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jasonrx-7 allowed to join games after being busted???

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:13 am
by Beastly
jasonrx-7 was busted as a multi....

Master Bush wrote:No need to bump a multi thread. Sometime a thread will go a few days before someone can look at it bra.

Jasonrx-7, lilj-unit, Alpine have been BUSTED as multis

yet he just joined a game with me.

I don't understand how he is allowed to do this when he was clearly busted... I also suspect him of still making multis? (snotdrip)

could someone help me understand this..

thank you

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:04 am
by sully800
Yep, jasonrx was premium, and under the current rules premium members have their other accounts deleted but are allowed to stay until there is a second offense (this makes sure they really were cheating as well).

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:06 pm
by Beastly
so did he get a premium after getting busted? or is it that a premium gets to get busted once and then gets a second chance?

if so then it makes it ok for me to cheat? and then when i am busted never to do it again :cry:

that is horrible if that is how it is..