2 against 1 [Cleared] KS
Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:22 pm
by egerskydiver
game 7086096
My opinion is that the 2 players in this game are a team as I read and follow the game chat;
do you agree and can they make their points this wayy again!?
the 2 playyers are :
thedice and billclinton13
Re: 2 against 1
Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:34 pm
by TheForgivenOne
egerskydiver wrote:Accused:
thedicebillclinton13Accused of:
Secret Diplomacy
Game Number:
Game 7086096Comments:
My opinion is that the 2 players in this game are a team as I read and follow the game chat;
do you agree and can they make their points this wayy again!?
Fixed report.
Also, when someone is dominating in a 3 player game, more than likely the 2 weaker players will team up against the stronger player.
Re: 2 against 1
Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:15 am
by king sam
Thanks TheForgivenOne . We really appreciate you cleaning these up for us but if the originators dont start filling the claims out correctly then their not going to get their cases looked into. They cant keep relying on other players in the community to make sense of what they want looked at.
The form is there for a reason, even if your not familiar with the forum or threads you have to manually delete the writing in place that is set there as a template to make a claim for us to go by.
As for this case, no I dont agree.
These 2 are Cleared of multis.
As far as a diplomacy, if you were asking for them to be looked at for that it appears that they didnt have one of those either. They both understood to attack you when you became a threat of winning the game. Foe & Rate Accordingly