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IamScheurman: bigotry/general ignorance[warned]es

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:19 am
by perchorin

The accused are suspected of:

Other: bigotry and general ignorance that goes beyond what you'd expect from a typical 14 year old on the internet

Game number(s):

Game 7495100
Game 7433811
Game 7393209
Game 7364209
Game 7395546
Game 7445679

Comments: First of all let me be on record as saying that this guy is a comedy goldmine. Pick any five games he's played in and read the game chat, you'll definitely have a few laughs--he's like a walking cliche of the guys you hate run into in public games. Anyway it goes too far with things like:
2010-08-20 05:41:27 - IamScheurman: mm 9 to 5? how is it possible to leave with 8!? something is rigged
2010-08-20 05:42:06 - IamScheurman: like 4 to 3 to 1 and u leave with people!????? u fucking hack u jew bag piece of shit
2010-08-20 05:42:20 - behappy40: goes both ways
2010-08-20 05:42:21 - IamScheurman: im marking u down a whole lot u jack waggon
(from Game 7495100)
2010-08-11 08:13:36 - IamScheurman: greeen your a jew
2010-08-12 08:48:49 - barrycarter: excuse me?
2010-08-12 09:48:54 - IamScheurman: why? did ya fart?
2010-08-12 09:54:01 - barrycarter: what did you mean by "jew"?
2010-08-12 09:55:05 - IamScheurman: mean person who ruined my bonus
2010-08-12 09:56:47 - barrycarter: LOL :)
2010-08-12 09:57:07 - IamScheurman: dont mock me just do the deed
(from Game 7433811)
And of course, a fair sprinkling of "faggot" and "gay" used as perjoratives.
I get pretty tired of this kind of stuff, internet or not.

Re: IamScheurman: bigotry/general ignorance

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:42 am
by owenshooter
looks like this kid just needs a general talking to by an admin or mod. he seems a bit out of control... on the escalating scale, he'll get a warning for these offenses you've listed, hopefully... however, he make take another step up the ladder with this other C&A report going on about him:

Subject: Feedback Abuse - IamScheurman

anyway, people like this are just bad for the community on a whole... he should be talked to and given the opportunity to straighten up... however, whatever his punishment is for all the offenses, should he be found guilty, he should serve the sentence...-the black jesus

Re: IamScheurman: bigotry/general ignorance[warned]es

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:34 pm
by Evil Semp
IamScheurman has been WARNED. He was given the benefit of the doubt in the ratings abuse complaint but it is time to change his ways.

Re: IamScheurman: bigotry/general ignorance[warned]es

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:44 pm
by Watchful Prism
In one of the games there are 2 people who seem even worse. ArmyofGod and the killing or something like that. It seems this game attracts all the finest people...

Re: IamScheurman: bigotry/general ignorance[warned]es

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:39 pm
by IamScheurman
Oh my gosh people! would you stop this insanity! just look at my active games and my most recent ones. not a single bad rating. not a single bad phrase. i now retain from the verbal abuse! i got my warning about 4 days ago and i now follow the guildlines. there isnt a need for punishment i learned my lesson.