Conquer Club

Incorrect Greivance [closed]

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Incorrect Greivance [closed]

Postby max is gr8 on Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:08 am

con da 1 wrote:game 185932 was aq good game and also game 185932 was harsh on me

this was about 185932 and he put it in the negative.
it didn't even follow the rules

the rules wrote:Leave only fair and factual comments.

all I said was I wanted to eliminate him? how did that work

now is it just me or is this grievance wrong in every way possible how did this relate to how i played?
‹max is gr8› so you're a tee-total healthy-eating sex-addict?
‹New_rules› Everyone has some bad habits
(4th Jan 2010)
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Postby AK_iceman on Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:42 pm

We don't have greivances anymore. It's called negative feedback.
And if you don't think it follows the rules, then report it.
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Postby Luke035 on Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:38 pm

Max, you'll be getting more negative feedback when game 183525 is over... Do you realize that there are two others playing with you in this game? Do you read the chat log at all? You passed up numerous chances to help the team effort AND to eliminate an opponent with 5 cards.
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