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Nathan_taylor and Roks secret diplomacy[cleared]es

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:57 am
by PSK


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 7888682


Speed Game 7888682

bigreuben deadbeat that game and by round 5 it was pretty clear that bigreuben would be out as his profile status became round 5 and 6 nathan tries to get 'witches way' round 5 i thwart his bonus by attaching witches castle via dragons round 6...nathan takes back 'dragon lair' and puts 3 troops there....all of a sudden roks comes and removes me from 'dragons liar' with 5 armies left...and he doesnt attack nathans bonus at all! (5 at dragons liar vs 3 at witches castle) next round nathan removes me from 'wizard ward' region and does not attack roks at all......and roks still doesnt break nathans bonus....round 8 again roks lets nathan keep the bonus at 'witches way' round 9...nathan again attacks and eliminates me even when he has no advantage by doing so (no mid turn cash in or anything) and doesnt attack roks who has 'wizard ward'.

they have played 1v1s before but no other games.....the real reason i am suspicious is because roks is a major and by now he must know how to play something is fishy....when i try to confront them in game chat nathan tries to pacify me and roks abuses me on my wall seen below.
* 4 wall comments • Page 1 of 1

really men you don't know how to play leave this site you dumbass

by Roks
on Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:28 am

* Delete post

so please look into it

Re: Nathan_taylor and Roks secret diplomacy

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:37 am
by DJPatrick
Fact about the big bad world ,P() 50/50 situations pps are gonna go for the options that causes less this case...losing less points if to each other if individ strategies don't come off, as opposed to going all out and losing heaps to you if they fail against each other...sounds unfair? sure! cheating? NO! War is Unfair and you need to learn how to play it..
Also is a bit hypocritical to say good luck to one of the players then later lodge a report...Are we not to trust your words????

Re: Nathan_taylor and Roks secret diplomacy

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:59 am
by DJPatrick
Sorry, all that was not "gl" at the beginning but that PSK wishes Nathan_Taylor a "ggM8" AFTER it is finished...hmmm?

Re: Nathan_taylor and Roks secret diplomacy

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:35 pm
by 40kguy
PSK wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 7888682


Speed Game 7888682

bigreuben deadbeat that game and by round 5 it was pretty clear that bigreuben would be out as his profile status became round 5 and 6 nathan tries to get 'witches way' round 5 i thwart his bonus by attaching witches castle via dragons round 6...nathan takes back 'dragon lair' and puts 3 troops there....all of a sudden roks comes and removes me from 'dragons liar' with 5 armies left...and he doesnt attack nathans bonus at all! (5 at dragons liar vs 3 at witches castle) next round nathan removes me from 'wizard ward' region and does not attack roks at all......and roks still doesnt break nathans bonus....round 8 again roks lets nathan keep the bonus at 'witches way' round 9...nathan again attacks and eliminates me even when he has no advantage by doing so (no mid turn cash in or anything) and doesnt attack roks who has 'wizard ward'.

they have played 1v1s before but no other games.....the real reason i am suspicious is because roks is a major and by now he must know how to play something is fishy....when i try to confront them in game chat nathan tries to pacify me and roks abuses me on my wall seen below.
* 4 wall comments • Page 1 of 1

really men you don't know how to play leave this site you dumbass

by Roks
on Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:28 am

* Delete post

so please look into it

its also escalating. So a bonus doesn't mean anything so he might not be in a secret diplomacy

Re: Nathan_taylor and Roks secret diplomacy

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:35 pm
by Evil Semp
You mention how many troops that everyone leaves but you don't say how many troops were on the countries that were defeated. Was it an easy card? You fail to mention that in round 7 and 8 that Roks went after Nathan. As for Nathan taking you out but not getting an advantage or a mid turn cash, it obviously was enough for him to have a cash on the next turn.

Just because someone doesn't make the moves that you think they should, or they have a different plan of attack than you think they should it doesn't make it secret diplomacy.

Nathan_taylor and Roks are CLEARED of secret diplomacy.