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B051LjKo/troky - Account sitting abuse [warned]lv

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:09 am
by Groo
THIS IS THE LOG ENTRY OF GAME (Croatian language but I will translate it here, normally only one's that matter, red entries)

2010-07-21 18:32:53 - dakky21: malo za promjenu nesto sto bi moglo potrajati i zahtjeva smirenu i sporu igru
2010-07-21 23:10:22 - troky: super... mene nema od subote tjedan dana... pa vi polako... great.....I'm gone from saturday (i.e. 24.07.2010.) for a you play slow...
2010-07-22 10:48:27 - Buda: dobro ali ova ekipa igra extra brzo tako da neče trajat dakky ko ona koja još uvijek traje šta smo igrali u paru
2010-07-22 13:46:17 - B051LjKo: ufff, netko me osakati...
2010-07-22 23:18:10 - Buda: kako je uleto troki posrala ga koca biče
2010-07-22 23:18:20 - Buda: bravo
2010-07-23 11:44:56 - troky: sram me je pričati o tome... stvarno me posrala
2010-07-24 03:05:34 - Buda: troki ovo ničemu nevodi :D
2010-07-24 09:41:24 - troky: aj bok... B051 igra za mene nadalje. cya........B051 (a.k.a. B051LjKo) plays for me further more
2010-07-26 19:02:33 - Groo: troky pederčino.......zar sam ja tebi išta napravio na ovoj igri nažao da me potpuno eliminiraš sa onih područja? .................. hahahahahahahaha ma to je ipak Bosiljak bio smradaner Ivovski :)
2010-07-26 20:33:54 - dakky21: a gledajte nije fer da bosiljak i troki igraju ko jedan tim... nije fer da bosiljak uopce igra za trokya u ovoj igri...
2010-07-26 20:34:11 - dakky21: moj prijedlog je da se svi udruzimo protiv njih dvojce, pa cemo onda dalje polako
2010-07-26 21:05:07 - B051LjKo: Ja igram u trockijevom najboljem interesu :-)
2010-07-26 21:19:56 - Groo: toliko da držiš već cijelu unutrašnjost
2010-07-26 23:49:34 - troky: to će stvarno dugo trajati... moš mislit
2010-07-26 23:50:37 - B051LjKo: da ispravim kolegu troxa...dugo je i trajalo...
2010-07-27 13:09:44 - dakky21: lolčina uspio sam mu izbombardirat 8 na castleu i 2 na toweru sa svojih 6 na katapultu, izgubio sam 1 :-D
2010-07-27 15:47:28 - B051LjKo: jadno... ali što sad... em me rokate svi... em svih sere kocka...
2010-07-28 01:08:56 - dakky21: groo, mislim da ne bi trebao budu udarat nego bosiljka i trokija, mislim ono, njih dva su jedan tim...
2010-07-28 07:26:20 - Groo: otkud ti znaš tko mi je veća prijetnja u "FoW" igri?
2010-07-28 08:45:05 - Groo: ja budem ovu igru prijavio adminu ovog trenutka ako troky u svom prvom slijedećem igranju ne napadne bosiljka.................log je ovdje a prijevod je jednostavan..............over & out
2010-07-28 10:31:21 - troky: A prijavi... šta da ti kažem
2010-07-28 10:32:42 - troky: ne vidim što je sporno, pogotovo jer i ti i dakky rokate po meni, dakle?
2010-07-28 10:34:13 - B051LjKo: Ako i troky krene lupat po B051Ljku, oda će svi lupat po njemu...
2010-07-28 10:34:27 - B051LjKo: Još je i super zanimljivo da troky trenutno najbolje stoji u igri... a pljujete po meni
2010-07-28 10:53:23 - Groo: sporno je da i dalje ne vidim log gdje piše da se troky ulogirao kao on a ne ka B051LjKo što događanjima na terenu čini igru varanjem i nedozvoljenim babysitanjem........eto toliko.......znajte da ste prijavljeni oboje

Other log entries are just flaming them for playing game like this. Until this day neither B051LjKo nor troky wont even try to weaken other party and their standing on map will help win either of them.



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Abusing gameplay with Illegal babysitting

Game number(s):


Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:32 am
by dakky21
I must say - that I think this is not "cheating".
B051Ljko had moral issues and should have denied Troky's request for babysitting account for this game.
Troky shouldn't have asked B051Ljko to play this game for him. Again morality issue.

We would all be happiest if the game could be just discarded. Otherwise, if anything else happens, we could change IRL relations and therefore lose friends because of game. That shouldn't happen - as I think.

EDIT: even better idea, Troky should have missed all three turns in a row and got kicked out, as B051Ljko is here, and Troky is not here. Or he should have found other babysitter.

