw the ratings. I went from 5.0 to 4.5 because of her ratings, can someone remove her ratings on me by force?

Also notice ratings shes been given to other players.

-Metal at war

Re: misguiding ratings

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:37 am
by Arama86n
I demand that you remove the ratings you gave me, or else I will have to report your misguiding and thoughtless action.

by Metal at war
on Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:35 pm

That put a smile on my face

We feel for you, agree ****s like that should be kicked out, but mate, it aint gunna happen :) Foe and move on. And don't worry too much about your rating, the more you get the less impact one single negative rating will have.

Re: misguiding ratings

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:32 am
by Metal at war
Alright, thanks.

Re: misguiding ratings

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:22 pm
by king sam
it is a bit mysterious as to why you would "earn" 1's across the board when the only discrepancy I can tell that she could have against you was going after a bonus in a later round when she thought the game could have been won without it..

And some of her most recent ratings that she has left peak an interest.. This is pending more investigation.


Re: misguiding ratings [pending] KS

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:11 pm
by jrh_cardinal
I looked at metal of war and Canwyr (or something like that). Both played in 1v1 games and took bonuses late in the game when the game was already decided, I think that's what she's mad about. As a freemie she wants to get games finished and get into new games as fast as possible, but is unable to do that as fast as she'd like because the endgame is taking a couple extra rounds

Re: misguiding ratings [pending] KS

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:13 am
by BoganGod
jrh_cardinal wrote:I looked at metal of war and Canwyr (or something like that). Both played in 1v1 games and took bonuses late in the game when the game was already decided, I think that's what she's mad about. As a freemie she wants to get games finished and get into new games as fast as possible, but is unable to do that as fast as she'd like because the endgame is taking a couple extra rounds

Well in that case she should pay for membership. Rather than revenge rating players that don't play to "fast" enough for her. If that is what she is doing, seems like you have hit on a possible explanation jrh, though doesn't excuse her actions.

Re: misguiding ratings [pending] KS

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:22 pm
by KoE_Sirius
We just need an active moderator to delete revenge ratings.Players who have only played against each other once or twice shouldn't be allowed to leave an opinion either.let them play several games together first.

Re: misguiding ratings [pending] KS

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:48 am
by king sam
Establishing a moderator to work solely on ratings has its plus'es and minus'es..

No matter what decision ever comes out of a ratings abuse case each side can always go back and forth cause ratings are soo subjective. The best way to monitor the abuse or non abuse when it comes to them is looking for a plausible cause behind the logic of whatever was left. Thats the only true fact that can be used to levy a decision in a case. Making a position to making sure that its enforced as such I personally think wouldnt be as fruitful or worthwhile as you would think.

However I do like the idea of making a stipulation of having to play "x" number of games with that player before you can leave a rating for them, get a true opinion on that player and they way they play.

Suggest it, you never know.

As for this case there are more then enough ratings/tags left that have no logic behind them in any of the games, wall posts, or forum interactions between the members and Lauretta to warrant some of what was left. So she has been Warned.


Re: misguiding ratings [Warned] KS

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:45 pm
by Lauretta
hi.. sorry im not very good in my inglish.. so i read your decision .. and i dont know why you didnt question to me why i put this ratings.. and what he say to me in private message is not important here?
first i want to say that usually i dont leave ratings.. and my last ratings were 7 bas, i know.. but is because.. i play normally normally that i can lose because im not a super conquered :) so when i see that i lose i question if the we can finish a little bit faster.. sometimes persons like me , i think that is normal finish the game.. dont take neutral neutral neutral to take regions and troops ... no? so .. i answer to metal if he cuold finish me and dont take neutrals places .. i say yes sure.. and after he take all america i finish me.. that is normal? so .. i can cancel my rating but is not fairplay i think and when i say to him why you dont finish and take all he say:
I did finish you off like you wanted to, so your wish was granted. I also wanted to take greenland, so my wish was granted too"
??????????????????????????? is normal that i have 3 troops on the game and i want to take 9 troops of neutrals because his wish was granted?? ok i cancel the rating.. but i think that is 1 on fairplay
bye.. and sorry i dont want create a caos or somethinke else.. i want also play .. and for me a rating is not very important.. but if sometime i see this i put bad rating.. and if i had bad rating in the last games was because i put not very much rating..
sorry again for my inglish..
Lauretta ;)

Re: misguiding ratings [Warned] KS

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:10 pm
by Watchful Prism
That accent comes out in the text lol.

Re: misguiding ratings [Warned] KS

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:34 pm
by Fazeem
screw that after reading her response the watning should be rescinded and she whould be able to leave whatever rating she feels she needs to. Quit whining and suck it up cupcakes.