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Q and Ruben [Cleared, Blocked]

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:13 pm
by Zandar
Secret Alliance

Suspect users: Q and Ruben

Game number:

Comments: see the game chat.

I'm pretty sure Q is a guy who was banned from the site in my profile for various reasons, including hacking into the site. They have the same name, and he talks like he knows me. If this is indeed him, you DO NOT want this person on your website. Thanks.

- Zandar

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:22 pm
by LetGodSortThem
I read the chat and I can't see where they "declared" their alliance...though they have one...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:31 pm
by Zandar
LetGodSortThem wrote:I read the chat and I can't see where they "declared" their alliance...though they have one...

Good enough?

2007-01-27 14:47:22 - Q: yes. I understand, but this is the first time I have ever had true ally. Most people try to make you think they are actually allying with you to help you win the game. This guy is different zan. He is a good joe

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:44 pm
by LetGodSortThem
Zander I'm on your side here, usually there is a "clear offer to ally" between players, I never saw the offer to ally...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:48 pm
by Q
When there are three people left in a game, and one has emerged clearly stronger than the other two put together, any good risk player attacks the the player with the stronger position. That has always been a given with any good risk players that I have played with in the past.
Is it a fact that, on this site, one must come into the forum and formally declare that they are observant enough to recognize that there is a player in the game with superior position and strength, and that the other two players are not stupid enough to bow down and concede him the game without putting up a fight?..................................
Evidently any player who does NOT do so risks being slandered, chastised, and accused of federal crimes by a player who has decided to climb onto a soap box and make liablous accusations just because he found himself on the wrong end of the stick.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:28 pm
by Zandar
Q wrote:When there are three people left in a game, and one has emerged clearly stronger than the other two put together, any good risk player attacks the the player with the stronger position.

No shit. That isn't why this topic was started.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:39 pm
by Anarkistsdream
Q wrote:When there are three people left in a game, and one has emerged clearly stronger than the other two put together, any good risk player attacks the the player with the stronger position. That has always been a given with any good risk players that I have played with in the past.
Is it a fact that, on this site, one must come into the forum and formally declare that they are observant enough to recognize that there is a player in the game with superior position and strength, and that the other two players are not stupid enough to bow down and concede him the game without putting up a fight?..................................
Evidently any player who does NOT do so risks being slandered, chastised, and accused of federal crimes by a player who has decided to climb onto a soap box and make liablous accusations just because he found himself on the wrong end of the stick.

I also notice you didn't debate Zandars other accusation, where he called you a hacking bastard...

Sounds suspicious to me.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:39 pm
by AndyDufresne
Well interesting. Q and Ruben are CLEARED of being multiple accounts, just wanted to throw that out first.

Regarding the secret alliance, it could go either way. For now, I'll just BLOCK Q and Ruben from playing together.

Regarding Zander's claim of 'hacking' into this site...I don't think there is any evidence of that. :)


PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:12 pm
by sully800
AndyDufresne wrote:Well interesting. Q and Ruben are CLEARED of being multiple accounts, just wanted to throw that out first.

Regarding the secret alliance, it could go either way. For now, I'll just BLOCK Q and Ruben from playing together.

Regarding Zander's claim of 'hacking' into this site...I don't think there is any evidence of that. :)


I was confused at first too, but that's not what he meant.

Zandar thinks he knows Q from the site (that's the site in his profile) because Q talks like he knows Zandar. And if it is that person, Q was banned on Maddenwars for various reasons, including hacking the site (maddenwars, not cc)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:10 am
by LetGodSortThem
LetGodSortThem wrote:I read the chat and I can't see where they "declared" their alliance...though they have one...

I hate to quote myself...however the point in question here is not is he a banned hacker but was there was an "unannounced" alliance... I say yes...And I bet the powers to be...agree...

Thats why your blocked by Andy...Every game is a 3 player game at one time...

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:06 am
by Q
I am having to pinch myself in order to make myself believe that I am sitting here, at this time of night, replying to "A nark"- who doesn't know that hacking is a federal crime- and some other nut who thinks that he is God's representative in conquerclub. Nonetheless, I truly wish to state that the only reason I joined this site was to play risk. I did not join to read Ill-written op-eds by people who obviously have nothing else to do but browse for an opportunity to express opinions that the "real" people in their lives must have quit listening to years ago.

