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Player Names King and Queen Herpes [closed]lv
Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:43 pm
by ds twister
I have reported these people names to be very offensive several times and CC has decided to not do anything cause they are moderators or close friends with moderators. This is very discriminatory on the owners of the sites part and all who are moderators as they have made others I know change their name with only one complaint. It is time for them to actually do something about my complaints about offensive names.
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:54 pm
by mgconstruction
David Staten wrote:I have reported these people names to be very offensive several times and CC has decided to not do anything cause they are moderators or close friends with moderators. This is very discriminatory on the owners of the sites part and all who are moderators as they have made others I know change their name with only one complaint. It is time for them to actually do something about my complaints about offensive names.
Out of curiosity how can you have reported them several times when you only have 3 total posts including this one?
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:01 am
by Joodoo
mgconstruction wrote:David Staten wrote:I have reported these people names to be very offensive several times and CC has decided to not do anything cause they are moderators or close friends with moderators. This is very discriminatory on the owners of the sites part and all who are moderators as they have made others I know change their name with only one complaint. It is time for them to actually do something about my complaints about offensive names.
Out of curiosity how can you have reported them several times when you only have 3 total posts including this one?
Maybe he's reporting them through PMing a mod/admin?
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:02 am
by jrh_cardinal
mgconstruction wrote:David Staten wrote:I have reported these people names to be very offensive several times and CC has decided to not do anything cause they are moderators or close friends with moderators. This is very discriminatory on the owners of the sites part and all who are moderators as they have made others I know change their name with only one complaint. It is time for them to actually do something about my complaints about offensive names.
Out of curiosity how can you have reported them several times when you only have 3 total posts including this one?
these two have been reported many times as multis/offensive whatever crap
the site isn't going to ban people for using any offensive language if it's not directed at anyone in particular. For example, I am allowed to say "F*CK" all I want, but I can't say anything offensive about you or your relatives specifically
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:07 am
by Army of GOD
I always wanted to know what is up with them.
Do they actually know eachother in real life?
They have very different internetz personas.
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:11 am
by jrh_cardinal
also, multihunters have made it clear recently that if you don't follow the form that they set up for you, they aren't going to look at the case. Obviously there are no game numbers in this case, but you need the player names with links where it says Players (or Accused or whatever it says), and you need to put your paragraph where it says Comments
edit- also need to say what you're accusing them of where it says to do that
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:12 am
by Queen_Herpes
This report is another attempt by the David Staten to remain in contact with me.
To confirm the situation, so that there are no stones left unturned:
-I am not a multi of King_Herpes,
-my username is based on another meaning of Herpes: "snake"
-David Staten has consistently and continually directed unwanted attention towards me
I think it is about time that the administration did something about the actions and behaviors of David Staten.
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:19 am
by mgconstruction
1375–1425; late ME < NL: cutaneous eruption < Gk hérpēs, lit., a creeping (akin to hérpein to creep, spread); c. L serpēns serpent
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:34 am
by Queen_Herpes
mgconstruction wrote:her·pes
1375–1425; late ME < NL: cutaneous eruption < Gk hérpēs, lit., a creeping (akin to hérpein to creep, spread); c. L serpēns serpent
exactly, thank you
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:39 am
by jefjef
David Staten wrote:I have reported these people names to be very offensive several times and CC has decided to not do anything cause they are moderators or close friends with moderators. This is very discriminatory on the owners of the sites part and all who are moderators as they have made others I know change their name with only one complaint. It is time for them to actually do something about my complaints about offensive names.
Interesting link where D Staten got warned based on a complaint filed by Queen Snake. will shrug off this complaint and just clear it but D S you should be aware that they do not like frivolous and vindictive complaints. They issue warns and bans for them and rightly so.
If you truly have complained a few times prior about this then I spose you are headed for another deserved harassment warning.
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:15 am
by stahrgazer
Interesting that "Herpes" is offensive but this is okay in his book:
Sent: Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:36 am
From: David Staten
To: Queen_Herpes
no that is not poor with out asking it is poor for you to make some one a for for no reason that just makes you a queen bitch. so go f*ck your self niggger slut.
(and it only got a warning?? Is that because it was misspelled?)
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes
Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:36 am
by lord voldemort
he was warned as that was the correct level of punishment to give.
he has the right to report something that he may determine to be offensive....
Although I dont believe their usernames to fall under the tree of having to be changed in the slightest bit. And they are not multies.
This report is also not harassment towards you QH...
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes [closed]lv
Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:46 am
by Lubawski
I think Lack needs to hire a psychologist to help people like David. He clearly has some issues. Then mods can dole out mandatory counseling.
Re: Player Names King and Queen Herpes [closed]lv
Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:00 pm
by gcwca_4_life
This guy is a fucking joke!
He even started crying because I called him a noob!!!!!
Find your mommy, and get over it kid...
Btw, your still a newb.