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amazonian woman & scooby snacks[warned]es

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:08 pm
by HaireWolf1

amazonian woman
scooby snacks

The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy?

Game number(s):

Game 7131654

Comments: These two have played multiple games together accoding to the log beginning today. I happened to be unfortunate enough to join them in a 3-way game today not knowing their history. So far they have really teamed up on me. Found out in our conversation they are friends and apparently scooby has a "group" he teams up with. In our game so far scooby held europe and I took his bonus away at which time amazonian came up and hit me...I had 6 troops in europe and she hit me from north america to weaken me and she only had 4 troops so her objective was obviously to weaken me so that scooby could easily take back europe...then I had conga which i stil hold and scooby and amazonian trapped me there with a fortification above me. It's obvious this game they have really teamed up. Accoding to them she is a new player that scooby is training. They should not be training in 3-way games when others are not aware of their plot
I believe it was said in answer to my questioning them that they are coworkers. I can tell at a minimum they were obviously communicating in some way with one another.

More info

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:05 pm
by HaireWolf1
Ok so scooby also says that softbalchica1665 is his sister and he and his cohort played a 3-way with her so that he could teach her the game. There was no conversation on the chat board of the game so how did he communicate with her. Is there really a sister? or is it a multi...I'm not sure.

Game is over now...please refer to the game log for evidence of the cheating by these two. It will be obvious. The log is too long to post here.

Re: amazonian woman & scooby snacks

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:27 pm
by Evil Semp
Taking a look.

Re: amazonian woman & scooby snacks[pending]es

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:24 pm
by Evil Semp
amazonian woman and scooby snacks have been WARNED for secret diplomacy.