Zan thinks that I am someone he knows/once knew/hates/has a nut for--- I don't really know. But this is the ONLY reason for his posting rube and I here as cheaters- save, of course, for the obvious insecurities that he experiences when he sees the dice going the wrong way for him in one of these games.

I am going to play risk. I enjoy it, I am good at it, and I am probably going to offend people who take it too seriously, because I will, most of the time, KICK YOUR ASS all over the board.

If you wish to play, then let's do so, because I am tiring of this banter. It is nothing more than lies from the paranoid imagination of a frustrated player. And as for his susceptablity to that paranoia, the only thing that comes front of mind is, "Me thinks he dost protest TOO much"

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:26 am
by LetGodSortThem
-It's Narc bozo...They bust drug dealers not hackers...

-And I'm a nut because you got caught cheating?

-Plus I'm far from being "God's representative in conquerclub"...LOL

-I don't play cheats, already added you to my ignore

Try reading the rules

-Any form of collusion between opponents must be announced in the game chat.

Q wrote:I am having to pinch myself in order to make myself believe that I am sitting here, at this time of night, replying to "A nark"- who doesn't know that hacking is a federal crime- and some other nut who thinks that he is God's representative in conquerclub.

I am going to play risk. I enjoy it, I am good at it, and I am probably going to offend people who take it too seriously, because I will, most of the time, KICK YOUR ASS all over the board.

If you wish to play, then let's do so

Go play with yourself...

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:22 pm
by Q
That's not the way HE spells it, saint peter-head.

You need to look up "nark" in the dictionary. One of its synonyms is "annoy", which fit really well with A nark's attempt at jumping on Zan's bandwagon. That was his only intention in making the post-- to annoy. I am not for one moment surprised that all of this went right over your head.

By the way, before you read THAT definition you will see that the primary definition of "nark" is the term you were SO focused on as to come in here and leave your worthless and obviously uneducated opinion yet again. Though the word narc is correct in its specificity to a narcotics agent, it is actually a synonym of nark, as in a coppers nark. You assumed to understand how I was using the word as, before, you assumed that I was cheating. And ya know what? You have shown nothing more to me than a pronounced lack of the mental capacity it takes to make such assumptions without looking like a complete idiot. Get your head out of the clouds. They are clouding your thought process and vision.

I have had no communication before or since this game with ruben. I have never heard of him before. I Don't think I have ever played with him before. Every word that ruben and I have ever exchanged in any form or media was in the game room chat. I ask you, how does one form a secret alliance when the third/offended party is PART OF THE CONVERSATION?????

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:20 am
by LetGodSortThem
Lol...Like he really annoyed you, how by losing to a cheat...keep writing I don't read most of it...You called him a rat also known as narc...AKA a Narcotics undercover operative...what else could you have been accusing Zandar of?...being annoying because you cheated?

Q wrote:I am having to pinch myself in order to make myself believe that I am sitting here, at this time of night, replying to "A nark"- who doesn't know that hacking is a federal crime-

transitive verb U.K. annoy somebody: to irritate, offend, or annoy somebody ( informal )

Don't see how "NARK" applies to your statement...Nice try

Someone of you education level may buy the crap your selling here, but not me...You see your petty efforts to insult me only shows you are the one narked and niggling.

Game chat Quote:
2007-01-27 18:47:22 - Q: yes. I understand, but this is the first time I have ever had true ally. Most people try to make you think they are actually allying with you to help you win the game. This guy is different zan. He is a good joe

Make alot of alliances?...Pussy...

P.S. If people can make you believe that they are "allying with you to help you win the game" well I have a grill cheese sandwich without the image of Jesus I bet I could sell you...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:37 am
by Q
Let, if you would bother to read the previous post by "Anarkistsdream", you would, at least, have a vague idea of what I was addressing. Not that I give you any chance of ever understanding it, but you would at least be able take your mindless, seemingly neverending diatribe down a road that may one day intersect the universe that everyone else in here is currently occupying.

But, I am not going to bother addressing every little misconception you seem to be capable of coming up with, because they are multipying exponentially.

If you wish to make intelligible posts here (that would indeed be a miracle to prove your qualifications for PASSING JUDGEMENT), then get your facts straight. Otherwise, just keep increasing the number of posts here.

