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look at these names

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look at these names

Postby cricket on Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:36 pm

DuoCommander007 ( 1-0 ) private
DuoCommander002 ( 0-0 ) new recruit


can similar names (in this case almost the exact) be multis?
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Re: look at these names

Postby XenHu on Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:37 pm

cricket wrote:DuoCommander007 ( 1-0 )
DuoCommander002 ( 0-0 )


can similar names (in this case almost the exact) be multis?

Should be in the Cheating and Abuse forum(even though it's a question and not an accusation)....

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Postby cricket on Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:38 pm

i have never played with them. i just saw their names in a doubles game and wanted ur opinion
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:38 pm

I am playing in a 6 player doubles game with them and one is on my team and one is on another... Wouldn't make much sense if they were multis...
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Postby Master Bush on Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:43 pm

Not only is this not in the form of asking about multis, but it's in the wrong forum.
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Postby Genghis Khant on Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:07 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:I am playing in a 6 player doubles game with them and one is on my team and one is on another... Wouldn't make much sense if they were multis...

Makes perfect sense to me. If it was a multi the guy would be able to choose which team he thought was more likely to win and sabotage the other team.
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Postby DuoCommander007 on Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:53 am

DuoCommander002 is my brother and if you must know we play totally different. Anyone who has played or will play us in the future will shortly see that we do not play the same. However, if it does bother enough players then I, DuoCommander007, will drop this user and create other one. The only reason is because I do not want to cause a stir and I hope the matter is settled soon.


P.S. Thanks for the notification boyz~
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Mask Identities?

Postby ZimZimma on Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:44 am

cricket wrote:
DuoCommander007 ( 1-0 )
DuoCommander002 ( 0-0 )


can similar names (in this case almost the exact) be multis?

i've played w/ both and it doesn't surprise me that this question is bein' ask. makes sense that these would be the same people but duocommander007 stated that if you'd ever played w/ them you'd see a totally diff style. i don't know really. although i'm rather new to this site, i've played w/ both in games 180099 and 174313. one's passive and the other is assertive and goes all out. i'm not going to side with either because both sides make great arguements. if their "brothers" then why not (we all know it could happen) and if they aren't then cheating is against the rules. then the player should choose which name he/she wants.

i'd like to add, "know this: you really never know an opponent until fight them, until then you never know the man. therefore what's in a name, it's in the man's honor and how he fights that makes him the player he is(irregardless of name).."
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Postby corner G on Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:31 pm

until you have evidence angainst them other than there username, you can't pin any thing on them. And if they were multi's, wouldn't you think the username would be different, unless he's a dumb-ass
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Hitman079 wrote:i wonder when I'LL get quoted *sniffle* :cry:

same here :cry:
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Postby Evil Semp on Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:46 pm

corner G wrote:until you have evidence angainst them other than there username, you can't pin any thing on them. And if they were multi's, wouldn't you think the username would be different, unless he's a dumb-ass

I have been saying this a long time. Lets stop the witch hunts.
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Postby Beastly on Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:55 pm

even if they are brothers they shouldn't play in games together....

I Believe it is a multi.... just like all the others that say it is a family member and play in games together... its just a excuse for being caught cheating..

you should use the sticky form at the top of the cheating and abuse forum
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Postby Evil Semp on Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:10 pm

Beastly wrote:even if they are brothers they shouldn't play in games together....

I Believe it is a multi.... just like all the others that say it is a family member and play in games together... its just a excuse for being caught cheating..

you should use the sticky form at the top of the cheating and abuse forum

Would you have any evidence at all for your statement? Thats alot of people to be calling cheaters.

If they are brothers they probably should not play in singles games unless it is with friends and then announce it in chat.
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Postby Beastly on Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:05 pm

Evil Semp wrote:
Would you have any evidence at all for your statement? Thats alot of people to be calling cheaters.

If they are brothers they probably should not play in singles games unless it is with friends and then announce it in chat.

AK_iceman wrote:So, you think it's ok to make multiple accounts as long as they only play doubles together?

Anarkistsdream wrote:I am playing in a 6 player doubles game with them and one is on my team and one is on another.

they are playing against each other... which is what
Multis do...

Evil Semp i think the ? is.... do you have any evidence that they are not a mult?
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Postby Genghis Khant on Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:12 am

What about "innocent until proven guilty"?
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Postby reverend_kyle on Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:30 am

Genghis Khant wrote:What about "innocent until proven guilty"?

they do have that, as In right now they are innocent and can still play. If they get proven guilty they wont be able to, if they are innocent they will be. Even in trials people afterwards think other people are guilty though proven innocent, this is no different.
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Postby Beastly on Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:42 am

Not everybody is like you Rev... they have to use the form to get answers #-o

it hasn't been done, so Rev.. why don't you find out what inquiring minds want to know...
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Postby Evil Semp on Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:34 pm

Beastly wrote:I Believe it is a multi.... just like all the others that say it is a family member and play in games together... its just a excuse for being caught cheating..

This comment says that all who say they are family members are multi's, there are alot of couples on here that play. Are thay all muti's?

Beastly wrote:Evil Semp i think the ? is.... do you have any evidence that they are not a mult?

So it is guilty until proven innocent?
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Postby b.k. barunt on Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:36 pm

Lotta witch hunting going on. Joe McCarthy would be proud.
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Postby AAFitz on Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:06 pm

one of them did have another account an sully busted them of a multi, but it doesnt necessarilly mean they are one person, it is possible they are brothers and one has a wife, or a schoolmate...just dont know yet...they will have the opportunity to appeal

now beastly does have some insight here because she does have family on here, and she is actually of the belief that couples shouldnt even play doubles together, so really she just thinks its too easy for family to cheat, which of course it would be, but at least she follows her own rules

and i think assuming they are guilty first is wrong obviously...

also, i do happen to disagree about doubles. i think doubles for couples is perfectly alright based on the premise that there is no real advantage, because any good partners communicate...sure its easier to yell into the other room, but not enough to change the game...calling a friend on the phone or im is the same, so i see no reason to worry about it...essentially there is no advantage

and as far as brothers and family playing together, i just dont think its right in singles...even if they are guaranteed to play fairly, people obviously view it as unfair, which actually makes it unfair in its own way

there are private games available, which would eliminate the whole problem

now i agree that people have a tendency to over accuse in here, and the ones without evidence really are annoying

what really is painful, is that all of these battles are the direct result of cheaters and how they have hurt the game....i myself try not to let it get to me...but i do hate to see everyone going back in forth....the only ones who dont care really are the ones with no moral character who cheat...

but also...keep in mind...a lot of these people are pretty young, and though it doesnt excuse it...they dont necessarily view it as much of a violation that some do
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Postby b.k. barunt on Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:55 am

You should mention something in the rules about people's feelings on playing with family. I was introduced to the site by my son, and joined as an opportunity to do something with him. I've played a number of games with him and my nephew, with no private communication going on outside of the chat. Paul has called me uncle rich in the open chat at least twice, and i identified my son at least once. Now suddenly albro shlo is accusing us of cheating because my nephew and i played in the same game. The site managers have yet to render a verdict, and we have this self appointed witchhunter (letgodsortthem) who is being very selective in his "evidence". And very catty and bitchy in his attitude. If you don't want family members playing, or if it's ok, you need to resolve it in the rules.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:58 am

Yup... my last post make you look bad...Go to flame forum

People are not that stupid...
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Postby b.k. barunt on Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:13 pm

Ummm . . . I guess you haven't read your own poll dill weed - seems that the membership here doesn't agree with you on this particular witch hunt. You are conducting yourself like a sniping little bitch, and i have already had 2 people i don't know offer me their condolences for having to put up with your catty attacks.
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