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Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments [Warned]e84

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:19 am
by slaqdog
Freds bank has
1: threatened, used abusive terms -including insults to my mother and father and racist accusations ie 'I must be an immigrant and therefore have no honour'.
2: He has visited all my current games and posted negative comments-this is harresment- ratings exist for this purpose but he
3: intends to chase me out of conquerclub because he lost one game.
#How can I stop this vindictive and abusive harresment?


freds bank

The accused are suspected of:

Severe PM Abuse
Other: <Bullying,Harresment,abuse,racial abuse,>

Game number(s):

Game 7368525


Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:13 am
by jefjef
2010-07-26 20:21:16 - slaqdog: get over it its finished-its part of the game grow up you nasty little toad

1: I See no racist comments but I do see you being an ass.

2: Don't like someone put them on foe like I am doing with you.

3: WTF are you crying about? Hell I want you to leave CC too after reading this crap.

RUN! It's a temper tantrum! Image

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:17 am
by slaqdog
And you reguard the abuse I got before this reply as acceptable? You are very one sided in your judgement.

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:08 pm
by Snowgun
slaqdog wrote:And you reguard the abuse I got before this reply as acceptable? You are very one sided in your judgement.

What? You expect Jeffy to be thoughtful and do his due diligence? :lol: :lol: I thinks he flips a coin.

Either way you should just foe and Harden the f*ck up, especially if you bring this on by breaking a truce. If he still stalks you after that then come back and jeffy will slap him into next week.

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:15 pm
by oVo
game chat wrote:2010-07-26 18:27:43 - freds bank: how bout a 2 round truce dog?
2010-07-26 18:32:41 - kikero378: have the impression dog going to kick my but
2010-07-26 18:33:22 - slaqdog: ok freds
2010-07-26 18:33:48 - slaqdog: hi kik nice ta meet you i'll try
2010-07-26 18:35:04 - Rearguard: I have met his army, and I intend to run!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-07-26 18:35:42 - freds bank: wise choice
2010-07-26 18:43:57 - kikero378: don't seem to be good for you reargurd
2010-07-26 18:44:37 - kikero378: dog just killed me
2010-07-26 18:46:38 - kikero378: the end is near, i'll have to improve for next time
2010-07-26 18:47:26 - freds bank: stick around for the last stand
2010-07-26 18:48:40 - kikero378: just one region left and it's seven to one
2010-07-26 18:52:03 - freds bank: 1 more round left on that truce dog
2010-07-26 18:52:54 - kikero378: last stand
2010-07-26 18:54:30 - freds bank: what the fuck dog????? you broke the truce!!!!
2010-07-26 18:55:08 - kikero378: need to leave the game, put me out of my misery please do not wich to slow down the game
2010-07-26 18:55:19 - freds bank: looks like you and rear are cheating buddies!!!
2010-07-26 19:09:52 - freds bank: hey slaq!!! why'd you break the truce?>???
2010-07-26 19:16:35 - kikero378: leaving the game
2010-07-26 19:18:32 - freds bank: you have to be a complete loser to cheat to win a game like this... you must be so proud, what an accomplishment
2010-07-26 19:19:15 - freds bank: it will be noted on feedback.
2010-07-26 19:27:17 - slaqdog: you are such a good loser I will note it on feedback
2010-07-26 19:46:14 - freds bank: did you forget about our truce????
2010-07-26 19:46:34 - freds bank: or maybe you cant count to 2???
2010-07-26 19:48:24 - freds bank: you are either an idiot or a scumbag, which is it?
2010-07-26 20:16:15 - freds bank: whats your answer cheat
2010-07-26 20:17:52 - slaqdog: you are very angry I can tell
2010-07-26 20:18:09 - slaqdog: now go and have a rest while I take your last troops
2010-07-26 20:19:01 - freds bank: soon not to many people will play this game with you, we dont take kindly to little cheats on this site.
2010-07-26 20:21:01 - freds bank: although i can see from your record, cheating is probably the only way you can win.
2010-07-26 20:21:16 - slaqdog: get over it its finished-its part of the game grow up you nasty little toad
2010-07-26 20:22:47 - freds bank: cheating is part of the game??? and you've learned this from your vast 12 games of experience. more likely its your dirtbag nature.
2010-07-26 20:23:38 - freds bank: i would say well played but obviously thats not the case.
2010-07-26 20:24:42 - freds bank: you must be an immigrant to England, real British have character.
2010-07-26 20:24:49 - slaqdog: breaking a truce is not cheating you silly sausage-it is part of the game jeez you are plank like
2010-07-26 20:25:06 - slaqdog: so you are a racist eh?
2010-07-26 20:25:12 - slaqdog: nice to meet you lol
2010-07-26 20:25:59 - freds bank: hahahahaha. of course it is. and picking a pocket isnt stealing either, eh Olie?
2010-07-26 20:26:02 - slaqdog: you havent lost yet make your moves---I am sure you will get over your lose eventually and stop gnashing your teeth
2010-07-26 20:26:17 - freds bank: a racist? hows that?
2010-07-26 20:26:38 - slaqdog: no it is not you are mistaken my dear ignorant friend-it is a choice of tactics
2010-07-26 20:27:09 - freds bank: oh, i see cheating is a tactic. hmmmm interesting.
2010-07-26 20:27:14 - slaqdog: you are a racist=cos you just made a racist commetn and I object to your racism strongly
2010-07-26 20:27:49 - freds bank: its called Honor, something if your daddy would have stayed around might have taught you
2010-07-26 20:28:15 - freds bank: I dont know what color you are, so no racism
2010-07-26 20:28:58 - slaqdog: you are so weird
2010-07-26 20:29:05 - freds bank: nor do i care what color you are, your character however is lacking
2010-07-26 20:29:51 - freds bank: so if a immigrant from sweden, i'm a racist?
2010-07-26 20:30:01 - freds bank: if you
2010-07-26 20:30:44 - freds bank: your mummy must be proud. must be a labor party member.
2010-07-26 20:31:46 - freds bank: please end this soon so i can leave your well earned feedback.
2010-07-27 01:33:36 - slaqdog: You should seek out counselling -it will help with the anger management before you do yourself any more harm
2010-07-27 01:35:28 - slaqdog: finished loserrrrrr!!! hahaha