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:34 am
by Darwins_Bane
aha i found it.

17. Can I let another player take a turn for me when I am away from the game?

You can, with the stipulation that the account babysitter is not your opponent in any current game. It is common courtesy to announce in game chat that another player will take your turn(s) during your absence. Babysitters should only do what is necessary to take the turn(s) and should not interact with the community, start or join new games (except for ongoing tournaments). Furthermore, you should only take another player's turn if they are in danger of missing a turn, not for the purpose of gaining a tactical advantage.

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:51 am
by dakky21
Darwins_Bane wrote:aha i found it.

17. Can I let another player take a turn for me when I am away from the game?

You can, with the stipulation that the account babysitter is not your opponent in any current game. It is common courtesy to announce in game chat that another player will take your turn(s) during your absence. Babysitters should only do what is necessary to take the turn(s) and should not interact with the community, start or join new games (except for ongoing tournaments). Furthermore, you should only take another player's turn if they are in danger of missing a turn, not for the purpose of gaining a tactical advantage.

Yeah, that is it. IF it was a doubles game with them two in same team, that would still be correct. Since its not, it was just done WRONG, and I believe both of them didn't really taken care for this matter - I guess they believed it is correct doing it, so they can NOT be accused of INTENTIONALLY abusing the game.

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:12 am
by drunkmonkey
dakky21 wrote:We would all be happiest if the game could be just discarded. Otherwise, if anything else happens, we could change IRL relations and therefore lose friends because of game. That shouldn't happen - as I think.

Huh? If CC takes action based on rules violation, you might stop being friends in real life? The game's not going to be discarded, so I'd start sending gift baskets now.

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:16 pm
by jefjef
dakky21 wrote:
Darwins_Bane wrote:aha i found it.

17. Can I let another player take a turn for me when I am away from the game?

You can, with the stipulation that the account babysitter is not your opponent in any current game. It is common courtesy to announce in game chat that another player will take your turn(s) during your absence. Babysitters should only do what is necessary to take the turn(s) and should not interact with the community, start or join new games (except for ongoing tournaments). Furthermore, you should only take another player's turn if they are in danger of missing a turn, not for the purpose of gaining a tactical advantage.

Yeah, that is it. IF it was a doubles game with them two in same team, that would still be correct. Since its not, it was just done WRONG, and I believe both of them didn't really taken care for this matter - I guess they believed it is correct doing it, so they can NOT be accused of INTENTIONALLY abusing the game.

Does not matter if they knew or not. Warning for sitting abuse is due.

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:32 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Groo wrote:THIS IS THE LOG ENTRY OF GAME (Croatian language but I will translate it here, normally only one's that matter, red entries)

2010-07-21 18:32:53 - dakky21: malo za promjenu nesto sto bi moglo potrajati i zahtjeva smirenu i sporu igru
2010-07-21 23:10:22 - troky: super... mene nema od subote tjedan dana... pa vi polako... great.....I'm gone from saturday (i.e. 24.07.2010.) for a you play slow...
2010-07-22 10:48:27 - Buda: dobro ali ova ekipa igra extra brzo tako da neče trajat dakky ko ona koja još uvijek traje šta smo igrali u paru
2010-07-22 13:46:17 - B051LjKo: ufff, netko me osakati...
2010-07-22 23:18:10 - Buda: kako je uleto troki posrala ga koca biče
2010-07-22 23:18:20 - Buda: bravo
2010-07-23 11:44:56 - troky: sram me je pričati o tome... stvarno me posrala
2010-07-24 03:05:34 - Buda: troki ovo ničemu nevodi :D
2010-07-24 09:41:24 - troky: aj bok... B051 igra za mene nadalje. cya........B051 (a.k.a. B051LjKo) plays for me further more
2010-07-26 19:02:33 - Groo: troky pederčino.......zar sam ja tebi išta napravio na ovoj igri nažao da me potpuno eliminiraš sa onih područja? .................. hahahahahahahaha ma to je ipak Bosiljak bio smradaner Ivovski :)
2010-07-26 20:33:54 - dakky21: a gledajte nije fer da bosiljak i troki igraju ko jedan tim... nije fer da bosiljak uopce igra za trokya u ovoj igri...
2010-07-26 20:34:11 - dakky21: moj prijedlog je da se svi udruzimo protiv njih dvojce, pa cemo onda dalje polako
2010-07-26 21:05:07 - B051LjKo: Ja igram u trockijevom najboljem interesu :-)
2010-07-26 21:19:56 - Groo: toliko da držiš već cijelu unutrašnjost
2010-07-26 23:49:34 - troky: to će stvarno dugo trajati... moš mislit
2010-07-26 23:50:37 - B051LjKo: da ispravim kolegu troxa...dugo je i trajalo...
2010-07-27 13:09:44 - dakky21: lolčina uspio sam mu izbombardirat 8 na castleu i 2 na toweru sa svojih 6 na katapultu, izgubio sam 1 :-D
2010-07-27 15:47:28 - B051LjKo: jadno... ali što sad... em me rokate svi... em svih sere kocka...
2010-07-28 01:08:56 - dakky21: groo, mislim da ne bi trebao budu udarat nego bosiljka i trokija, mislim ono, njih dva su jedan tim...
2010-07-28 07:26:20 - Groo: otkud ti znaš tko mi je veća prijetnja u "FoW" igri?
2010-07-28 08:45:05 - Groo: ja budem ovu igru prijavio adminu ovog trenutka ako troky u svom prvom slijedećem igranju ne napadne bosiljka.................log je ovdje a prijevod je jednostavan..............over & out
2010-07-28 10:31:21 - troky: A prijavi... šta da ti kažem
2010-07-28 10:32:42 - troky: ne vidim što je sporno, pogotovo jer i ti i dakky rokate po meni, dakle?
2010-07-28 10:34:13 - B051LjKo: Ako i troky krene lupat po B051Ljku, oda će svi lupat po njemu...
2010-07-28 10:34:27 - B051LjKo: Još je i super zanimljivo da troky trenutno najbolje stoji u igri... a pljujete po meni
2010-07-28 10:53:23 - Groo: sporno je da i dalje ne vidim log gdje piše da se troky ulogirao kao on a ne ka B051LjKo što događanjima na terenu čini igru varanjem i nedozvoljenim babysitanjem........eto toliko.......znajte da ste prijavljeni oboje

