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King of the war; The day of war; butterfly of war [Busted]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:43 am
by PurpleChest
Subject line: King of the war; The day of war; butterfly of war

These are suspected Multis and a secret alliance.

Suspect users: King of the war; The day of war; butterfly of war

Game number:

Comments: Depressingly unsubtle naming theme. Never attack each other, move out of each others way, move at the same time (within seconds) joined on the same day, from the same place. almost as if a single mind were controlling the whole thing.

Also noted by Great Emperor

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:29 pm
by Great Emperor
I am also playing in game 221383, and I too believe that King of the War, The Day of war and butterfly of war is a single person using three accounts in one game.

-Great Emperor

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:12 pm
by sully800
The King of War, The Day of War and RKO were previously busted. Now The Butterfly of War will be added to that list.