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MirzaBabar - confx [Warned] KS

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:19 am
by yasirwasti

The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):
Game 5943323

I was looking at MirzaBabar's wall and found following by confx:
"The player Funex in our russia game is a complete Portuguese CUNT ,I`ve tried to foe him before he got onto my games, I will be attacking him , until you can or I can knock him out then it`s me and you or just you if I weaken him enough "(by confx on Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:10 pm )
and on confx's wall:
"yeah, ok, but if I will take a terretory must you have to lose a little army's. And its the same for your terretorys. But I understand what you say, and it's ok :) we will try "(by MirzaBabar on Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:46 am )
Arent we supposed to use the game chat for this kind of coordination or is it ok for me to use the wall or personal messages too?

Re: MirzaBabar - confx

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:13 pm
by parker4s
Oh dang! Miz shouldnt be charged with that really

Re: MirzaBabar - confx

PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:44 am
by king sam
geez well they both had more dirty laundry then that on their wall..

All diplomatic game discussion must be done in game chat area of that game in a language all can understand. Meaning if your going to post on someones wall or PM about a diplomatic maneuver between the 2 of you it should be almost verbatim as to what is also posted in game chat. You cant have a wall post or PM without the exact same thing or your in violation of rule #2.

confx guilty of SD with MirzaBabar in Game 5943323 for what I sited above.
confx guilty of SD with jakeo94 in Game 5943316 also for what I sited above.

MirzaBabar guilty of SD with confx in Game 5943323 for what I sited above.
MirzaBabar guilty of SD with browser in Game 6533543 also for what I sited above.

All 4 have been Warned as this was their 1st infraction concerning SD.