I see no threats or racist remarks in the chat and the insults seem to be a mutual exchange. freds bank, breaking a truce may be unscrupulous, but it is not cheating. Following him around bitching about it is lame, over the top and could earn you a vacation. slaqdog, you initiated this with your cheap underhanded tactics and escalated it with your game chat remarks. Don't like it? Add him to your foe list and don't respond to his messages. While I do appreciate your witty banter, the odds are still good that some players will add you to their foe lists, now that you've outed yourself as a backstabbing whinger.

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:27 pm
by AndyDufresne
Do you have a list of games that the user followed you into, where he was not an opponent? Has he sent you any 'abusive' Private Messages?


Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:46 pm
by Empress Wu
Game 7368091 wrote:2010-07-27 03:33:31 - freds bank: dont join a truce with slaqdog, he doesnt honor them! Fair warning!
2010-07-27 09:09:21 - slaqdog: dont play against freds-he cries like a bin baby when he loses!!!;-))))
2010-07-27 21:29:47 - freds bank: Yep, Cheaters bother me. They bother most people of character.

freds bank posted the "fair warning" in numerous games, that slaqdog (but not freds bank) was in. The above is an example.

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:56 pm
by Timminz
It looks like you tricked him good.

Word to the wise: be prepared for people to be pissed off when you manipulate them like that.

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:15 pm
by oVo
That kitty should ask for a truce.

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:25 pm
by Snowgun
oVo wrote:That kitty should ask for a truce.

TIMMINZ YOU MONSTER! Where the f*ck is PETA when you need them! :lol:


Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:36 pm
by HaireWolf1
#1 Never break a truce escpecially without forewarning

#2 Expect harsh criticism up to and including name-calling when you break this truce

#3 There are other gaming sites

By the way your #3 is just a continuation of #2 so that is a punishable offense falling under grammatical misoccurrence which for first time offenders the punishment is having your bumhole sanded and gasoline poured on it. Good luck wid dat...lolol

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:32 pm
by AAFitz
Left chat in most of these. Just the one line, which really is pretty benign. Its harassment, but I doubt he knows its against the rules. Since its actually pretty politely written, I would suspect he simply gets a warning that posting in other games like this is against the rules.
Game 7373555
Game 7373419
Game 7368783
Game 7368525
Game 7368311
Game 7368091
Game 7367551
Game 7367283
Game 7356944
Game 7352822

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:44 pm
by oVo
The curious thing about these "polite warnings" about this truce breaker
posted in his other games is, I have seen much, much worse things
posted by outsiders in game chats...

and no action was taken against those offenders.

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:22 am
by DJPatrick
I trick, intimidate, insinuate, cajole, belittle and ingratiate to win games it should be...but NEVER break a truce (even tho I always try to manipulate them to my advantage)...thank you for raising your head above the crowd, slaqdog and showing your character such as it is...

As for your complaint of racism; there is some creedence in claiming that its discrimination against a certain type of people (i.e. immigrants to whatever country) but as the post did not discriminate based on race, colour or religion it's outside even liberal definitions of racism.

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:46 pm
by BoganGod
DJPatrick wrote:I trick, intimidate, insinuate, cajole, belittle and ingratiate to win games it should be...but NEVER break a truce (even tho I always try to manipulate them to my advantage)...thank you for raising your head above the crowd, slaqdog and showing your character such as it is...

As for your complaint of racism; there is some creedence in claiming that its discrimination against a certain type of people (i.e. immigrants to whatever country) but as the post did not discriminate based on race, colour or religion it's outside even liberal definitions of racism.

Toads are a species not race, come on Patrick, you know that. Hell even queenslanders know that. Pretty mild carry on isn't it. For an adult site there isn't much language is this a foe, forget and move on situation, with maybe a friendly explanation to the accused?

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:12 am
by DJPatrick
Don't inflame the grievous situation here, Bogan...everyone knows that toads, similarly to Fred bank's alledged non-British, are an introduced species. Toads are also feral and noxious and declared vermin...everyone knows how Queenslanders practice their golf swing. Are you seriously suggesting that similar practices are unleashed on all non-native-born. While I know that the idea may get some reception in Oz if it started with those small flightless birds who somehow migrate from across the ditch, world-wide application could well interfere with the very existance of humanity and, perhaps more importantly, of CC itself!!!

Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments by freds bank

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:34 pm
by eye84free
freds bank has been warned, As soon as he went into the players other games and continued to persue him it went to another level. This could have been closed if not for the constant following of player. Also you should foe the player and rate him accordnly.


Re: Harresment,abuse,bullying,racist comments [Warned]e84

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:43 am
by slaqdog
Thanks for all your replies-best advice was 'mark him as foe and move on' with a shrug but it was nice to get it off my chest.
To everyone who suggested I leave it aiont happening I like the games.
As for truces breaking them is not against the rules and while it was a sucker punch he was in such a commanding position it felt justified--though now I have learned my lesson I dont break truces now but you know---other people do! lol..what goes around comes around....
cheers all good gaming
ps looking at freds feedback he is a total troll