Other log entries are just flaming them for playing game like this. Until this day neither B051LjKo nor troky wont even try to weaken other party and their standing on map will help win either of them.



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Abusing gameplay with Illegal babysitting

Game number(s):

Game 7333139

Added links

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:08 pm
by Hamanu
Unfair to say the least, borders on secret alliance. Get them, Groo ;)

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:09 pm
by lord voldemort
any chance of getting the whole chat translated?

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:24 pm
by anonymus
lord voldemort wrote:any chance of getting the whole chat translated?

let me google that for you..

21/07/2010 18:32:53 - dakky21: little to change something that could take requests calm and slow play
21/07/2010 23:10:22 - troky: super ... I'm gone a week from Saturday ... and more slowly ... Great ..... I'm gone from Saturday (ie 24.07.2010.) for a week ......... so you play slow ...
07/22/2010 10:48:27 - Buda: good, but this team play extra fast so that will not last dakky like the one that is still going on what we played in pairs
07/22/2010 13:46:17 - B051LjKo: Ufff, somebody hurt me ...
07/22/2010 23:18:10 - Buddha: that the storm triangular posrala stake it shall be
07/22/2010 23:18:20 - Buda: Bravo
23/07/2010 11:44:56 - troky: shame on me talking about it ... I really posrala
24/07/2010 03:05:34 - Buda: This triangular nevodi anything: D
24/07/2010 09:41:24 - troky: aj hi ... B051 game for me also. cya ........ B051 (aka B051LjKo) plays for me further more
07/26/2010 19:02:33 - Groo: troky fag ....... am I to you anything to make this game harm me eliminiraš completely from those areas? .................. hahahahahahahaha ma that's Basil was smradaner Ivovski)
07/26/2010 20:33:54 - dakky21: a watch is not fair to basil and triangular play like a team ... not fair at all that basil trokya game for this game ...
07/26/2010 20:34:11 - dakky21: My suggestion is that all of them together against the duo, and then we continue slowly
07/26/2010 21:05:07 - B051LjKo: I am playing in the best interest trockijevom :-)
07/26/2010 21:19:56 - Groo: enough to keep everyone inside, but
07/26/2010 23:49:34 - troky: it would really last long ... mos mislit
07/26/2010 23:50:37 - B051LjKo: to correct a fellow TROX ... and lasted a long time ...
07/27/2010 13:09:44 - dakky21: lolčina succeeded him izbombardirat 8 to 2 on the Castle and Tower with its 6 on the catapult, I lost 1:-D
07/27/2010 15:47:28 - B051LjKo: pathetic ... but what now ... I rokate em all ... em all sere cube ...
07/28/2010 01:08:56 - dakky21: Groo, I think it should be hitting, but basil and trokija, I think that, these two are a team ...
07/28/2010 07:26:20 - Groo: how do you know who mi is greater threat to the "fog of war" game?
07/28/2010 08:45:05 - Groo: I'm the game up to this moment, if admin troky in his play the next attack does not log the basil ................. Here is a translation of a simple .............. over & out
07/28/2010 10:31:21 - troky: A Report ... What can I say
07/28/2010 10:32:42 - troky: I do not see what is controversial, especially since you and dakky rokate by me, then?
07/28/2010 10:34:13 - B051LjKo: If the batter goes troky B051Ljku, an ode to all beaten by him ...
07/28/2010 10:34:27 - B051LjKo: Funny and super interesting to troky is currently the best in the game ... and spit on me
07/28/2010 10:53:23 - Groo: the controversy that still do not see the log where he writes that troky signed on as not to B051LjKo the events on the ground makes the play fake and illegal babysitanjem ....... . ....... So that you should know that you are logged in both

rough maybe but you get a bit more atleast ;) and i so rarely get to use the let me google that for you term so couldnt resist..

/ :?:

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:25 pm
by owenshooter
lord voldemort wrote:any chance of getting the whole chat translated?

yeah.. there is this wonderful thing called google...-the black jesus

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:48 pm
by lord voldemort
owenshooter wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:any chance of getting the whole chat translated?

yeah.. there is this wonderful thing called google...-the black jesus

yet nice people do it for me...
google translate is one thing...understanding the language is something else

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:14 pm
by Hamanu
What is the penalty for this kind of behavior anyway?

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:18 pm
by Darwins_Bane
the first time? usually a warning. depends

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:28 pm
by dakky21
I would translate it for you, but I assure you that most of the chat is just "light swearing" on each other, on the Croatian language.

The important parts are these:
Triangular, trocki, TROX, Troki, trokya = Troky
posrala/sere = got lucky in our mild swearing language
rokate po meni = shooting on me; or just shooting
Basil = B051Ljko
lolčina = BIG LOL

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:53 pm
by Hamanu
Being a neutral party and also Croatian I can confirm that most is just friendly jibber jabber, slightly offensive to the public at times, but normal for conversations among friends :)

Bosiljko keeps congratulating Groo for "getting both him and Troky" banned though lol

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:57 am
by B051LjKo
Ok, i won't be sitting troky's account in this game anymore; will find another sitter; BTW. The laughable part is I did nothing but playing in trokys best interest...

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:19 am
by dakky21
B051LjKo wrote:Ok, i won't be sitting troky's account in this game anymore; will find another sitter; BTW. The laughable part is I did nothing but playing in trokys best interest...

And you say that after you played with troky's account again? This time you attacked yourself, but that doesn't change anything

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:44 pm
by afroaction

* Rule #2 on the site states that all diplomatic discussions MUST take place within the Game Chat in English or a language all players can understand. This includes proposing alliances and discussing the strategies of those alliances. Keep this in mind because players who violate it may find themselves Blocked from playing with each other.

Not sure if they knew this, but a warning should be issued to these guys

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 4:06 pm
by dakky21
afroaction wrote:Diplomacy:

* Rule #2 on the site states that all diplomatic discussions MUST take place within the Game Chat in English or a language all players can understand. This includes proposing alliances and discussing the strategies of those alliances. Keep this in mind because players who violate it may find themselves Blocked from playing with each other.

Not sure if they knew this, but a warning should be issued to these guys

He claims he found another sitter, but doesn't report in game chat who that other sitter is...

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:36 am
by DJPatrick
Postby afroaction on Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:44 am

* Rule #2 on the site states that all diplomatic discussions MUST take place within the Game Chat in English or a language all players can understand. This includes proposing alliances and discussing the strategies of those alliances. Keep this in mind because players who violate it may find themselves Blocked from playing with each other.

Not sure if they knew this, but a warning should be issued to these guys

Afroaction...thank you for this input BUT it is not the point....sorry if you could NOT understand the game chat (I couldn't) however these guys are ALL croation speaking in their mother tongue...MASSIVE fail

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:14 am
by afroaction
oops me bad, my point was just because they all have a Croatian flag doesn't necessarily mean they all speak Croatian. I have a Canadian Flag, you cannot assume i speak English. Also that person can be from a country where C.C. does not have a proper flag to truly represent where they are from? and C.C. picked the closest flag to them? How are you supposed to know?

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:39 am
by lord voldemort
Both have been warned for account sitting abuse

Re: B051LjKo : Babysitting another player inside same game

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:25 pm
by B051LjKo
afroaction wrote:oops me bad, my point was just because they all have a Croatian flag doesn't necessarily mean they all speak Croatian. I have a Canadian Flag, you cannot assume i speak English. Also that person can be from a country where C.C. does not have a proper flag to truly represent where they are from? and C.C. picked the closest flag to them? How are you supposed to know?

LoL, we all know each other in real life... :-), and understand Croatian better than english!