That number surpassed your IQ about three days ago.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:38 am
by LetGodSortThem
Pussy...Yawn...You got busted...bye...LOL

Remember who's rep suffered for making you look like an ass...Yours
Lame ass response to the fact you made yourself look like an idiot

You seem to think that others here don't see through your Dr. Suess attempt to explain your meaning...Your funny...In a pathetic kind of way.

Pussy...Yawn...You got busted...bye...LOL

Cooking up that Grill Cheese for you.................
LetGodSortThem wrote:Game chat Quote:
2007-01-27 18:47:22 - Q: yes. I understand, but this is the first time I have ever had true ally. Most people try to make you think they are actually allying with you to help you win the game. This guy is different zan. He is a good joe

Make alot of alliances?...Pussy...

P.S. If people can make you believe that they are "allying with you to help you win the game" well I have a grill cheese sandwich without the image of Jesus I bet I could sell you...


PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:22 pm
by Q
Thank you for your most gracious exit Let. Try not to trip over that line you crossed as you stumble back over it in your retreat.

And watch out for your tail too-- It worries me that you might step on it, trailing it between your legs like that.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:22 pm
by AAFitz
Q, you may or may not have been cheating...hard to say...ill give you the benefit of the doubt, mostly because ruben doesnt seem like the type that would cheat, personally id be very surprised

but Lgsto, has helped research many players who have been caught of cheating. He does a lot of research, and finds the details that makes it easier for all of us to know who is cheating and not. the moderators cannot offer these opinions, because it is such a muddy area..they can tell us if its a multi, but thats about it

you can be mad at him for accusing you if you werent in an alliance, but not for leaving his opinion of it. not to say that he is always right, but he does a lot of work making it easier for everyone else to view the accusations and make a date i have found him to be fairly unbiased, and always appologetic if he makes a mistake

cheaters ruin this game....they are posted in the forum to allow everyone to see who might be cheating, and allow the members to discourage it

had you posted a thread about cheaters in your game, he would help you find the info you might have missed...

all you really had to say is you didnt have a secret alliance, and werent a multi, and explained your actions...but even you have to admit the circumstances warranted a little investigation...

if you are innocent, everyone is sorry...ive posted over 20 times warning people not to accuse with no does lgsto when he feels its an incorrect accusation

lgsto is reasonable, and he made his have you...enjoy the game, and know that cheaters will be found to make it a better place for all...except maybe the cheaters...

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:05 am
by Q
Very well said ritz.

It is always refreshing to have a voice of sanity come in when the rest of us are only bantering about with our own vanity.

I too believe ruben incapable of cheating. From what I have seen in the chat, he was not even reading any of it. If nothing else- and no matter how you chose to judge my play- this player is definitely beyond reproach, as I hope you to find me to be. I feel sorry that he has gotten caught up in all this mess.

I am sure that let is more than just a help to this site. I would like to apologize to him for letting my words go beyond any but those needed for the resolution of this matter.

I would like to put this matter behind me as quickly as possible.

I am a new player here. It was of no consequence to me who won that game. If there is a strictly formal procedure for announcing alliances other than the recognition that one player has a stronger position on the board, I must admit my ignorance of it.

You seem to think, as I do, that ruben is beyond considering any secret alliance. I agree, and though it may mean nothing to those who have already made up their minds, I have to say that I DO take incredible offense with anyone who thinks that I need anyone's help to win at this game.

That being said,,,,, Let, I offer my humblest apologies. Without expectation of recriprocation, and absent of any effort to justify words previously written, I do,,,,, simply, but sincerely,,,, apologize.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:00 pm
by LetGodSortThem
I don't hold grudges, and I too offer an apology for my comments...Whats done is done, and in the past. I say lets move on...

I'm going to take you off my ignore list, the first time I've removed someone from that list.

Good Gaming Q.

P.S. sorry again but damn I can be an a-hole sometimes...

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:19 pm
by b.k. barunt
Q, i don't know if you were cheating or not - i hope not - but this wannabe rambo (letgodsortthem - gimmeafreakinbreak!) is notorious for frivolous accusations, so i'm inclined to at least hear you out. Wankers like this don't even have the balls to back up their accusations, they just love to point fingers. Fitz i've usually found you to be reasonably discerning, but i have to disagree with you here on lgst's research. I find him to be the type - as this thread would indicate - who loves the hell out of accusations and the proof be damned.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:22 pm
by LetGodSortThem
They were blocked bonehead...not so frivolous after all

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:26 pm
by b.k. barunt
Frivolous and bitchy.