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Hunter_zr, marco88, cop.zoro, stefanelemir- multi [Cleared]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:22 pm
by Zackismet
so i'm basically moving my supicion to accusation after seeing the last game he played. You may have seen this before in "general discussion"

These are suspected Multis:

and a few more...

I think this one is just a cover-

If you look at just his games played with them- it seems obvious. But review the text and it gets VERY complicated... In one game he played with pereca- Pereca knew exactly what he was doing- he even told the other player how to choose and trade in 3 cards. However, in a later game with Pereca, Hunter acts like he doesn't even know him!! Even saying newbs ruin the game and so on. That's not the odd part- it's that Pereca acted like a complete moron in that game!!!

Then take Hunter's games with stefanelemir. He seems to nearly every one! However, in the logs Stef doesn't seem to favor Hunter very much, if at all.

Now for hunter's games with cop.zoro, the same deal. Hunter and stef have proven to be very chatty and friendly in some games, but in one game with cop.zoro AND stefanelemir, nobody says a word! But again, Hunter lost that game!!!!!!!! However, after he was eliminated, the other two players just deadbeat it out....

Speaking of deadbeating... Hunter and those other players always miss turn at the same time! except one... Cop missed all his turns and hunter always played... And Hunter always takes his turn at the same time as the others- but they never come within 2 seconds of eachother- and that's only when they click a button like "end turn" all attacks and fortifications are at least 20 seconds apart.

Another player- marco88, acts completely ignorant in a game with Hunter as well, and hunter treats him the same way as he treated Pereca when he was ACTING dumb.[/url]

Re: Hunter_zr, marco88, cop.zoro, stefanelemir- multi

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:31 pm
by hunter_zr
Zackismet wrote:so i'm basically moving my supicion to accusation after seeing the last game he played. You may have seen this before in "general discussion"

These are suspected Multis:

and a few more...

I think this one is just a cover-

If you look at just his games played with them- it seems obvious. But review the text and it gets VERY complicated... In one game he played with pereca- Pereca knew exactly what he was doing- he even told the other player how to choose and trade in 3 cards. However, in a later game with Pereca, Hunter acts like he doesn't even know him!! Even saying newbs ruin the game and so on. That's not the odd part- it's that Pereca acted like a complete moron in that game!!!

Then take Hunter's games with stefanelemir. He seems to nearly every one! However, in the logs Stef doesn't seem to favor Hunter very much, if at all.

Now for hunter's games with cop.zoro, the same deal. Hunter and stef have proven to be very chatty and friendly in some games, but in one game with cop.zoro AND stefanelemir, nobody says a word! But again, Hunter lost that game!!!!!!!! However, after he was eliminated, the other two players just deadbeat it out....

Speaking of deadbeating... Hunter and those other players always miss turn at the same time! except one... Cop missed all his turns and hunter always played... And Hunter always takes his turn at the same time as the others- but they never come within 2 seconds of eachother- and that's only when they click a button like "end turn" all attacks and fortifications are at least 20 seconds apart.

Another player- marco88, acts completely ignorant in a game with Hunter as well, and hunter treats him the same way as he treated Pereca when he was ACTING dumb.[/url]

I am going to comment the things you said... Hunter_zr is me Nikola Stankov, Stefanelemir is my friend from school Stefan Saravolac, cop.zoro is my another friend Zoran Pajic, Marco88 is my friend Marko Rajic from Petnica Science Center and he is from Belgrade. I am from Zrenjanin, and Stefan and Zoran live near Zrenjanin... Pereca is my sister Jelena Stankov... WE ARE NOT CHEATERS!!!! .... Stefan and I started to fight against each other... then Zoran joined and then Marko... Look for Miks... he is also our friend. He is Miroslav Stojkovic and he also lives near Zrenjanin.... As I sead, we are not cheaters, we play against eachother and the only reason I am winning is because my friends have some problem with organisation of theyr troops... I am going to send this message to other forum topics because I don't have time to type on every topic diferent message... Forgive me for my bad English and spelling mistakes... My English is Bad...
Next... for the missed turns... We here in Serbia have dail-up internet and it is very slow and it costs a lot of money in Serbia... This week I was seack... i have got the flu.... Zoran, Stefan and Miroslav have been in school and they had not payed attention to the gaims because they had to study... I was at home, and I had much spair time, so I contacted Marco who was lucky for me also out of school and hade some time to play with me... Marco is a dumbass... he doesn't know a thing about computers, and less to play this kind of games... So he made some stupid attack and made more damnage then good to the games...
I can prove it... If anyone likes to learn Serbian, i can upload a log form googletalk where Stefan, Zoran and I comunicate during our games on Serbian because our English sucks ass....
As I said... we are not cheaters... we don't want to bring anyone trouble... we are 4 or 5 if Miks is incluaded highschool students who wants to fight amongst OURSELFS!!!!!.... but in case where onlu Stefan and I are playing, we are not a team... in school we don't eaven talk to eachother very much... We are rivals who want to destroy each other, but there is allways somone else to ruin our game, so we play everyone to him self.... I have no attantion of getting my friends and my sister in some kind of danger because I am the best from my little brotherhood... Stefan, Jelena, Miroslav, Zoran and Marko are not good enough to beat me down.... I love Risk and I loved it form my 4th birthday when I got my first Risk set... I love strategy games and I only want to say... you are makeing a misstake by thinking that we are a multi logged cheaters... because we are not!...

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:58 pm
by hunter_zr
As i said to Herminator and Zackismet...
I have and i don't want anything to hide, so if you want anything to ask me, just ask me... ok?
My friends and me only want to play... nothing else... The game would be batter if it chould be a fight only amongst ourselves... but it manycases it hasen't been... I'm sorry for makeing a bad impression of myself, my friends and Serbia...
If anyone want's to ask me or myfirends anything... just send us a pm because Stefan, Zoran, Jelena and Miroslav don't visit the forum...
Marko alerted me about this missunderstanding, and because I am the leader and I am the president of my class 4-11 of Zrenjanin high school I took the responcability of making this missunderstanding straight...
I must apologise for my English again...

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:04 pm
by hunter_zr
The answers to this mistery you can find on "General Discussion -> I can't decide about this guy...."
Visit that topic so I don't have to repeat myself....
Peace out people

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:11 pm
by Master Bush
These players have all been Cleared of multis: