willba and adamc617 [Cleared]
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:20 am
Subject line: willba and adamc617
These are suspected Multis and Secret Alliance (both)
Suspect users: willba and adamc617
Game number: http://www.conquerclub.com/game.php?game=193120
Comments: i joined a game with them, and they both ganged up and eliminated me at the start, and took their go at the same. they had a secret allince, and are perhaps multi's too.
These are suspected Multis and Secret Alliance (both)
Suspect users: willba and adamc617
Game number: http://www.conquerclub.com/game.php?game=193120
Comments: i joined a game with them, and they both ganged up and eliminated me at the start, and took their go at the same. they had a secret allince, and are perhaps multi's too.