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persianempire and bennybladez[cleared]es
Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:53 am
by alching
i have reason to believe that the two stated above are working together i was vsing them in a speed game and found that both of them ganged on me i had no bonuses no advantage and once i was done the just talked and deployed then finnally let persianempire win then i looked on their walls and found they are both from canada and started their accs about the same time the also have played around 100 games together also in assasins benny had helped by att persianempire target so he could win therefore leaving him with everyones points i hop cc can co come to a conclusion cause i dont want to see these guys again
Re: persianempire and bennybladez
Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:08 am
by TheForgivenOne
alching wrote:Accused:
persianempirebennybladezAccused of:
Being Multi's
Secret Diplomacy
Game Numbers:
Game 7164316Comments: i have reason to believe that the two stated above are working together i was vsing them in a speed game and found that both of them ganged on me i had no bonuses no advantage and once i was done the just talked and deployed then finnally let persianempire win then i looked on their walls and found they are both from canada and started their accs about the same time the also have played around 100 games together also in assasins benny had helped by att persianempire target so he could win therefore leaving him with everyones points i hop cc can co come to a conclusion cause i dont want to see these guys again
Fixed report
Re: persianempire and bennybladez
Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:20 am
by jefjef
They had been multi cleared not long ago. are deff friends and do have a history of favoring each other...
Block is in order imo.
Re: persianempire and bennybladez
Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:10 pm
by Evil Semp
I don't see the secret diplomacy here. persian broke bennys bonus when he had one. Benny made 5 successful attacks and 4 of them were against persian. Benny deployed and ended turn the last 3 turns and you did the same the last 2 turns.
persianempire and bennybladez are CLEARED of secret diplomacy.
Re: persianempire and bennybladez[cleared]es
Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:23 pm
by elfish_lad
But I'll say this, if you don't have persainempire on foe then you'll face a 96% turn taker who is unstable and will let you down as a team member or mess with you as an enemy.
My opinion.
Re: persianempire and bennybladez[cleared]es
Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:27 am
by Great-Ollie
persianempire unstable? NOOOOO LOL
Re: persianempire and bennybladez[cleared]es
Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:21 am
by poohcrumbs
lmfao "they are both from Canada" ..that part is hilarious..there's 35 million people living in Canada..unstable is false /spurious reports...persianempire may be a prick..but atleast hes not a whiner when he loses and wastes peoples time with bullspit reports...suck it up big guy....what a joke...
Re: persianempire and bennybladez[cleared]es
Wed May 18, 2011 11:03 pm
by poohcrumbs
it amazes me when i rescan some previous threads. foregive one is a puss
Re: persianempire and bennybladez[cleared]es
Thu May 19, 2011 9:30 am
by ISN2
Great-Ollie wrote:persianempire unstable? NOOOOO LOL
If it was Facebook, I would like this comment, lol, I really laughed when I read it
Re: persianempire and bennybladez[cleared]es
Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:44 pm
by poohcrumbs
ISN2 wrote:Great-Ollie wrote:persianempire unstable? NOOOOO LOL
If it was Facebook, I would like this comment, lol, I really laughed when I read it
if it was Facebook, I would like this comment, lol, I really laughed when I read it