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Multi: STOOOKER [previously busted] and ToomA [Cleared]

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:04 pm
by FlyingCow371
These are suspected Multis

Names: STOOOKER and ToomA

Game number:

Comments: STOOOKER has a lot of negative feedback. I have only played one game with him/her. During this game, both of them would take their turns at the same time. That in itself wouldn't suggest using multiple accounts but during these turns one would make many attacks and/or fortification moves, then there would be a time gap, and then the other would go. These gaps seem to suggest a log-out then log-in again as the other person. This change would be used to fortify each other mid attack so that one could keep going. This would be a fairly clever way to take advantage of the freestyle system, but because they never were moving at the same time I believe it is actually one person. Also, all of ToomA's games are with STOOOKER.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:07 pm
by Vonnegut
I was partnered with FlyingCow. We had a good strategy that was subdued by the apparent multi-account of Major STOOOKER. I expect that from newbies or privates like myself, but not somone of rank. Be warned.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:19 pm
by ToomA
in this game we play as multiple player ... why u said we are cheating if we are one teme and how u said stooker log in and log out ???

i play withe him as a team and i didnt think is ther is a rule wich said if there is a 2 persons as a team they cannot paly so many time togather ??

if there is a rule about that pleas show us :?:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:27 pm
by Zackismet
Stooker has been accused many times of being a multi, and has already been caught and banned with his real ones. If anything he is making secret alliancees with players now that he doesn't play with his multis anymore. (hopefully)


actually... ToomA only plays games with STOOKER... wow... and their turns as always taken within 1 minute of eachother (except in one instance) and the one game ToomA played with a different partner, the only person he attacked one turn was his partner twice (in one turn).

I still dunno... Toom seems to attack STOOKER only a little bit less than others... but hey, if he's playing with multi's again- nice catch.

oh... and they're both from Bahni or whatever... coincidence?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:31 pm
by Vonnegut
so there's not much we can do besides add them to our ignore lists?


PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:36 pm
by ToomA
what is secret alliancees ???

if u dont like to bolive that there as no multiple account what i can do 4 both of u ??

also if u like to but as in your ignore lists its your chois

and we say the true think and bouth of u dont like to bolive us :!:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:45 pm
by sully800
STOOKER was previously busted with DUNHILL. ToomA is cleared of multiple accounts.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:46 pm
by Vonnegut
I received this email from STOOOKER, identical to the one that ToomA posted in the forum... coincidence? decide for yourselves.

To: Vonnegut
Posted: 31 Jan 2007 22:39
Subject: thanks
in this game we play as multiple player ... why u said we are cheating if we are one teme and how u said stooker log in and log out ???

i play withe him as a team and i didnt think is ther is a rule wich said if there is a 2 persons as a team they cannot paly so many time togather ??

if there is a rule about that pleas show us ?

and also u alwayes write a negative feedback about me and i cant replay about it becouse my english not strong becouse the english is not my mother language ... so i cant say any think about what u say about me .

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:55 pm
by ToomA
yes becouse this what i send it 2 stooker to sea what i write 4 u meby he send it again

becouse both of us cant write english very will so how can we explain 4 u ???

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:59 pm
by FlyingCow371
So ToomA has been cleared? I'm not entirely sure what the previously busted deal means, but I guess in this case if it were multiple accounts they'd both be cleared or not cleared together. So if ToomA was cleared, then I was wrong and they were just being sneaky and taking advantage of the freestyle system. One way to tell would be to see if they'd been sending messages to each other in the team game chat to coordinate their attacks so well, but I can't see that. If they are innocent, though, I shall remove my negative feedback.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:04 pm
by ToomA
ok ,, i have sugestion
let play a new game together that u can see if why r cheating or not ??

and you will see that each on is diffrent person

if u would like 2 play

just give me the game number so im and stooker will play

and what about the feedback ??

also if stooker can write in english he will explain for you bot he only read and writ in arabic so i translait every thing for him

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:49 pm
by atomicsnotbubble
ToomA wrote:what is secret alliancees ???

if u dont like to bolive that there as no multiple account what i can do 4 both of u ??

also if u like to but as in your ignore lists its your chois

and we say the true think and bouth of u dont like to bolive us :!:

notice neither one of them can type a correct word both of the seem a little less than sane