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Secret Alliance... OCDodger and pekeña

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:34 am
by mralexperez
Subject line: OCDodger and pekeña

These are suspected Secret Alliance Suspect users: OCDodger and pekeña

Game number:

Comments: Not once did OCDodger attack Pekena throughout the game… had many opportunities to keep Pekena from getting bonuses, but never took them… Pekena didn’t attack OCDodger for the first few rounds, then after that would take the occasional one or two. OCDodger responded to my negative feedback by leaving unfounded negative feedback for me!!! Ruining my record of no neg comments.

This is so unfair.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:57 am
by OCDodger
There was no secret allience, the guy doesn't like the way I played, wether it was a good or bad desicion, I wanted to go after his territories. You freakin one the game, I would think if I had some sort of secret alliance, I should done better than second one out. I am not letting this go, I will take a freaking polygraph.